วันเสาร์ที่ 27 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2551

Keyrings As An Eye Catcher

By Montgomery Preston

Keyrings are one of the most used corporate gifts for marketing and advertising campaigns. There are several reasons that keyrings are seen as one of the best options for corporate gifts. Keyrings are not meant to be impressive. They are meant to be useful, durable and memorable.

If they are particulary showy, or have a snappy feature, they will surely be talked about all during the event and even after. And because of their low expense, vendors can offer them freely. Nobody ever walks by something free without grabbing one.

Though flashlight keyrings are generally the most popular, there are many other options available. Key fobs and key loops and rings with paper message inserts can be had, all made of metal, acrylic, and even recycled plastic, for the green minded.

The more useful your corporate gifts are the better they are received. The best benefit of keychain corporate gifts is the use. When they are used for car keys, house keys, and other keys they will be seen by more individuals. You may be surprised at how many individuals will want to look at a keyring because they spot something written on it or an interesting logo.

If your keyring stands out, it will likely get more use and more discussion. Choose a design that will catch the eye, either in color, style, or message. Or a combination. Creative keychains that have movement within them are amongst the most popular.

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How To Take Care of a Baby - Making Things Easy

By Alice Sy

How to take care of a baby isn't a tough question. Taking care of a baby shouldn't be thought of as a hard task either. If you look at taking care of your baby as a loving and bonding activity, then taking care of your baby should be a fun activity.

There are many services available to help you answer your question on how to take care of a baby. These services, usually pregnancy classes or mother's classes help both the mother and the father be prepared for the changes that a baby at home can impose. If you are nervous and feel quite unprepared for rearing a baby, then try attending these classes. Most of these classes are free and are scheduled on your free time.

One lesson you will be taught is to hold a baby properly. There are many ways to hold a baby. You can prop them up against your body, cradle them, or you might even try a football hold. This lesson might seem unnecessary but you'll be surprised how many parents out there feel awkward in the way they hold their babies. In properly taking care of a baby, it is essential that you are comfortable and holding them properly can be a start.

Many doctors, nowadays, allow the baby to eat food whenever he feels hungry. The baby is also allowed to sleep whenever he feels like or as little as he cares to. This is known as "self-demand method." At first, the baby may take a little irregular with this, since they are feed between two hours to six hours.

Don't think that whenever a baby cries, he feels hungry. There are a lot of reasons why a baby cry, and to know this is a proper way of how to take care of a baby. A baby may cry if his diapers are already wet. He may also cry if he feels tired with the same sleeping position. Perhaps, he would appreciate if you help him move around a bit.

Another reason for crying is that he feels too hot or too cold. So, make sure that the mattress and the sheet where he sleeps are smooth and comfortable. Still another reason is when he feels tired and sleepy. When you know how to interpret these, it'll make you're life simpler.

But what if the baby is ill? It is natural for a new parent to imagine something very serious if the baby shows signs of illness, or they just think he is ill. Don't waste time. Phone a physician and tell him your baby's condition and he'll do whatever that is necessary.

If you love your baby then taking care of them will come easy. Don't be afraid to ask for help from your family and friends. This does not make you seem an incompetent parent but rather a concerned one. Now, do you still need to ask the question how to take care of a baby?

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An Increase In Your Memory Can Increase Your Happiness In Life

By Ray Stendall

Do you find that your memory fails you again and again? Would you like to understand how you can boost your memory? You will once you read and apply the ideas in this article. Your memory quite possibly is your most important intellectual factor. What are you doing to strengthen your memory on a regular basis?

The Importance Of Your Memory

Can you imagine your life with a nonexistent memory? How frustrating would be to not be able to recall simple facts that were just told to you or facts you once knew from a long time ago? Some individuals face disease which puts them in this exact state. Others, seemingly very healthy never exercise their memory and as the old expression goes whatever is not used is lost.

What Is Your Memory Like?

Do you find that you meet people at parties or at work and moments later forget their name? Do you believe that you can remember faces but always forget names? The human mind is trained to remember people, places and things that we get emotionally involved in. If you don't believe me I want you to think back and remember your first true love. This person might have been in your life many years ago but you still remember this person don't you? What did you have for lunch a week ago last Monday? See the difference an emotional connection makes versus something that is trivial?

How Can I Improve My Memory?

From the above example we concluded that the more emotionalized things are in your mind the more likely it will be that you will remember them. This is why when trying to memorize very dry information in school we found it challenging, there was no emotion involved. The easiest way to boost your memory is to associate what you are trying to remember with an emotional trigger.

What Is An Emotional Trigger?

An emotional trigger is a psychological tool that is used to help you remember something. Let me give you an example of an emotional trigger: recently I attended a workshop and met a lady by the name of Diva. So the question is how did I remember her name? I associated her name with the traditional meaning of the word diva and created a funny yet memorable picture in my mind of what the word diva represents. I then associated this funny picture with this nice lady. Every time I try to remember her name if I struggled the picture would come on the screen of my mind and just like magic I would remember her name.

What As Something That You Struggle To Remember?

I want you to take something that you struggle to remember perhaps the name of someone or a phone number. Now associate in name of this person with something that you find very funny and memorable. Use one of their attributes and use this as a tool to spur your imagination.

Are You Remembering Phone Numbers?

Do you realize that if I asked you to recall some of the phone numbers you have personally had over the years you could? Why is it that we have trouble remembering other numbers when they are given to us? The answer is we have not emotionalized these numbers and we rarely use them. So now the trick is how can we associate something with a stream of numbers? Let's take a random number 369-1496. To me 1496 is the year Columbus discovered America so this part of the number is easy to recall. Now the question is how do we remember 369? One way to remember this is multiples of three another way to remember this is to take the last two digits of 1496 and invert them to 69 and all I have to remember that in his 3. So my emotional trigger is Christopher Columbus came to America in 1496. The last two digits are 6 and 9 and I remember they are multiples of 3 hence 369-1496. This might not be the ideal example but I am sure you get the point.

Your memory is vitally important to your success. It is your duty to exercise your memory on a regular basis to ensure that you can maximize all information that is retained within your subconscious mind. By working on improving your memory you will strengthen it and improve your ability to recall details and facts. Memory truly is a use it or lose it skill.

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