วันจันทร์ที่ 2 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2552

The Secret to Lead Attraction and List Building

By Manu Romero

Discover how to succeed in Internet Marketing, easy, quick and without spending all your money.

There are two ways to success being your own Boss is a good one, but to open a traditional Business is not an easy task at all having to deal with regulations, location, employees and costumers, it's not that easy and rewarding after all.

That's when Home Based Business becomes more and more attractive and practical to everyone. But deciding to run a Home Based Business it's not an easy task either. Since we rely, most of the time, on traditional Marketing and Online Advertising, we find out that the most difficult thing, it's to attract potential customers to our Business.

As an Internet Marketer, you and I both know that spending money in advertising and not being able to attract Leads, it is the most frustrating feeling and many times the reason why a lot of Business Owners quit the Internet Marketing.

Have you ever wondered why the successful Internet Marketers, no matter what Business they get involved with, they are always successful and make lots of money?.. This is because they had the customers even before they joined the Business.

They have build a list of people over time, people that trust them and believe in what they do, so when they get involved in a new Business, they just send a broadcast to their List and many times a percentage of the list will join in to the new Business. Now they have build a new Downline and they can start cashing on their Commissions.

How do they do that, how do you build a List like this? Well, cold calling is not one of them, after many years of trial and error most Marketers will agree, that you can not call some one and sell them a thousand dollar product, most people won't spend so much money on a product or a Business because you call them and tell them how great you product is.

People became skeptic for a good reason; I've seen many people who call themselves Professionals and they are nothing more than thieves. Believe me, don't trust anyone who offers you to get rich in two days, only Mr. Lotto will be able to do that for you. And even he doesn't give you any guaranties.

That's when we go for Lead Capture and List Building Programs. But not all Systems are good, I've tried many of them which I prefer not to mention, you see I don't believe that talking bad about others will prove how good you are. After much research and trying many of them I believe I have found the best one who fits the bill, and this is MLM Lead System Pro.

Not only they have the best capture pages out there, like the ones the top producers use but also they give their members a complete capture, tracking, follow up and support service. So you just have to take care of marketing your website and drive traffic to it.

They also offer an incredible back office with the training section full of step by step video tutorials that explain in full detail how to set everything up and how to drive traffic to your site. To spice things up they have a fantastic list of Affiliate Programs that you can take advantage of, so you begin making money before anybody sign up for your original Business.

From all the systems I've tried so far, MLM Lead System Pro, has been for me, the best one and most successful with a big difference. Don't look any further the perfect System and tools you were looking for are here and the perfect time to act is now, so just remember, before you quit you might want to try.

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Is Prospecting Important?

By LJ James

As a Member of a Motorcycle Club, I wanted to give some advice to new Clubs out there that are starting up and to those looking to become part of a Club on why I feel Prospecting is so important. I hope I can help make it clear.

I hear members of new Motorcycle Clubs say things like "We do not prospect people" or "We met someone and liked them so we gave them a Patch". To some of you out there this many sound unbelievable, but trust me it not only happens in many new MCs, it is the reason most new MCs do not make it threw their first year.

Finding a person you like and get along with is a great start. I have many real good friends I like, But I do not know if they would make good Club Members or not. If a person is going to be your Motorcycle Club Brother you need to get to know him as a Club Member first and he needs to get to know what it means to be a part of the Club!

I have spoken to many members of very casual Clubs and I hear a similar story over and over again. The story is how a group of them had been riding together for years having a great time and all getting along. Well one day a new person shows up maybe a friend of a member and he seems like a nice guy. He rides with them a couple of times and they let him into the Club. Right after he becomes a member he turns into a total moron! Now He is going places representing himself as a member of the Club making others hate him and the Club in the process. He starts making it so good members who have been around for years no longer wish to be a part of the Club! Some members want to throw him out, others say they cant do that. The Club is in total chaos and all are in fear of the club shutting down!

What should they do? Well all these problems could have been avoided if the person had prospected! By having a person prospect you can get to know them and see what they are really like. It is easy for a person to behave real well for a few days, but give them a little time and their true Colors will show!

Now how long should you prospect a person for? Well that depends on you and your Club. How much does your Club mean to you? Should you prospect the person three months? Six Months? One Year? I feel the answer is real simple, you and your Club members set a Minimum time limit and then you Prospect the person until they have become a Member and not a moment before that!

Now Prospecting is not just for the Club to find out if they want a person as a Member. It is also for the individual to find out if they want to be a Member of that Club. There is no shame in the fact that a certain Club may have not been for you. If it wasn't Im pretty sure there is a Club out there for you. Most people don't get married to the first person they meet in life. They look around till they find the one that's perfect for them! Like People all Clubs are different and Prospecting is going to be different from one Club to another.

Now it just maybe only my opinion, but I have always felt prospecting is not about trying to break a person. Prospecting is about a person turning into a Member of your Club. Some will rise and become a Brother others will not! My Club Brothers are as close to me as my real Brother. They are all strong adult men who have proven themselves! Not Boys who are looking to prove something to themselves! We all get along great and the only way to keep the Club that way is Prospecting!

I have heard many who have been involved in a Motorcycle Club say that they feel the Brotherhood of the Motorcycle Club world no long exists! I want everyone to know that just because it may not have been there in the Club they were apart of, or tried to become a part of does not mean it has gone extinct! I know that the Brotherhood of the Motorcycle Club world is alive and strong because I am a part of it!!!

I am Your Bro LJ James AmericanBikerX.com Listen to my Radio Show at BikerLowdown.com

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วันอาทิตย์ที่ 1 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2552

Forex Market- Make Money in Choppy Markets

By forex Market

The Forex Markets do not create clear trend lines all the time. Quiet often we will experience very volatile markets and the prices can move dramatically up and down. Sometimes they can start to trend then also of sudden make a strange upward or downward movement which will trigger your stop loss and stop you out of the trade.

So How can we trade this sort of Forex Marketand make money?

1. Don't expect a long swing plan or any sustained price movements if you are already in an open position, get some profits out when you have made some from the forex market or shift it to the breakeven price as soon as possible. This will reduce the risk of losing that position.

2. When you need to trade in these conditions trade the currencies pairs that are highly correlated. So we are talking about the top 6 currencies pairs.

3. It can be also useful to use some level of Fundamental analysis such as referring to the calendar of economic announcements every now and then in forex trading. Sometimes a choppy market occurs when there is two or more economic data releasing at the same time or within a few hours. A particular news may trigger an up movement while the other one may trigger a down. Therefore it is a bad time to trade forex as you do not know exactly where the forex market is moving.

4. Sometimes when the forex trading market is choppy, it forms range-trading channels, which sets one up for a breakout. If there's is no indication on which direction the market is moving, forex trader may go long when it's at the bottom range, and short when it is at the top range. This may earn you some pips, but again, it is better to wait for price to break out from the range-trading channels so that ideally you will be able to catch the breakout trend. This is why is why it is important to have a great forex broker too as they can help you with trading ideas. If you are looking for a Best Forex Brokerfeel free to visit the CFD FX REPORT as they have recently researched all the broker on the markets and can point you in the right direction.

The above should help you when trading choppy currency markets, but they are no guarantees of success. If you don't feel comfortable with the trade don't do it. Remember the markets are open nearly 6 days per week and 24 hours per day so there is also going to be more trading opportunities. Sometimes the market can go through fazes of not trending at all so don't try and predict a trend otherwise you are gambling.

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