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Grow Your Business By Using A Prospecting Firm

By Terry Stanfield

During this tough economy, it is important to see where you can make the business more efficient. An outbound telemarketing company can allow you to gain more clients because it can be more efficient and cost effective. This article will explain why a prospecting company can be cheaper in finding new clients.

Tough times makes you want to keep your staff as productive as possible. With sales, the key is to focus upon what you are good at doing. If you are more successful at closing sales, using a prospecting company will allow you more opportunities to close business, thus lowering your cost per client.

One of the biggest obstacles for most companies is an inconsistent sales pipeline. The consistent use of a a prospecting firm can help keep your sales pipeline full so that your sales can increase.

Many companies do not watch their advertising dollars very carefully. Using an outbound telemarketing company can allow you to closely track your return on investment and often is more cost effective than expensive television advertising campaigns.

Most businesses reduce their expenditures during a recession. You can choose to spend less money but use an outbound telemarketing company because this is a fast and inexpensive way for you to develop leads, increasing sales in your company.

Most people are not interested in telemarketing and put this activity off. This reduces the sales pipeline and increases the costs to find new clients.

Many customer driven salespeople do not have time to find new clients because most of their time is spent in current sales processes and do not have finely honed prospecting skills. Using a prospecting firm allows you to have people whose primary focus is new business focus on finding new clients.

Many outbound telemarketing firms have telephone automation systems that normal businesses do not have. This allows them to touch sometimes five to six times as many prospects as your salespeople do.

Using a prospecting company can be very simple for you track and see how much it costs for you to get new clients. You can build a fixed number into your budget so that you can achieve a certain number of new clients.

Many firms have layoffs during a this tough economy and pare down their spending. If you find that you are in a similar boat and do layoffs, you can continue to increase sales with less staff by using an outbound telemarketing company. A recession will cause you to look at the bottom line very closely. Watching how much it costs to gain a new client is one such way to grow sales and one way to grow sales in a cost-effective manner is through using an outbound prospecting company.

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Just Tell Me the Magic Formula

By Richard Guzman

Affiliate marketers are always looking for the markets that will generate the most income. Many affiliate marketers are lead to believe there is a magic formula and are disappointed when they learn there is not one.

The tactics that have worked in the past do not work today. In order to achieve success today network marketers must take their businesses on-line. In addition,successful marketing practices are developed from hard work and dedication. After implementing these tips into your business your sales will increase.

Each product you are marketing should have its own unique web page. Although it would be cost effective to promote all of your products on one page the goal is to have your prospects focus on the product you are promoting. Remember your prospects initial visit to your web-page counts.

It is crucial that anyone that visits your web-site understands what they are buying. Therefore, it is important for your web-site to have a detailed review and a few testimonials of the product. Not having this information on your web-site could and will cost you the sale.

Another highly effective tool is writing an article about how the product is used. This should be included as an additional page on your web-site.In addition, an attractive web-page will draw more traffic to your web-site.

It is so important to highlight special points and write content and headlines that are compelling. Your content should grab the reader's attention immediately when that happens they will want to contact you for more information.

Another effective technique is offering your readers free reports that contain valuable information. Location is important, place these links at the top of your page so they can not be overlooked.When people opt-in to your web-site it is important for you to make contact with them. An auto- responder is an excellent way to do that.

Therefore, when you call your prospect back they will already have some background information on who you are and what you can offer them. It is essential for you not to get frustrated if you don't close the deal the first few times you talk to someone. Research has shown that your prospect usually has to have contact with you 7 times before they will buy anything.

This next concept is simple...one of two things can happen with your webpage: if it is effective you will eventually close the deal or if it is ineffective nothing happens. You determine how to market your product.

Another reason to use auto-responders is to send out e-mails. For example, you can set your auto-responder to send e-mails out on day 2 day 5 day 7. This will help you develop and maintain a relationship.

Therefore, in the future when they decide to make the purchase it will be from you because they trust and know you. When you are sending automated e-mails the content should focus on the product it should not be a sales pitch.Your e-mails should focus on what the product can do for them.

For example, how can your product change their lives. It is also important that the subject is creative and compelling. Your e-mails should avoid the word free as much as possible because your e-mail will be considered spam and sent directly to the junk file. Your e-mails still must convince your prospects that there will be a huge gap in their business if they do not purchase your products.

Articles are an extremely powerful tool you can use to promote your products. You can write articles that can be published on e-zines and e-reports. Just imagine attracting prospects 24/7 because your articles are on-line and targeting people that are interested in what you have to offer.

It is highly recommended that you write at least 2 articles containing 300-600 words per week.It is important to remember to stay consistent and maintain your articles. If you follow these simple suggestions your articles can generate as many as 100 targeted prospects to your web-site per day.

Do not get discouraged it is important to always remember only 1 out of 100 people will buy your product. Think about it this way if you can generate about 1000 targeted leads to your web-site everyday statistics show that you can make 10 sales per day.Affiliate marketing may seem overwhelming at first.

Therefore, it is important for you to focus on one method until you feel comfortable to move on to the next one. If you stay focused and have a plan executing these techniques will not be difficult at all.

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A crisis with an opportunity

By Masami Sato

How we should react when economy slows down.

When the financial market is in chaos all across the world, people consider clinging on to whatever they have and also reduce expenses. And they think that everybody does so, mainly because newspapers proclaim as such.

Everyone ISN`T responding in that manner. There are many people and many ventures that flourish, whether the economy is down or not. And if you are wondering why it is so, the solution is available there where it is often likely to be overlooked. It will be a good idea to search for the answer together.

When a current is going downward, whatever the reason be, the way to survive is by rowing against the current. If we let ourselves to be swept away by the current, we may sink deep down and survival might become difficult.

The fact is that when we know our strength and can hold sway over ourselves, we can rise above the mundane and not worry about what is going on all around. Let us visualise it properly.

'Go-getters' or 'Go-givers'

Consider a situation where we want much more - fatter profit, a salary boost, lengthier holidays, better freedom, and better prospects.

When we have a desire for an object, our first tendency is to straightaway go and have it. That just makes us 'Go-getters'. And a 'go-getter' is surely a self-motivated person, an activist and a natural leader. Such a vision is a proven way to succeed in life as we have heard. Still, there is some sort of a snag. When this plan is brought into play, the results are somewhat surprising though in a way it is foreseeable as well.

The gist of the matter is that after 'getting' and 'possessing' it we tend to 'get rid of' it. We might actually jettison it or might become apathetic to the whole idea.

Then our interest swings to something else. This continuous swaying of interest is the biggest issue; the widening interests becoming a never-ending circle of desires so that we are never satisfied with what we have. It becomes a sort of junk food dependency!

So what if we turned our 'desire to get' into a desire to provide?

Most of you are aware that the act of providing gives a sense of fulfilment. This ensues from gratefulness and not from panic or avarice. A person can go on providing more and receive more and know full satisfaction in the voyage of life.

Our charitable and contributing approach will produce charitable and contributing customers and group mates whereas our concern about the cost and "getting tendencies" would bring in only like-minded co-workers. Companionship with such people is surely not welcome for us!

Creative capitalism

Most ventures are today aware of the inspiring role of capitalism. They are ever ready to contribute more through many avenues. The idea has strongly impacted the business world as they realise how giving is central to business interests. A typical example is Bill Gates, who expounded the philosophy of 'Creative Capitalism' in July 2008 in a TIME magazine article.

He said: "Doing good might be the tipping point that leads people to choose one product over another."

What he's actually saying is that when a company links its business to giving in some way, that company and its products become more attractive to customers. It takes us way, way above what's been called 'the sea of sameness'.

Creative Capitalism is about rising above what we reluctantly settle for to reach what we truly aspire to. When we can capitalise on our ideas and imagination in a way that benefits and nurtures the wider community and network; we stop wasting our resources, efforts and talents in trying to temporarily win. We start creating the real win for ourselves and for the sustainability of our global economy.

The appeal of effective giving

CSR or Corporate Social Responsibility is the word used for delineating the process of business establishments giving back to the community. It is becoming an obligation on the part of enterprises to do so. But when they donate as a duty or just for creating a good impression, it would soon become easy to make out. However, it works as an interim ploy for survival.

However, 'giving' people and businesses always attract more. The passions and beliefs behind what they do are shared with the people with whom they connect. They attract something beyond what the slick PR or marketing campaign provides.

What is likely to be the upshot if some of the capital meant for marketing is apportioned for contributions?

Giving creates something bigger than who we are. Giving creates inspiration. Inspiration can only be created when it resonates with the people whom we want to inspire. And we get inspired when we are involved in the experience. It is not just about hearing the nice stories of others. It's actually participating in those stories. After all, we all want to feel good in life by making a contribution-to our family and friends, to our company and to our community.

Transaction-based giving causes it to happen on its own

The facility for contributing became so much simpler because of a programme (or one can say a 'development') called Buy1GIVE1 (Buy One Give One). Buy1GIVE1 is the heart of transaction-based giving. Transaction-based giving revolutionises things. Let us use our creativity and analyse how.

How would you like the scenario whereby every time you have a coke at a nearby eatery, a needy child in Africa gets clean water at least for a single day?

Equally exemplary would be the situation where whenever someone subscribes to a magazine, a tree would instantly get planted in a barren patch in another continent? Or, if every time one eats a hamburger another would instantly get at least a handful of rice?

Consider the scenario of someone attending a coaching session. It would be commendable if someone who needs similar coaching would get it as a direct consequence (and just at the cost of not more than 60 cents for the day's coaching).

Where a motivational speaker at a conference is connected with a charity, part of his income might go to helping kids who have speech problems due to facial defects. It will be a matter of great satisfaction for the participants at the conference to know that their very participation is helping a deserving cause.

Imagine now if you could apply transaction-based giving in your own unique way to match your main products/services to engage your customers and team members to be part of the giving story. Here's how.

The economy where all benefits

Business ventures, on a global basis, have already internalized the efficacy of this transaction-based giving. A case in point is TESCO, one of the foremost supermarket chains of UK. The company's programme ensures that a Kenyan child gets a school uniform when someone buys a pair of school trousers from them.

Volvic is a Mineral Water Company that launched its scheme of transaction-based giving program last year. They help the cause of making wells in Africa. They call the scheme Buy1 GIVE 10 as it helps in generating a flow of 10 litres of water in the well, by every single litre of water they sell.

Small to medium sized companies are now starting to take leadership in expanding this global giving movement through Creative Capitalism. Buy1GIVE1 (www.b1g1.com), a Singapore-based Social Enterprise came up with a mechanism that has turned this transaction-based giving into something every one of us can be involved in.

Buy1GIVE1 is the heart of a most powerfully persuasive transaction-based giving globally, correlating business ventures of all sizes to any noble cause anywhere. It is weaving a universal society of business givers and for SME`s, Buy1GIVE1 links up businesses, their clients AND charity requirements in a most passionate and mutually satisfactory manner. The whole thing is completely automated.

Any person can become a citizen of this phenomenon of global giving merely by getting a Buy1GIVE1 `VISA` directly off the Buy1GIVE1 site at www.b1g1.com. Those who have their own enterprise can become a B1G1 Business through applying online and selecting the charity and the primary service or product for launching the giving. Buy1GIVE1 forwards the entire contribution amount to their international Worthy Cause Partners (more than 528 projects are available for members to choose from) thereby making their contributions highly productive.

Are you aware?

* Half the population of the globe -about three billion people-is forced to survive on less than two dollars a day.

* Nearly a billion people entered the 21st century unable to read a book or sign their name.

* UNICEF has reported that more than 30,000 children die every day due to abject poverty, which makes it 20 child a minute and 210,000 a week.

* Just 12% of the people worldwide utilize 85% of the water available for human consumption. And this 12% does not belong to any of the underdeveloped countries.

* Medical aid is not available for one billion people of the world population.

* 63,000 square miles of rainforests are destroyed each year.

Data From Global Issues

Buy1GIVE1 Businesses-check out these examples

* Buy1BUILD1 (www.sunsplashhomes.com, www.arkgroup.com.au)

* Learning to learning (www.kipmcgrath.com.au)

* Medical practice providing healthcare (www.primanora.com)

* Phone card to communication (www.ultimatecomms.com)

* Relaxation to healing (www.meditate.com.au)

* Shedding pounds to providing food for children (www.bodychain.com)

* Aesthetic blinds to lights to schools (www.blindscouture.com.au)

* Socks for feet to socks for social effect (www.socksforhappypeople.com)

* Coaching to educate social entrepreneurs (www.b1g1forcoaches.com)

* And to get a complete picture, just go to www.b1g1.com.

Finding what we are looking for-Nature gives us the clue

So let's let us return to the starting point-turbulent economics and managing to get what we need. The needs are in fact not all that knotty. They are just a group of three words that begin with the letter S - strong bonds, solidarity and society.

When we can team up rather than break up and thus create a perfect way to combine resources rather than carry away from one another, we will perceive that there is so much more profusion and so many reserves present on the planet. And when we build relationships, not just with one another but with our innate selves, we understand something infinitely beautiful-that we're all ONE. Then we realise how simple it is to form an international society from something as commonplace as giving.

And nature gives us a real clue to that.

In the wild, all types of insects cross-fertilize plants to create fruits and flowers of endless varieties benefitting men and animals alike. The perfect give and take pattern was there even before civilizations started.

When a fiasco inundates the world, it should be leveraged to turn it into a benefit to return to normalcy. Now is the time to acknowledge what we have got and forge ahead to succeed.

And when a person opts to begin giving today itself, the sense of euphoria would be much more, notwithstanding the economic problems. And with this sense of elation comes a reawakening of hope that will remind him of how the power and direction of tide can easily change. And his giving might be that which brings about this change.

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