วันจันทร์ที่ 29 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2551

The Low Down on Free Classified Ads

By Alex Wu

When you want to advertise you want to go the cheapest route. In the local paper there are some things that can be put in for free like lost animal listings. Most everything else you have to pay for. Online however there is a wealth of websites that you can advertise your business or services for free.

The Internet is the best place to go for free advertising. They can target large local markets, and state wide markets and even further. They have large advertisers that place linked ads on their classified pages and that is how they make their money.

Personal ads can be listed, autos for sale, pets for sale, or anything else that you want to advertise. Many of the newspapers have online classifieds so you do get more exposure, but, for free exposure you cannot beat that. The profit is all yours. That is unless they let you advertise for free and then want a percentage of what you sell, but most do not work like that. They earn their money from the advertisers that place ads on the classified pages, like click ads.

It wouldn't hurt to advertise on a few free classified ads sites. Keep your ads clear, and short, but keeping pertinent information in like what you are selling, price, and brief description of the item or service. People want to know what to expect. Remember that these are targeted advertisements; most people will not be in the area where you are selling a car, unless they are looking for one. Make sure that you can advertise locally for things such as that.

This website will be hit the most as it comes up the highest in the search engine. That means a better chance that your ad will get seen by more people. Classified advertising is also targeted. People only look at the sections if they are interested in the products in that section.

Be precise in the method of payment that you require, and never send your item without payment first. PayPal and Money Orders are two methods that are good. If you accept checks make it clear that no item will be sent until the check clears. You have to protect yourself. There are people who are out to scam others just like anywhere else.

The ads can run anywhere from 7 to 30 days depending on the website, so it is worth checking into it. If they have any stats as far as how fast people are able to sell on their read them, if here are testimonials read them as well.

Make sure you make your method of payment expected clear in your ad Give an e-mail address rather than a phone number. I would suggest signing up for a free account just for this purpose. Then you will not get any junk mail. Keep it simple, and let the ad work for you.

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Individuals Can Obtain Texas Health Insurance Employers

By Jordan FeRoss

Often it is difficult for a person to choose the right type of health insurance in Texas for them. Sometimes it seems there are so many to choose from and it can be tough to figure out which plan will best suit your needs.

If you are employed full-time, then check with your employer to see what kind of health insurance is available in Texas. Some employers don't even offer health plans to their employees because they think it would cost them too much to invest in. With group health insurance coverage, it's an easy process and you can choose the coverage that is most affordable for you.

When you are hired, you can enroll in a health insurance plan in Texas. As a new hire, you have 30 days from the time you start work to enroll. If you don't do it then, you will have to wait until the next open enrollment session. Open enrollment is the period when all employees can choose the health care coverage that they want to have. Each open enrollment period is for 30 days.

You may have a health insurance plan in Texas that will pay for your health services and later on submit a claim to get reimbursed by the health insurance plan. Just like any other plan, health insurance in Texas provides services that come from a network of medical providers. Not only that, you have a choice of preferred providers that are in the network of the specified health coverage.

These networks are beneficial for cost management but limit choice for health insurance in Texas as there are only certain doctors you can see and facilities you can use for procedures without incurring additional out-of-network expenses. As the insurer is not your choice, but your employers, you may find you don't have enough flexibility with their plan. This may be especially true if you have a doctor you really like who is not on their network. If this is the case, you are not required to accept your employers plan and can search for an individual plan. These are generally more expensive and require a deeper dive into your medical history but it is your choice.

The reason that the employer's selection is limited because of what they can include in the health insurance package. Since health insurance in Texas increases every year, they also have a budget as to how much of the package they will pay on behalf of their employees. If the company is large (more than 50 employees working full-time) or small (less than 50 full time employees), the health insurance coverage will be set up according to that. There are some things that a large employer has that a small employer doesn't and vice versa.

Additionally, the health insurance in Texas that employers choose from is made up of managed care plans and an indemnity coverage health plans. Managed care plans require you to obtain medical services from doctors and hospitals within their network. Indemnity health plans require employees to pay for their services up front and then reimburse them after they have submitted their claims. An employer will have to make choices based on these options and different plans based on their budget and how many employees they have. It is a good idea to find out about insurance options when choosing a new employer if quality health insurance in Texas is important to you.

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Thresholds: Is it serving or selling?

By Joe Vitale

Most people complain that they don't have enough money.

They look at their bills, they look at their wants and needs, they look at their checkbook, and then they look terrified.

How will they pay their bills?

How will they feed their family?

How will they attract more money?

I'm sure you know the feeling. We've all been there. You may be there right now.

Now what's really curious to me is this:

The movie The Secret and many of the teachers in it offer proven ways to attract money and other material things. This obviously works, given the thousands of testimonials from people who now have money when previously they couldn't find it in a bank with the vault door open.

But some people are complaining that the focus of the movie is only on money or material things. They say it's self-serving. They say it's egotistic.

Do you hear the cultural programming at work?

"Money is bad."

"Taking care of yourself is bad."

"Material things are not spiritual."

Please note the discrepancy: when you want money and at the same time say focusing on it is bad or selfish, you are pushing it away.

Even the fans of the movie are doing this.

Some of the very people who use the Law of Attraction to get out of debt or attract a new car, at a later point only attract so much money before they begin to think they are being selfish. At that point they unconsciously turn off the flow and wonder what happened. They then begin to criticize the movie, too.

It's a strange thing to see.

First, people scramble to find money and worry and fret about it.

Then, they actually learn how to attract it, get some, and begin to complain that money isn't spiritual.

Wait a minute.

Weren't these the same people who wanted money in the first place?

Why was money good when they didn't have it and bad when they finally got it?

All of this is because of people's beliefs.

They hit their threshold of deservingness.

My father plays the lottery. But when the lotto gets to a hundred million dollars, he quits playing. He says that amount is "too much" and "that much money will ruin you."

Winning ninety-nine million is OK but one hundred million isn't?

Again, we're dealing with beliefs.

We're dealing with thresholds of deservingness.

I was at an event once when a fellow called his wife and handed me the phone. He wanted a star of The Secret to surprise her.

I took the call, said my name, and heard her scream.

She was talking to a celebrity. She was giddy with excitement.

But then she started asking me what I was doing to save the world.

This woman had gone from being a fan of The Secret and using what she learned to manifest a few things, to hitting her comfort zone and now not wanting anything else.

What happened?

Another example is this: many of the teachers in the movie The Secret create products and services to help you achieve your goals. When your mindset is open, you thank them for their services. When your mindset is closed, you say they are just "selling."

Well, are they selling or serving?

It's both and it's neither. It depends on your beliefs.

It depends on your threshold of deservingness.

If you think they are taking advantage of you, you call it selling (because you think selling is bad).

If you think they are helping you, you call it serving (because you know serving is good).

Again, it's all about beliefs, and particularly your belief about what you feel you deserve.

That belief creates a threshold that you won't get past without some work.

It reminds me of a question a therapist used to ask patients:

"How good can you stand it?"

Most of us can't stand it really good.

"What will the neighbors think?"

"What will my family think?"

"If it's too good, surely something bad will happen."

"I don't deserve it too good."

"If it's too good, it won't last and I'll be miserable again."

"If I'm happy, I won't do anything to save the planet."

Those are all limiting beliefs.

Your life can be fantastic. Truly amazing. But very often we hit a comfort level and won't go past it. Why? Because of our self-imposed limits.

Because of our threshold of deservingness.

You can deceive yourself with rationalizations and criticisms about The Secret, me, others, the world, etc; but the end result is, you limit your own good.

I keep reminding people that once you get clear, there's not much you can't have, do, or be.

Your goal should always be happiness, what I call spiritual awakening, but the only limits along the way are your own.

How good can you stand it, anyway?

Ao Akua,


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