วันอาทิตย์ที่ 28 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2551

Texas Health Insurance For Students

By Jordan FeRoss

For college students in Texas, health insurance can be hard to come by sometimes. A lot of them do not bother to get health insurance in Texas. They tend to believe that their health is good and that they won't be stricken with any ailments or illnesses. What they don't realize is that regardless of how young or how old you are, health insurance can help you when you need to see the doctor.

Fortunately there are a few ways for college students to get affordable health insurance in Texas:

Healthy college students are allowed by law to remain on their parents' health insurance in Texas until they turn 25. Students with physical or mental disabilities can stay on even longer. This is the most affordable way for college students to get insurance coverage and they can continue this coverage as long as they are attending classes full-time and meet the age requirements. It is a good idea to check local and state laws if you are going away to college, especially if your parents' health insurance coverage is with an HMO.

If a college student purchased health insurance in Texas through their employer, but are not employed there anymore they may be entitled to buy COBRA. COBRA insurance is more expensive, but it is certainly better than going without insurance while going away to college. Especially since some colleges won't even let students attend without insurance to help reduce their liability in the event of an accident on campus.

There are many HMO providers that offer health insurance in Texas on a regional basis. This may require you to travel some distance in order to see a health care provider within their network. A few HMO providers in particular networks may allow students to use a physician without being penalized, but you will have to check your policy over carefully in order to avoid outrageous charges. In the event of an emergency, your HMO is required by law to cover the charges, but still you may incur some additional expense when using a facility that is not in your network.

Quite a few colleges and universities have their health insurance plans in Texas. On top of that, it may be necessary to have complete health coverage, especially if the student will be attending school out of the country on an exchange program. Many colleges and universities have student health insurance plans in Texas. Usually, theses colleges utilize insurance carriers from the private sector.

Health insurance in Texas offers various types of policies for college students. The best choice would usually be to get one policy that covers everything. A college students needs are usually pretty basic and they should be able to find a doctor's office near the campus if need be.

Students looking for health insurance in Texas should try to find the most affordable insurance plan that will protect them in case of serious illness or injury and most of the time this would be best handled by staying on or being added to their parents' insurance plan.

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How To Make Cash On Ebay

By Robert Willinski

Like most of us online we have been selling on ebay with not much success.

Well the obstacles in your business are the underlying cause for virtually every failure on eBay and kill almost all your business. The thing about it, is that making money on eBay couldn't be any easier. All that's necessary is finding products that you can "buy low and sell at a profit". This is the secret of making money on eBay -- but it's also the hard part. And this is precisely where many of the so-called how to make money on eBay courses miss the mark. Half-truths about Internet auctions have proliferated around the Web like an epidemic. It seems that everyone is offering a course about eBay about some wholesaler.

And so none of the programs adequately address the number 1 question that's on every seller's mind: "Where can I find items at ultra-deep discounts necessary to generate the big profits on eBay." Right.....

But not only do these courses fail to answer questions -- they merely focus on the initial phase of building a business on eBay. Although learning the basics is important, and will help you make some money at first -- clearly these starter kits do not give you the insider strategies needed to grow your business.

And whats even worse is the fact that the courses are typically written by self-proclaimed marketing "gurus" -- many of whom have never sold anything on eBay -- or anywhere else for that matter.

Obviously, with such a lack of adequate training material available, it's no wonder why so many people abandon their hopes of making money on eBay. Can you blame them?

So here are some quick and easy tips to making a fortune on ebay

1. Set your account up properly. This is overlooked many times in the beginning and will stop progress quickly

2. List your items correctly with no mistakes in the spelling. One mispelled word can cost you the sale or place your item in the wrong area.

3. Take clear photos The sale many times hangs on the photo ...So take great pictures!

4. Look at other auctions. This is a short cut to see how you stand up against others......use their ideas also!

5. Free Shipping changes things This is where customers compare you to others...be free if you can.

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Do You Really Use Your Imagination To Get What You Want In Life?

By Ray Stendall

We are able to create pictures on the screen of our mind of anything we want to have, do or become. Do you remember when you were a child how rich and vivid your imagination was? Do you remember the level of enjoyment you had imagining the places you would go, the things you would have and who you would become? Why is it that as we age our ability to use our imagination to continue to get what we want diminishes? Is it a lack of imagination or simply a lack of effective use of our imagination?

One of the greatest gifts that we have an as human beings is our imagination. When was the last time you thought about how you use this incredible gift? Do you realize that imagination is one our intellectual factors which governs everything we have and who we become in life? Human beings are the only creatures on Earth that have the capacity to hold an image on the screen of their mind until it is realized in the physical world. Everything on earth was created twice. The car you drive in and the house that you sleep in was first envisioned in the mind of a designer or an architect. Artists hear songs or see mental images of the picture they want to paint in their mind before they ever write a single note or lift their paint brush. Things are created once in the mind and second in the physical world.

Do you remember when you were a child how vivid your imagination was? What changed as you grew up? Anyone who has ever watched an infant for some time and observed how they view the world cannot help but be impressed. We are attracted to babies based on their purity, sense of wonder and the level of joy that they express wherever they are. Somehow as we grow we change because of societal pressure and abandon some of the characteristics we once exhibited as a child. One of the primary skills that we somehow loose in the mix is the use of our valuable imagination.

Through traditional educational systems our imagination and creativity is suppressed and stilted. One key to moving forward to achieve your goals is to know exactly what you want in all aspects of your life. When we really know what we want we should be able to see a picture of the desire in our mind. Do you know what you want? Many people I ask this question to have no idea what they really, really want and unfortunately are no where near achieving even basic or simple goals.

Our imagination has led to the development of many incredible things. Think of all the modern devices you use every day and cannot live without. Your cell phone, computer or even that airplane you used on your last vacation. Without imagination none of these inventions would have been possible. Let me ask you an important question: over the last six months how many really exciting ideas have you thought about? Have they been based on what you really want or what you think you could get?

If you thought of different ideas think about this next question: what did you do to capture these ideas for future use? Do you write these ideas down? Do you make a picture of what you envisioned? If you wrote down your ideas, answer my next question. Would this idea make a positive difference in your life? Is the idea you imagined on purpose with what you want in your life?

If you have answered Yes to all these questions you have a clear understanding of your definite chief aim as Napoleon Hill would say. If you have got this far I would like to congratulate you. The fact you have a clear picture of where you want to be in your life and that you have a definite chief aim, puts you in the top 4% of the population. The most important question is what have you done about your ideas? Did you form a clear plan of action and have you been working your plan with persistence and determination?

In this article I have asked you many questions to try to really make you think. I hope you see that your imagination is one of the starting points for unfoldment of who and what you become in life. Your imagination is the path to achievement and will dictate everything obtain in the future including your health, wealth, quality relationships and success. If you have not been able to successfully answer the above questions I encourage you to spend some time thinking about them, return to this article and write down your answers to my questions. I assure you that if your dream is to become very successful in all aspects of your life, you need to pay attention to this important homework assignment.

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