วันอังคารที่ 3 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2552

Web Prosperity - Compensation Plan

By C. R. Bolden

Web Prosperity will change peoples lives and let's take an indept look at the Compensation Plan. A WebProsperity Team Member shall receive a Commission for each WebProsperity Package sale made by a Customer referred by a Member and for each recurring payment made by the Customer primarily referred by the Member. The WebProsperity Team Member is entitled to receive additional bonuses depending on the Member network organization structure and his or her involvement in the WebProsperity business.

The Commission payments and additional bonuses will only be made when WebProsperity Packages have actually been sold to the Customer or Member. There is no payment for introducing people to the WebProsperity business. You have 3 different pay structures:

PaceSetter Bonus

WebProsperity Team Member is entitled to receive a PaceSetter Bonus at per each referred sale, as well as per each recurring payment made by a referred Customer or Member. A PaceSetter Bonus amount USD 6 per each Premium account and USD 12 per each Elite account.

Momentum Matrix Royalty

The additional bonus due to an active WebProsperity Premium Package Subscriber is a Momentum Matrix Royalty bonus. The level and amount of the Momentum Matrix Royalty bonus depends on the level of association of a Member and the structure of the Member network organization. At any time the Momentum Matrix Royalty bonus shall be calculated from the 10 levels of the network organization structure.

Association Members shall receive the Momentum Matrix Royalty bonus from the first 5 levels of their network organization structure. Silver Associates shall receive the Momentum Matrix Royalty bonus from the 8 levels of their network organization structure. Gold Associates shall receive the Momentum Matrix Royalty bonus from the 10 levels of their network organization structure. The Momentum Matrix Royalty bonus shall be calculated on a percentage basis. The Momentum Matrix Royalty bonus shall be calculated from the amount of USD 10.

Platinum Leader Development Bonuses

WebProsperity Platinum Team Members with an active WebProsperity Elite Builder Package are entitled to receive Platinum Leader Development Bonuses. Platinum Leader Development Bonuses shall be granted to those Platinum Associates who have personally enrolled another qualified Platinum Associate. The Platinum Leader Development Bonuses are calculated on a percentage basis from the amount of 10 USD at three levels. The bonus at the first level is at a rate of 20%, at the second level the bonus is at a rate of 15% and at third level the percentage rate of bonus is 10%.

WebProsperity Platinum Team Members with an active WebProsperity Elite Builder Package, who have personally enrolled 4 Platinum Leaders, with a total of 12 Platinum Leaders in Enrollment Genealogy, will become Presidential Leaders.

WebProsperity Platinum Team Members with an active WebProsperity Elite Builder Package, who have personally enrolled 8 Platinum Leaders with a total of 24 Platinum Leaders in Enrollment Genealogy, will become Ambassador Leaders.

WebProsperity Platinum Team Members with an active WebProsperity Elite Builder Package, who have personally enrolled 4 Ambassador Leaders with a total of 8 Ambassador Leaders in Enrollment Genealogy, will become Premier Ambassador Leaders.

WebProsperity Platinum Team Members with an active WebProsperity Elite Builder Package, who have personally enrolled 8 Ambassador Leaders with a total of 16 Ambassador Leaders in Enrollment Genealogy, will become Crown Ambassador Leaders.

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วันจันทร์ที่ 2 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2552

Building a successful MLM Internet Business

By Julieanne van Zyl

We discuss 3 keys to Building a successful MLM Internet Business. A lot of individuals think that making money in a MLM Internet Business is too difficult. More regularly than not, they are wrong and maybe they just don't understand the dynamics of creating money online. While this is expected among old hat people, it is surprising that even big companies also adopt this attitude.

Different multilevel marketers and companies that have dabbled into taking their businesses to the internet without success the first time have often just thrown in the towel and given up on the goldmine that is called the web . However, I have noticed that one of the single most significant reasons this often happens is because of the mindset multilevel sales businesses bring to marketing their businesses online. In this post and in the concluding part, we'll be looking at the three keys that you require to successfully build up a profitable multilevel marketing business online.

1. Stop contemplating that you are not dealing with folks . Funny as this may sound, the tendency to feel that your prospective clients are just some set of folks there that I don't have to really talk to is pretty common online. People often feel that because it is the internet, you do not need to know these people. This is a mistake. Regardless of whether you see them or not, you Must treat them as you would if you were looking right at them. This will guarantee your business' stability and resulting profitability.

2. Consistently motivate your team members . Offline, this is commonly carried out in the form of motivational seminars often including successful folks who were able to make money from their multilevel marketing efforts who come to share their "secrets", offer tips and techniques during the seminar and generally inspire people to keep at it. So, how can you do this particularly when your team are from all over the globe? Simple. Provide teleseminars or webinars every week, every fortnight, every month, etc. Determine when you feel will be easiest for you and notify your team members about the upcoming seminar that you will be having for them. Depending on what you believe the content of the seminar will be, you could either cost them a very low fee or make it free for getting on the call. Your teleseminar must also include question and answer sessions so that people can seek and obtain answers to questions that are nagging them.

3. Offer them incentives sometimes. Have you seen how much pleased and more inspired team members are when you offer a rebate or a discount on a product if they bought in X amount of sales a month? Or have you noticed how your team members often want to work with you when you offer them some free gifts?? Offer them something of a high perceived value; a token that they will really adore to have. This will increase their participation and boost their morale, which will regularly translate into more rewars advantage for your establishment. Take notice of these three things we've discussed, and they will assist you in building a large Internet Network Marketing Business.

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Services Offered by a Web Design Company

By Jordan FeRoss

There are many services you can request from a Dallas web design company which extend beyond just building a website. Many of these things include SEO article writing, link exchange, blog comment publishing, forum publishing and much more. A Dallas SEO company is the best place to go for total success online today.

You can have a really nice looking website with great products and not do as well as others online because of a lack of marketing knowledge. It takes a great deal of knowledge and effort to be able to draw traffic to your website in this competitive market. When you use a Dallas SEO service, you will find that your traffic begins to increase as they work improve your website in the search engine rankings. Your Dallas web design team understands how the search engines work and how to naturally boost your rankings and thus, in turn, boost your sales, with a targeted marketing campaign.

If you want to use link exchanges to increase traffic to your site, it is a good idea to use a Dallas SEO team for this job. One of the determinations of how your website ranks in the search engines is how many inbound links are pointing to your site. This indicates a site that is thriving. Your Dallas web design company knows how to use link exchanges in a way to create a network of incoming links to your site, both from posting in forums and blogs to the use of other link exchanges.

Another common thing that a Dallas SEO company can do for you is write articles. The writing techniques will naturally target search engines which will allow you to have a higher rank in the search results when users are looking for your products and services. The best way to rank higher in the search engines without paying for keywords is by the use of articles through Dallas web design.

One of the methods that is becoming a popular way to target traffic to websites is blog posting which can be accomplished by your Dallas SEO team. The comments that are posted on various blogs are meant to entice people to your product or service and provide a back link to your website. When you use a Dallas web design company, they understand the concept of back links and how to use them to maximize the traffic streaming into your website. The more people who learn about your site from blogs, the more potential customers you have and the higher your website ranks in the search engines.

Your Dallas Web Design team may also have their Dallas SEO expert do some forum publishing for your site. This works in a similar way to blog comment posting, but appears more conversational and helps create a third-party validation of your website which builds credibility in the minds of potential customers and then of course, gives those valuable link backs as well.

A good Dallas web design team does more than just create a website for you - they help you get the maximum of its potential. Your Dallas SEO experts will create a website and market it so that you can start earning money right away.

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