วันจันทร์ที่ 29 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2551

Internet Marketing Pitfall - 5 Tips to Avoid Information Overload

By Zachariah Scott

Internet marketing is one of the most exciting career paths you can choose just because of the limitless possibilities. You can sell just about anything to anyone in the world any time you want. And with all those possibilities comes that inevitable pitfall - information overload.

The are so many ideas, so many techniques and so many courses to buy. And in the end, the result is just too much information to process and take action on. With so many ideas buzzing around in your head - it's not surprising.

If you suffer from this common disorder among internet marketers, try taking these steps to put an end to the symptoms:

1. Learn something and take action right away: Don't get caught in the trap of thinking you need to know everything about Internet marketing before you start taking action. When you learn something new, apply what you've learned before moving onto the next idea.

2. Mistakes are a learning opportunity: A lot of people who get stuck in learning mode are afraid to take action because they feel they'll mess things up. Making mistakes is part of the learning and marketing process, so relish in your failures, learn from them and improve your marketing plan as a result.

# 3 Soak Things Up Like a Sponge: Whether you've spent hard earned cash on a new course, or attended seminars, they usually offer way more information than can be processed in one sitting. The best advice is to soak it up like a sponge, and come to understanding of it bit by bit " you don't need to access all the information at once. It's better to understand the big picture rather than focus on small detail, which could be very time consuming. Remember that there is only so much you or your business can do.

#4 Control Your Inbox: It does seem exciting to sign up with every marketer promising you the next best thing, but remember these same emails are the culprits that somehow manage to separate you from your money, and keep selling you products. All this info isn't needed. Cut down your subscriptions to only the absolute essentials, the ones that focus on the thing you're doing right now, rather than distracting you with something else.

5. Say no to more courses, ebooks, etc.: It doesn't matter how much hype and excitement surrounds an information product launch. If you're already suffering from information overload, you do NOT need another course. Put yourself on an Internet marketing course diet until you've started to take action on what you've already learned.

It's very easy to become overloaded when trying to carve a career in internet marketing. But trust me " you're not alone. The answer is simple (and it's not buying another ebook). Focus on one thing, and one thing only until you're proficient at it. Remove all distractions, and ignore those shiny objects " they will only prevent your success in the long run.

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Edu Text Links Still Proving To Be More Valuable

By Steve Prylon

Search engines value the links pointing to your site as votes . This is how they determine what your site is about, and the importance and relevance of your site in relation to those words. Links from high PageRank sites are considered bigger votes. And votes from trusted and authority sites are also considered more valuable. Links from a .gov or .edu are trusted sites, and will be considered a stronger vote by the search engines.

The fact that .edu text links are rated higher is mostly not in dispute, but occasionally there is a SEO provider that disagrees. In fact, there are a few successful industry players that insist that .edu links have no more value than any other type link. Ad Edutextlink.com we disagree. We have run test after test and the results clearly show that .edu text links are valued higher than others by search engines.

That .edu text links are valued higher by the search engines should not be in dispute. When doing any type of random search, you will find .edu and .gov sites ranking repeatedly in the top 10. And that's even when the .gov and .edu sites are outdated or mostly irrelevant. That's a fact.

When you think about .edu links and what makes them rank higher, the answer is clear. If a new university were to open tomorrow, links from that site likely wouldn't have much weight or value. But most of the .edu sites are very mature, huge, trusted sites that are full of information. And they have tens of thousands of inbound links and high PR. This is why the search engines are placing a weightier value on these links.

Yes, there are one or two naysayers still, but by and large, the industry places high value on .edu text links, as do the search engines. We will continue to run with the crowds and continue to use .edu text links. The phenomenal results we're seeing with our clients rising swiftly to the top in search tells us we're doing something right.

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How Passion Can Lead To Success

By Kimberly Aita

Someone attempting to get into internet marketing will often start without checking into the training or getting the skills they will actually need when it comes to running an online business.

However as with any career or profession, you simply must gain the required skills to be truly successful, even if you choose a business you have a lot of passion for.

Unfortunately for many, there are a lot of dishonest marketers on the internet that would like you to believe that if you just join their online marketing team you will make money overnight. Many will lead you to believe that you can make money without doing anything at all.

I can tell you that making money online doesn't have to be hard, in fact it really is a walk in the park compared to what you may have to put up with everyday traveling to and from work.

Worse yet, you may have the kind of boss who doesn't care about you and simply treats you as a paid employee and not a genuine person.

Still, there are many principles you need to follow if you really want to make money online even when you decide to follow your passion.

On the other hand, there are also a lot of traps you will want o learn to avoid or you may become overwhelmed and disheartened causing you to give up.

Internet marketing, especially when you find and follow your passion can become a very fun and enjoyable way to make your living online.

The sad truth is that 95% of all people who try to start an online business will fail within their first six months either because they find it actually does take some work or maybe just because they jump in over their heads and think it costs too much money.

Yet some will find long term success because they followed their passion, did their research, and found someone to mentor and coach them to success.

One thing is certain and that is that you need to have a passion for whatever business or products you decide to make money with. This actually holds true for an online business or for a physical business run from your home or elsewhere.

Having a passion simply means that you have looked into the business thoroughly and know how it works.

Once this is done you may truly be passionate enough to do whatever is required to succeed.

Sometimes people may find success without a passion but they have studied hard at what they are doing and are able to make sales with no effort whenever they wish to.

I am writing this article to address those of you who want to get started making money online but do not yet have the knowledge or skills to build an online income with any success.

Passion is not the only thing you will need to succeed in business. There are many other factors and components you will also need.

You must have a really good website,good advertising, you have to learn how to market your business, and you definitely have to follow through (don't get scared here, this really is easy with the right coaching).

You will also need company support, effective keywords and the ability to follow through (meaning you will have to put some work into your online business).

Should you decide to start your business with an established company, they will usually provide you with the training and support you will need but in the end it is will probably be your passion that will enable you to be successful.

Starting your online business without passion will greatly decrease the chance of success and may be the reason for failure, not to mention bringing in enough cash to kiss your JOB goodbye as soon as possible.

I do believe that to be one of the biggest reasons most people are looking to start an online business but the money is almost guaranteed to be good too.

One reason passion can play a huge role is that when you have a passion for something you the chances are you are more likely to follow through and attempt to take the steps that are needed to build your business and find real, lasting success.

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