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Effective Characteristic of Leadership

By Ethan Beh

What are the qualities of leadership? What characteristics are needed to be a good leader? It doesn't matter what your job title is or whether you are in any position of leadership, leadership skills and qualities can come in very handy during many of the challenging situations that we face in life.

What separates a good leader and a poor one is having the right characteristic of leadership and using effective leadership styles. There are plenty of attributes required to be a good leader. For this article, lets focus on the most vital ones.

I. Great Communicator. Good communication is one of the most important characteristic of leadership. A good leader is able to communicate well not only with the people he is leading, but with external parties as well.

So what does it mean to be a good communicator? For starters it means saying what is required, not what is desired. Good leaders tell the truth like it is, without sugarcoating or fearing of hurting others' feelings.

A good leader always encourages his followers. Where necessary, a good leader will criticize and reprimand. Where credit is due, he will give it. A good leader always listens to what his followers has to say and there is always two way communication.

2. Decision Making. Another important aspect of good leadership is the ability to make decisions and provide directions. A good decision maker is one that;

1. BE TIMELY - Being able to make decisions within the required time and not spending too much time analyzing and considering each decision. 2. BE RESOLUTE - This means having the firmness and willpower to stick to each decision long enough to see it bear fruit. 3. FLEXIBLE - To have the flexibility to change directions and decisions when it is discovered that the initial judgment may not be the right one.

It is often not possible to have all information available to make a decision. At times like this, the effective leader uses his instinct and judgment, and is never afraid of making the decision.

Developing these two attributes will bring you a long way towards becoming a great leader.

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CFD Trading- The 3 Biggest Lies

By cfdlies

Everyone that is involved in CFD Trading for awhile would have all heard these 3 misconceptions about CFD Trading, but beginner traders continue to fall for them. These are also some of the reasons why many CFD Traders end up going broke. So how can we avoid these common traps and make money from CFD Trading?

Firstly lets look at the 3 areas to avoid when you are starting out CFD Trading.

Making Regular income and Profit: This is misconception number 1. Think about this for a moment how can you make regular income from something that changes as frequently as the CFD Market. No matter how great the system is the market simple changes all of the time, how often have you been in a well trending trade only to see something strange occur and a nice profit turns to a break even or worse a loss? So the next time you see or hear of someone saying 'make x% profit every month' run!

Ability to Predict CFD Prices in Advance This is the biggest crowd puller, think about it can you see into the future? No. No matter how great the theory, how well it has been back tested you still cannot have a theory that works 100% of the time. Think about it if there was a theory that worked 100% of time we could predict future results. So the theory would need to take into account, all interest rates cuts and rises, speeches from the banks and monetary authorities as you can see highly unlikely. No Impossible.

Make Massive Profits minimal Exposure: Many of us would have seen systems advertising the make 100% gains and have less than 1% drawdown. This is not reality and you can see the real results to support this outrageous growth rate to drawdown that has been audited.

So consider this and Improve your chances!

The common fact to trading is that over 95% of all traders will lose their money and the ones that do believe at least one of the above

So how you can become successful as a CFD trader is understand that you can make profits in the long term, that making money is going to be up and down and that CFD trading is a game of odds not certainties. They also understand that to make money you need to take risks, the old saying of risk versus reward.

If you want to get involved in CFD Trading. and win you can, by getting a good solid CFD education and good CFD mentoring. In some cases you can find a Grea CFD Broker that can assist you. If you are looking for a great CFD Broker, look at the CFD FX Report they have recently researched all the CFD Brokers and have come back with who they believe to be the best.

You can win and enjoy huge rewards for your effort, if you understand the challenge of CFD trading and what the reality really is. If you understand this, you're on your way to long term currency trading success. Also make sure that you have a good trading plan and stick to that trading plan

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Build A List Of Eager Customers

By Ben Hartsuff

Generally every online business provides some type of service to generate satisfaction among their customers. As each and every customer receives satisfaction over their products or the services they get, there is a great chance that they will become a return customer and buy again. Better yet, they will recommend you to other people that could generate more business for you and your site.

As more traffic is driven to your site, you can entice many of them to subscribe to your mailing list or opt-in list. This is a list where in website visitors agree to be sent promotional materials such as newsletters, catalogs and such that could keep them updated about your site or the niche of your site. These promotional materials are sent via e-mail to the members of the list in different time intervals.

When using e-mail as the media of your marketing and advertisements, you eliminate the need for high costs. Email is free and if you can manage to make your own promotional advertisements you can also save a bundle there. With an opt-in subscribers list, you are pretty sure that what you are sending out is received, viewed and read by the subscribers and not simply being deleted. They have signed up for service and have consented in receiving it.

This means that there are constant reminders to your subscribers about all your products, new products and services as well as any promotions and special deals you are having. There is also the chance that they can be forwarded to other potential customers as they tell their friends and families about you and your site.

Of course you should be also aware that a subscriber may unsubscribe when they feel that they are not getting what they want or expected. Make sure that they are satisfied with your opt-in marketing strategies and keep them excited in receiving your newsletters and catalogs. Here are some tips that can help you build a list of eager subscribers.

Make your promotional materials interesting and fun. Try to use a little creativity but not too over artsy. Build around what your product or service is about. For example; if you are selling car parts, put some pictures of what is new in the auto parts world, a new wing door possibly that can fit any car and make it look like a Lamborghini.

Try to research what people are looking for, these way, you stay one step ahead of them all the time and you will be their bearer of new tidings. They will be eager to receive what you are sending them because they new you always have fresh and new things to share with them.

Write good articles that can be very informational but light at the same time. If your subscribers enjoy your articles, they will go to your site by clicking the links that you will be putting on your newsletter to read some more. You can provide articles that can connect to many people. Be diverse in your articles. Put something humorous, then put something informational, then put something that has both.

Are you wary about this because you don't like writing? No problem, there are many professional and experienced article writers that can do the job for you for minimal fees. They know what they are doing and can provide the need that you have for your newsletters, the money that you pay for your articles are going to be met by the many sign-ups and the potential profit from the sales that you will get.

Create and send an E-book to your customers about anything that is related to your business or site. Use your knowledge and expertise in the field you have chosen to help other people who are similarly interested. Offer this e-book for free. You can write about anything informational and helpful to your subscribers. For example; you can do manuals and guides in so many things. This e-book could be used as a reference for many people.

Share this e-book with everyone, even other sites; just make sure that they don't change the links in the e-book that will lead people to your site. If you want, you can always get some people to write it for you just like your articles. Your investment once again will be covered by the great marketing this will generate.

Add e-coupons in your newsletters that will help them avail to special discounts. Put a control number in your e-coupon so that they can only be used once. When people get discounts that can be found in your newsletters, they will be eager to receive your newsletter in anticipation of what you are promoting next.

If your subscribers can get benefits from your newsletters, they will be very eager to receive them. Just don't flood your mailing list with mails so that you don't annoy your subscribers.

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