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Use RingCentral Virtual Phone System as an Inexpensive PBX

By Caressa Waechter

All entrepreneurs understand the importance of being easily accessible to customers. A important part of being accessible is having a powerful small business phone system.

The phone needs of a small business are best met by a virtual phone system with PBX features. Such a system takes your existing phone service to a much higher level, making it behave like that of a much larger company by giving it some very advanced features.

The number one entrepreneurial virtual phone service is RingCentral. RingCentral brings a very powerful communication suite within grasp of the average small business owner, all in an extremely affordable virtual phone and online fax service.

No extra hardware or phone lines are required to use the RingCentral small business PBX phone service. RingCentral is incredibly easy to setup and charges no expensive startup fees, while making use of your existing phone lines. You need at least one phone that is capable of receiving calls, in order to us the RingCentral virtual phone service.

By using the combination of the RingCentral leading-edge call management features with either a local or toll free main phone number, your company easily sets itself apart from the competition. An inbound call is received via your company's main phone number, then is routed to the appropriate person or department via the advanced virtual auto attendant feature.

Whether you are a one-person operation, or you have many employees spread out all over the world, RingCentral business PBX system makes it possible for your customers to call one phone number and be connected to anybody in your company, regardless of where they are located in the world.

Powerful telecommunication features come standard with most RingCentral virtual PBX phone plans. These include a virtual auto attendant, dial-by-name directory, free setup and activation, Internet faxing with a dedicated phone number, voice mail with email delivery, plus many, many more features.

Turn your existing phone service into an unstoppable sales force with RingCentral small business virtual phone service. Give RingCentral a try with their free, 30-day trial and see how you can easily transform your current business phone service. Your customers, and your business, will thank you.

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Make Money On Every Child In School

By Dr. Jay Polmar

Do you need more money during these tough times. The world's gone nuts and you need to protect yourself and your family.

Simply - what happened: The fear and the greed have now gripped the world. It was only 3-4 months ago when the sh-- hit the fan and the public began their advanced learning on the impact of greed, and the fear that has been increased by the influence of international news media in a 100% globalized planet.

Here's how you can get more money? Education is perhaps one of the safest fields to be in. Teachers are mandatory for education, and if you're not a teacher - you'll probably have more risk because you may not be in a secure career field.

Around the world, people are realizing that they can make from $5.00 to $25.00 on every student, in school from 3rd grade, all the way up to graduate school. How many students are there in your school, in your city, in your state? If the school nearby is a high school with 1000 kids ... how would you like to make over $5,000 by just putting out some flyers.

You can do that! Students want to read faster. How do I know? I was a teacher of reading for 16 years and I've asked students, "Do you want to read faster?"

Always I heard "You bet", "Sure", "I want it NOW!" Never in my years of teaching did a student say they didn't want to learn or they didn't even want to read.

I developed a "niche market" I started it back in 1977, and specialized it starting in 1979. I researched and found the best methods to read faster, and I wrote several courses and taught them privately, and later in colleges and universities in the US mainland and all the way out to Hawaii. That was fun. Beautiful pristine beaches and beautiful people who wanted to learn how to learn faster and more efficiently.

Years later I got hurt, and had to have some surgeries and they made things worse - so I had lots of time to get teachers, principals, and writers together and we developed the world's most complete speed reading courses which are at speedread.org and other sites including speedreadcomplete.com . Dozens of sites exist just to help students learn to read faster, and you can get commissions from lots of them. It's easy. Just help kids and adults learn to learn faster and get better grades by sending them to learn speed reading.

Every kid, every adult needs to read faster, and with the prices starting at $12.95, it certainly is affordable - and you can have a great income just by helping students and adults double, heck TRIPLE their reading speeds, and finding extra time to enjoy life, or even make more money.

And that's the opportunity open to you and parents in all schools. Help others to learn to learn better. Need money, it's not that difficult -- just think outside of the box, and you'll find lots of opportunities and lots of commission checks coming in every single month.

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The 1st Banning of a Motorcycle Clubs Colors in America

By LJ James

If you are a Member of a Motorcycle Club as I am, I'm sure you have heard about how a Judge has banned the Colors of the the Mongols Motorcycle Club. Not only are the Members not aloud to wear their Colors but any item that has their Colors on it must be forfeited upon demand. I can not expect those who are not in a Motorcycle Club to understand what this really means! Twenty years ago this would have struck fear into the soul of every US Citizen! Today I am sure most, probably, will not even hear about it and those that do will probably not care! What has happened to the good ole USA?

I can not believe this is actually happening, I have been writing stories on this for years. Part of me had always hoped I was just being paranoid or that all the Motorcycle Clubs would some how come together on some level and work out the problems. I have been getting calls and emails on how the Story I wrote last year called "Taken from a History book in the year 2095" does not sound so far fetched any more?

Are there Criminals in Motorcycle Clubs? We hear about Drug dealers, Rapists and Murderers in the NFL and NBA all the time. When was the last time you heard of a Biker running a Dog fighting ring? Can a Judge just ban the Logo of a Sports Franchise if its Members are involved in some kind of Criminal activity? You may be saying No because its different. Well I say it is only different because they haven't done it yet! There are the same problems in Motorcycle Clubs that there are in all organizations. The Police force has much more Criminal Activity going on in it then all the Motorcycle Clubs put together! Only Difference is they can bury the Truth! When it comes to Motorcycle Clubs and criminal activity the big difference is, The legend of Motorcycle Clubs is we are America's bad boys and it just sells so dam good.

This injustice can not be allowed to stand!!! I am sure some Sport Bike Clubs and AMA Club's feel they have nothing to fear! I am sure many are thinking this has nothing to do with them, Its only the Outlaw and 1% Clubs! They are thinking this isn't about us "we are the good guys". This is how to defeat us, take down the top level's first! The other levels will make excuses as to why it is not their fight and stand aside. All Bikers must join the fight now because once they are done with the Outlaw and 1% Clubs, Who do you think they will be looking at Next? Once the Outlaw and 1% Clubs are gone there will be no one left to come and help when they come for you!

I am pretty sure this is still the USA and this is completely against everything this Country was founded on and stands for! We all must ask, If this ruling is allowed to stand what Motorcycle Club will it be next? Will it be yours? What will the reasons be that they will use to ban your Clubs patch ? Will Jay walking be enough? Is that too ridiculous? How about if your an MC member and you get caught with a bag of marijuana? Is that enough? Will there have to be 2 Members involved? 3? What reason will they need to ban your Motorcycle Clubs patch?

When Motorcycle Clubs start having their Colors banned many members will start or join new Clubs, Because that is what we are, Motorcycle Club Members! Soon the government will realize this and then Ban Motorcycle Clubs all together! Any one who thinks their Club is not at risk is only kidding themselves! The time to unite and try to work together was yesterday! Today we have no choice but to ban together and fight for or right to survive. Tomorrow, it will be time to hide!!!

Even if some how all the Motorcycle Clubs can come together and work to win this fight, It is just the beginning and there will be many more rounds to come. If we are to win this fight we MUST at least make it to the 2nd round, Then we will have a Minute to pull ourselves together!!!

I am Your Bro L.J. James AmericanBikerX.com Listen to LJs Radio Show at BikerLowdown.com

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