วันเสาร์ที่ 14 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2552

Forex Course- Analyze and Trade

By Bart Icles

A common occurrence among traders is to find themselves kicking themselves because they saw they knew the market was going on way and they didnt enter, either do to fear or just plain laziness. Usually though the reason is because they were waiting for the best price to appear and it never came or they had two or their three markets and they were waiting around for the third one to show up.

The common result of the procrastination and waiting on the market is that the trader was dead on with the market but instead of acting on his research he waited for an even more prime market and failed to net any sort of gain off the trade. So ultimately his profit is zero.

A great motto for traders to remember as they learn forex and then as they trade forex is that you dont make any money in the business unless you put money on a trade. Too often a common pitfall is the fact that a forex trader will overanalyze a trade. Traders cant sit around and wait for the Utopian market to show up. The fact is it might exist at some moment in time but that isnt the goal of trading. The goal is to make money off the imperfect money conditions. Thats when a trader becomes an expert.

Once you place a trade take the time to manage that trade. The money you put on the trade is an investment of both your money and your time. Dont leave your trades up to chance. You may analyze the market perfectly but you will never be right in your analysis until you actually make the trade. There are systems that will help you see when to enter the market. Sometimes traders dont want to invest simply on what they see. There are indicators that will help you have the confidence to invest on your research because they will act as back information for. When you manage a trade you are pumping that trader for everything its worth.

The key to trading successfully is to not over analyze a trade or the market. It is also important that you dont over procrastinate or wait for the perfect market. If you fail prey to any of these mistakes you will find that you will either lose money invested or simply never make money because you never invest. You dont want to find yourself just watching chart patterns form and scroll across the screen.

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Trading Forex- 6 things that will wipe you out

By fxreport

Before you start out forex trading you need to be aware that the road to forex trading success starts out with understanding the following six steps. Each lesson is vitally important to your success as a forex trader. In order to be successful you must be prepared to educate yourself to gain the knowledge and skills required to be a great forex trader. 1. Forex Robots that aren't tested lose you money! Despite all the claims that you see on websites from these forex robots if they are not tested probably they are probably a scam. So in order to make sure you don't buy a bad product do some research first. Check the search engines for feed back go to forex forums ask forex brokers. The best way to be is dubious at the start it will save you a lot of money. 2. To be a successful forex trader is not simple With all of the great rewards on offer you can't expect it to be easy, people that expect it is easy will wipe themselves out quick, understand that it is not a get rich quick scheme. You must be prepared to put in the hard work of getting yourself the required skills and knowledge to be successful.

3. 20 hours per day doesn't guarantee success Unlike most professions its not just hard work that makes you a successful forex trader, it is time and knowledge. If you have the right knowledge and skill it may only take you half an hour a day to make great money. It is all about the education and skills that you have, not how much time you put in.

4. Be careful of the Leverage The major reason most people lose money is because they use too much leverage, in some case some forex brokers offer up to 400:1 leverage. So if a trade goes against you it is a very costly trade. Eg; $1000 equals $400,000 market exposure so if your trade falls 1% you lose $4,000 so this can hurt you very quickly. Make sure you use a broker that offers guaranteed stop losses. If you are looking for a great broker the best place to look is the CFD FX REPORT they have recently reviewed all the forex brokers and have come up with the best forex broker, this is a must for any serious about making money.

5. Forex Trading- Its sometimes all in your mind

In order to be successful you must have the right mindset and the mindset to be able to become a discipline trader. What that means is if you don't have the discipline to cut your losses this will wipe you out, you must have the mindset to be discipline even during losing streaks. Remember have to mindset to follow your plan.

6. Education is the key

Educate yourself to become a more successful trader and the next step is to continue to learn so vist the CFD FX REPORT they specialize in offering free education lessons.

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วันศุกร์ที่ 13 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2552

Advantages of Article Marketing

By Justin Harrison

Prior to the rise of the internet as a major player in marketing, article marketing was considered to be useful for promotion in print media. The need for well-written articles has increased greatly with new online venues such as websites, ezines, and e-mail newsletters. Today, article marketing is even more powerful, due to these new means of communication.

When someone is looking to advertise for their business, they usually will turn to a critic and have them write an article about the business. And when that happens usually the business will be flooded with more customers, but then if the review is bad, then the business will lose business.

For a business owner, offering content for publication basically provides them with free ad space on thousands of websites all over the world. There is a compelling opportunity for exposure to the right customers in the right market, while the expense is next to nothing, which makes the practice a powerful and quite elegant method for a business's communication.

Article marketing actually tries to engage an actively interested audience instead of email mass marketing which never was able to capture more than a one percent success rate. In article marketing the readers will have opted in by their own free will by either visiting the content website or having previously agreed to receive an email magazine. Due to this, these readers are by nature more willing to read and trust the articles provided and hence they are more willing and likely to visit the author's website to read more and possibly even make a transaction.

Established publishers who accept the articles already have a captive audience of likely customers. People who read the articles are concerned most of all with content, suggesting that they could be in a position to buy items or services relating to the content. Buying a comparable list of those high-quality leads would be very expensive. But writing an article only requires a minimal investment of time.

To gain more on your conversion rate, as a business owner you can provide links to specific information from the author's biography. Instead of just sending readers to the home page, the writer can provide the website of a specific article that expands upon the given topic. This will cause readers to look up, and trust, additional facts.

A further improvement to conversion rates can be made by providing an email address that readers can contact to subscribe to the author's newsletter or website. It is best to make this action as simple as possible to increase the chances of readers opting in. Then an auto-responder can send automated messages to those who've signed up that point out certain features of the author's website they might be interested in.

By giving publishers in related fields access to certain content, a business can expect an increase in website traffic at minimal cost, qualified lead production, and a significant improvement in brand awareness and sales.

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