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Filipina Domestic Helper Hong Kong - 7 Common Termination Causes

By Alice Sy

When you are working in Hong Kong as a Filipina domestic helper, you will be bound by a contract. If you want to longer your employment, you have to obey certain rules. You have to do your part in order to keep your job. There are, however, various reasons why employers terminate the service of their housemaids and you should be aware of these reasons. Below are some of them:

As much as you can, avoid becoming a guarantor to a friend who is trying to borrow money from a debtor. If that friend of yours won't be able to pay what she has borrowed, the collector will keep on bugging you even to the point of calling your employer's residential number everyday. When this happens, your employer will definitely be pissed off and might decide to fire you out.

Only a few may know but jealousy can be a cause of termination. If your employer's wife starts becoming jealous of you, you can be terminated. This would likely happen to avoid complicating matters between you and your employer's family.

Being able to communicate well can also be a reason for terminating a Filipina housemaid in Hong Kong. Sometimes, there will be elders in the house who can only speak Cantonese. If you do not know how to relate to that person, that may lead to employment problems.

When you're employer expects too much from you and you cannot meet her expectations, it can also lead to termination. Therefore, it will be important for you to assess if you can work for a certain person or not.

Disobedience is a great offense to employers. A disobedient maid will be terminated; therefore, make sure that you have an obedient attitude. Obedience is a virtue and every employer would like to see this character on their housemaids.

Theft can make you lose your job in a flash. If you will be found guilty of stealing from your employer, aside from termination, you might also be imprisoned.

Sometimes, the reason for getting terminated from your job is the sudden downfall of your employer. He may suddenly experience bankruptcy, demotion, termination and the likes. His financial status will serve as a big factor which will lead him to come up with the decision to give you up.

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How to Start Making Money Online In Affiliate Marketing

By Dave Joa

Affiliate marketing is one of the easiest ways to make money online. For anyone just starting out as an Internet marketer it is an obvious first step on the road to a web based business.

What exactly is Affiliate Marketing?

As an affiliate you get the opportunity to promote products that a merchant is selling online. When affiliates promote these products for the merchant they are in a position to benefit when a product they are promoting is sold. Once the sale has taken place the affiliate will get paid a commission for promoting and completing the sale.

There is also a great benefit to any merchant that runs an affiliate program as all their affiliates will be trying to sell their products on the web. Thus the merchant makes more sales and creates a bigger income thanks to affiliate marketing.

This is affiliate marketing in its simplest form. But your ability to promote merchant products and convince visitors who see your promotions to buy the products are key to making money online in this way.

If you learn how to be successful in your affiliate marketing business you should be able to create quite a good income online.

Exactly How Difficult Is It?

Well it can be hard. Be under no illusions here. If you cannot promote well or convert visitors into buyers you are probably going to struggle. You need to learn the right skills to become an affiliate marketer.

However, if you follow the basic principles carefully you should be alright. Just make sure you do your initial research correctly. Also get some basic training if you can before you start. And of course plan what you are going to do before you do it. Not as you do it!

Will Tools help get me Started?

Be careful when looking for useful affiliate marketing tools as some are just hype and will not be of any use to you. If at all possible get recommendations from a professional who has already been in the business for some time and who will know, which affiliate tools are the best. A good tool can make things a lot easier and help speed your progress as a new affiliate marketer.

One very useful tool is Affiliate Elite as it will help you find the most profitable products for you to promote from the Clickbank Marketplace. Affiliate Elite also helps you analyze what your competitors are doing so that you can learn from them. If you only buy one affiliate tool to start with this would be the one to get.

Selling Clickbank's digital products is probably the best and easiest way to start in affiliate marketing and joining is also easy and the system is simple to implement. Clickbank now has literally thousands of digital products for you to sell for any niche that you chose.

Are Affiliate Datafeeds a Good Idea?

When you think you know what you are doing then you should be able to progress to building an online store of affiliate products using all or most of the products provide by one of you online merchants.

Because you will need so many products at one time then you will need to get a file which contains all these products together. This file is called a product datafeed and many merchants provide them for their affiliates. Not every merchant provides feeds but many already do and many more will do in the future.

Many software tools and other resources are available online to help build online stores from a merchant datafeed. Affiliate datafeeds are usually provide by the affiliate network which is being used by the merchant to run their affiliate programs. ShareASale is one affiliate network that is good to start with as they have many merchants who provide affiliate datafeeds.

It will be not too difficult to build a nice looking affiliate store and then use your new affiliate marketing skills to promote the products, convert into sales and make money with your online business.

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Redundancy Procedure - Are You Doing It Right?

By Katherine Wiid

When it is necessary to streamline your business, making choices regarding redundancies can be the most difficult part of the procedure. The regulations concerning redundancy can seem like a potential minefield of possible litigation.

Making sure you follow the rules can not only protect you from costly tribunals, but make the whole process less emotional for all involved.

The most important thing to consider is to make sure that your employees know what is going on at all stages of the procedure. Should you fail to communicate with your employees of their representatives during this crucial process it will not only cause fear and uncertainty within the workforce, it will result in allegations of unfairness in the redundancy decisions - making certain that expensive legal proceedings will occur.

Next, you should remember that it is not the person that is made redundant - it is the job. Consequently, regardless of whether the position was a manual operation taken over by technology or it is no longer required by the business, you must ensure that the job itself disappears when the employee leaves. Even though you may have been informed otherwise, it is perfectly legal to employ new people when others are made redundant, provided any new recruits are employed to fulfil functions that are different to the one made redundant.

Once you have worked out that there is in fact a need to make redundancies, there are a number of stages in the procedure that must be adhered to so that your obligations as an employer are met.

Working Out the Criteria For Redundancy

The objective of redundancy should be to create an effective, streamlined workforce that are best able to take your business forward. Establishing well defined criteria for selection is the most effective way of ensuring that all employees are treated equally, and their benefit to the company is properly assessed. The criteria you use may include:

* Adaptability - especially if your organisation is moving into a new area or market in order to move forward, you will need to retain the members of your staff who are comfortable with change and have the ability to adapt to new circumstances.

* Skills " maintaining a good cross section of skills will assist you in maintaining a balanced and effective workforce.

* Performance - you may wish to retain your hardest-working team members. Youll need documented evidence to support your decisions to avoid possible complaints of unfairness.

* Attendance " this is a valid criterion only when it is applied fairly and consistently. Remember that it is not fair to use lack of attendance due to maternity, paternity or adoption leave.

In an ideal situation, to make sure that the selection process is as fair and equal as possible, a combination of the above criteria should be considered.

Consultation With Staff

In terms of reducing the likelihood of unfair dismissal claims and in keeping those who stay motivated and informed, consultation is a vital part of the redundancy process.

If it seems to be the case that you will be making more than 20 positions redundant within a 90-day period, you will also be required to inform the Department for Business, Enterprise and Regulatory Reform.

Rumours and speculation will quite often run rampant during times of redundancy. As a result, you should be prepared to be as open and honest as possible in order to avoid unnecessary confusion. In particular, inform those at risk at the earliest possible stage of the reasons for the redundancies, the positions and departments likely to be affected, the approximate number of employees at risk and what criteria you will be considering in the selection procedure. It is also important that you keep them informed of the time line of events.

Contact each individual who is at risk, explaining your reasons for considering them for redundancy and organising a meeting to discuss the situation. If you do not arrange this, you will automatically be accused of unfair dismissal.

If you continue to communicate openly with both at risk staff and those who will be staying behind throughout the process, it will help to keep negative emotions to a minimum and reduce the possibilities of claims of unfair dismissal.

Providing Assistance

Whilst you are not legally required to do so, it is thought to be good practice to give as much practical assistance to those who have been chosen for redundancy as possible. This could be in the form of offering help regarding looking for alternative employment, guidance on CV writing and interview techniques or advice on financial planning in the meantime. Offering such assistance will help to maintain good relationships even with those employees who are leaving: once again, minimising the likelihood of complaint or legal action.

Remember that the procedure of making redundancies can be an emotional task and can be a litigious nightmare if not done correctly and sensitively.

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