วันอังคารที่ 17 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2552

How To Easily Find Festivals in Florida

By Carrey Coleman

I was out looking for a good place to look for festivals around Florida and that was when I chanced upon the event listings site of Florida Fairs and Festivals. It's an absolutely quaint site that packs a lot of information when it comes to upcoming events in and around the state.

There's a small log in fee to be a member (at 99 cents trial membership, it's pretty much a steal) but what you're getting is absolutely worth (and possibly even more!) You basically get: the name and event date, the city and location, contact numbers and websites, a description and size of the event and what types of vendors or presenters are they taking for the event.

This is a-must for the craft and festival aficionado. And it is a must when it comes to investing in the festival niche. After all, a listing of all available festivals is like a personal mountain of gold. Missed opportunities are very detrimental to one's career in the line of making your hobby or craft into a full-blown business. Having a list presents you options that you can choose from. After all, more options equal more chances for money and fame.

They also have helpful tips on things like making your craft into a business. Some DO's and DON'Ts which I actually found quite charming for the festival newbie and amateur alike. They too, have good tips on entering juried and non-juried shows. Which is better? What is the difference? Will I profit more on this or this? All of these questions can be answered by checking out their website.

Of course, if you aren't sure whether you want to join, you can always go for the 99 cents 3-day trial that the site offers. Same features as having the full membership. Membership isn't also quite the hassle as some people put it. It's not pricey (again, that's only 99 cents for the trial membership) and if you want to stay for a 6 month membership, it's just $29.95.

That's like 16 cents per day, a good investment for instant access to the state's festivals and events. You get security and a good idea of what the event is about, making you prepared and confident when you have to meet your market and your competition head on.

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Characteristics of Money Market Accounts

By Dennis Durrel

Investing your money could be creepy particularly in this tumultuous economic state. One of the most accepted method to invest your cash is over money market accounts. They are normally a shared fund that you invest in shorter investments.

The target of money market accounts is to invest while reducing the possibility that every single of us have to run into losses due to the market fluctuating. All money market accounts are checked by the SEC, the Securities and Exchange Commission.

The SEC set out policies in the early 1940's that gave out requirements as to how they may be invested. These similar policy state that an investors' money market accounts should have a Weighted Average Maturity less than 90 days, plus that the money must be distributed so that no more than 5% is dedicated to one particular issuer.

One of the most conventional money market accounts securities are short-term bonds, repurchase agreements, or even commercial paper. The SEC has also assured that all securities should be liquid with a steady monetary value.

A good thing concerning money market accounts is that they provide the account holder a high interest rate than an usual bank account. However, it is worth noting that for many money market accounts you might be needed to keep up a minimum balance in your account, plus each of us could only be able to have so many transactions throughout a particular statement period.

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Build Residual Income: Training Must Come First

By Shona Dosher

People have the desire to be successful in network marketing because they know this is the way to build residual income. What do you think differentiates you from all the other successful network marketers out there? The answer is MENTORSHIP and DAILY ACTION. If you're not doing these two things, you will probably fail like 97% of people in this industry.

Goal setting is very important in the network marketing industry. You should determine where you are and where you want to be in life. Set long terms goals and look at the long term results. Especially in this industry. It takes time, dedication, and hard work to become successful. Many of the successful people out there have failed their way to the top and that just means that when they failed at something, they kept going and going. Then eventually succeeded. Practice makes perfect!

Mentorship and training is one of the most crucial components of achieving goals. It's highly important to educate yourself in network marketing and learn from a leader. Find a leader that has built a successful organization and ask for mentoring. Follow that person closely and learn what methods they use to market their business. Take the same techniques and implement those into your business daily.

If you do that, daily, there is no way your not going to be successful. There is no difference between what you do and what the other successful networkers do except taking ACTION on PROVEN marketing techniques. If you have the determination and drive to build a huge organization, then that's what you will do.

I just want to stress to you again how important it is to get the right training if you want to be a success and build residual income. How do I know this? I've been there. I was struggling and frustrated until I found the right mentor. Then, I started seeing results, which is an amazing feeling. Now, I want to help others achieve success.

I recommend you take a look at one of the top leaders in this industry, Jenn Lawlor. She launched an online course that takes you step-by-step through the process of building and marketing your business the right way. In this program, she shares the marketing methods that she is currently using to build multiple organizations. Your business success is completely up to you!

In network marketing, you will encounter many obstacles. Be prepared by learning from a successful leader which will save you much time and frustration. The most effective method of learning network marketing is to learn from a successful leader.

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