วันพุธที่ 4 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2552

6 Ways To Improve Conversions Using Google Adwords

By Donald D. Davis

The processes involved in online marketing can be too overwhelming for those who are just starting in this business. First, you must be able to identify, understand, and reach out to your target market. Second, you must get them into action by availing themselves of your products or services. But sometimes, even when you clearly comprehend your target market's needs, there is still no guarantee that you can encourage or convert them accordingly. This article provides useful ways to improve your conversion rates using Google Adwords campaign and ultimately bring in your website's targeted traffic.

The proponent of Google Adwords, Perry Marshall, recommends making the most out of Google Adwords. This can be possible by using modern research methods in identifying keywords that have potentials to convert, testing numerous ads against each other, and developing succinct ads that appeal to the target market.

Here are six more ways to improve conversions using Google Adwords:

1. Know about Google's "dynamic keyword" feature. This feature allows Google to place as headline the search term your visitor looked for in the search box. When you are not sure what keywords to use or how to come up with a headline, you can always turn to the "dynamic keywords" as this can make your ad pertinent to them at once.

2. Only change one word when testing ads against each other. Perry Marshall encourages everyone to split test ads to track conversions and then pick the most effective ad after the trial period. However, the only way you'll really know what is working is by making very minor edits or modifications to your first ad. Try changing just one word in the headline or keyword in the body copy to find out what really 'clicks' with your viewers.

3. Never run your ads in the Content network instantaneously. If you are just starting, it is advisable to turn this feature off as this may not immediately provide you with the intended website traffic. What you can do instead is to take note of the basic search results pages.

4. Apply the geographic targeting feature. If your goal is to sell products or services locally, then this feature helps you achieve just that. This allows you to reach out to the target market based on their location. Take note that a good number of businesses do not have a target market at international or global level hence advertising may not be applicable in that. In addition, you will definitely have a soaring number of traffic to your website once you refine your Adword reach.

5. Don't use 'www' in your URL link. You don't have to use the 'www' for the link URL, so you can save those extra characters for your website extension instead. This looks better visually, and may encourage more clicks because people will get a fair idea of what they are clicking to when they click on the ad. Just make sure that the link does in fact go to a landing page or sales page so you can make that sale or capture the lead within a few clicks.

6. Capitalize the first letters throughout the ad. The headline is one of the most important parts of your Google Adwords ad, so make sure it is easy to read and each word begins with upper case letters. You can also capitalize the letters of the ad copy and your URL link for visual appeal and a more professional look.

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How to Choose Between Shared and Dedicated Server

By Ricardo d Argence

A very important decision you have to make if you decide to have a sophisticated website is what type of server will be best to use for hosting your business. A site available on the web is hosted on a server. It gives you space online and brings traffic to your site.

When trying to decide what type of internet host you want for your website, you have two types of servers to chose from. Personal and small business websites tend to favor shared servers. Dedicated Servers are other type of server.

Some of the pros of sharing a server are that you could have access to templates and you would be able to make a website without a lot of computer know how. Also, some shared servers are free. Shared servers offer a variety of different services. A great deal of inexpensive and unique plans can be found on shared servers.

The needs of small businesses and personal websites on the internet are best met by shared servers. Some shared servers, especially the free ones, will want to put mandatory ads on your website. This is how they pay for their website. Additional services let you put your own advertisements on your website, increasing the income from it.

Shared servers, however, are not ideal for large businesses. Because you share the server with other websites, the bandwidth may have a problem with directing your traffic to your website if it becomes too heavy. If you are getting thousands of visitors a day, the bandwidth may not be able to keep up; leaving some of your customers in the dark.

Additionally, space is limited for those using shared servers. It would be best if you had a server used only for internet business purposes. It enlarges your space size, and frees up bandwidth so that all of your customers can get through to the site. This is especially important if your business has forums or shopping carts. These are called databases and tend to take up a lot of space.

Although a dedicated server costs substantially more to get started than a shared server, for the building businesses there really is no choice. If you want your internet business to grow, there is really no option but to choose a dedicated server.

Yes, they are more expensive than shared servers, but dedicated servers offer distinct advantages to justify premium price and can be available for monthly rentals as low as $100. Not only can you incorporate as many ads and affiliates as you like on your website but you're going to be hosting your website yourself. This can also bring you in extra revenue.

With a server used only for your business, there is no limit to what you do for your business. You can have businness connections on your website that are linked with your type of business. There are all sorts of ways to make money online and most of them include advertising of some sort. You can use all the advertisement you want with a dedicated server and earn more profit on the website.

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Get Traffic To Your Blog: How To get Traffic To Your Blog

By Preston J. Davis

How are you going to get traffic to your blog? You can either write articles or use ads. The secret is in ranking high within the search engines.

The key to ranking high in the search engines is having a lot of backlinks. The more back links you have the higher you will rank.

The three top ways to get backlinks are from writing articles and manually submitting them to the different directories,getting pay per click ads and to straight out buy the links.

If you decide to use pay per click ads then you need to have a firm grasp of highly optimized targeted keywords. If your keywords are not highly optimized or not targeted enough then you could be out of a large amount of money.

Buying links to your blog may seem like a good (and easy) way to get traffic to your blog but you have to buy quality links. The higher the Pr of the site is the better your blog will rank but the higher the PR the more the links are going to cost you. This can cost a lot of money because if the links are from low PR sites they will do you little good.

You also want the category of the blog that is linking to yours to be the same as your blog. The more related the site is to yours the more that backlink is going to count and the higher it will get you in the search engines.

When you are article marketing the more articles that you have submitted the more traffic you will receive. Article marketing has two advantages. The first is that you can create content that will allow people to read it and click over to your site if they like what they read and second it gives your site backlinks.

It is also free to write articles and manually submit them to article directories. Most article directories will allow you two links in your author resource box.

You have two options when it comes to article marketing. You can write a new article for every article directory you want to submit to and then manually submit your article or you can use an article submission site. Manually writing and submitting your articles takes a lot of time but it is free to do.

If you choose to use an article submission site they will submit the articles for you saving you a ton of time. When you use an article submission site to get traffic to your blog you need to make sure that they are sending out unique articles to all of the directories. Not all of them do this and you will end up with duplicate content all over the web and the search engines frown upon such things. Search engines frowning equals very little traffic for you.

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