วันพุธที่ 4 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2552

Anything Negative About Shaklee, Questions About Shaklee, Review

By Mathew S. Robar

Ok, so we are going to review how Shaklee operates, the products and how you make money within their system.

One of the first MLM companies in the US, Shaklee burst onto the scene around 1960 and hasn't looked back since.

They have long been been an advocate for the MLM community and have been promoting this business structure to the masses for many years.

The products that Shaklee sells range from Household cleaners to Nutritional supplements. They also dabble in the skin care realm as well as weight loss, but the aforementioned two constitute a vast majority of their sales.

It will not come as a surprise that they still operate in that same MLM structure that they did back in the day.

You build an MLM business by signing people up enderneath you and getting them to buy product. Typicallyou start with your friends and family and have "parties" to push the product. Oh, and don't forget the hotel meetings that you will frequent.

If this is up your alley, then you are in the right place. You should also know however that it will take hundreads maybe even thousands of people underneath you for you to crack 6 figures in earning with Shaklee.

I would not feel comfortable in a business structure where almost 90% of their distributors leave within the first 90 days, but that is just me. I feel like they could update their business model for the new century.

So in conclusion, Shaklee is a legitimate business and has been on the scene for a long time. Now its up to you to decide if its the right company for you!

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How To Erase Debt

By Nathan A. Bargigh

You probably are trying to get ahead in life and want the best way to do it, and erasing your debt is a great start. In the event you can erase your debt, you will open up a whole new life for yourself and be able to enjoy it on a different level.

First to lower the amount of debt you have you must start to take control of it. You need to add up how much you debt is, this will aid you in making up your mind on what you can pay back. But you have to be organized before you can do anything. Make positive that you understand all the types of debt that you are carrying, and what amount of it has to be paid back before you are in charge of it again.

Once you have all your stuff organized and you totally know what kind of debt you are trying to deal with, remember to set yourself up some kind of payment schedule as to how you think you can pay it back. This is so vital; due to the fact that it will help you know what minimum payments you can pay. Your decision needs to be the amounts your payments can be, and then contact your credit establishments. A great majority of them will let you pay your amounts down a small chunk at a time; this will be good and will help you in your quest to erase your debt.

There are some things you are able to do to help along the way when you are firmly set on settling your debt. You need to set goals for your payments that you will stick with. These should be very realistic goals that you can actually do, because the more you understand these goals, the better off you are. This will allow you to be able to pay down most of your debt; it is well worth the bit of effort it takes.

The next thing you need to be sure of doing is to keep paying the debt back. Little by little this debt builds, and this way is truly the best method of getting on top of it. You can pay the debt back quite fast, as long as you are not acquiring new debt, and making your payments on time. This is the one fact to always remember especially because it will help you erase debt simply and helps you focus on the method in which you will live the rest of the life you have left.

It is a good thing not to get in more debt too. Be certain to make your schedule payments on time. This is the best method for getting rid of debt and avoiding it too. Along with this you want to make plans on what money you can spend without having more debt. This one point is so very crucial for staying out of debt from now on.

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5 Tips on Displaying Your Products at a Trade Show

By Amy Nutt

If the three rules of real estate is location, location, location, than the three rules of trade show display creation is interest, interest, interest! There has to be something unique and noteworthy about your company's trade show exhibits or it just won't pique the interest of the buying public.

Whether you offer a good or a service, the objective will be the same - make the display visually appealing without being too ostentatious in presentation and make sure people know what it is you are trying to sell without being pushy. There is a fine line that new business can err on and when a company hits the wrong note, it can put consumers off completely.

How do you avoid this?

By carefully planning your showcase so that it tells customers what you are all about in a way that will engage them and make them interested in what you have to provide.

1. A dash of color never hurts - use colors that catch the eye but are not too obnoxious. Bright banners and balloons can add a touch of sparkle that will make your exhibit stand out. This will give you a great edge against those whose booths will be sparse and uninviting in their presentation.

2. Make the display relevant to the product - hiring a clown or giving pony rides when you are trying to sell furniture cleaner is not a good idea. The buying public, while being entertained, will not take the product seriously. Be creative and innovative but don't go over board.

3. Product cutouts and stands -- A large cut out or stand displaying your product is a good way to introduce it to consumers. People tend to be visual, so a representation of the product will draw them to it. If your product is kid specific, an animal mascot can be an especially fun and interactive way to reel the demographic you are trying to capture in.

4. Shine a little light on the subject - the tasteful use of lighting can definitely attract consumers. You can either place a string of lights around the booth or the display cases themselves. Before making his a part of your trade show display however, ask the distributors if this will be permitted. You would hate to make lights an integral part of your showcase and discover there is a restriction on their use.

5. Display Photos - Pictures of satisfied customers and relevant statements made by them can be another way to indicate that you have something of value to offer to the buying public. You should also provide photos of your product in use so people get a great idea of what it can do. If you are advertising a cleaning service for example, show before and after that indicate the dramatic and positive changes your company provides.

Another good way to make your table top display memorable is to hand out cards and fliers with info on how to obtain special discounts or free offers that were specific to the trade show event. For example, the flyer could state that by calling or going online with a particular code, the customer would receive 50% off of their order.

With such incentives in place, you create a great likelihood that the customer will try your product. If said product is shown to be of great value, the customer will return and tell others about your company as well.

Trying to get any new company off the ground can be difficult, but if you are able to make the most out of your trade show experience, you will gain invaluable knowledge on how to engage the buying public which is the first step towards longevity in the business world.

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