วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 19 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2552

AdWords 101

By Justin Harrison

If you don't know about Google AdWords, get ready to learn about one of the most powerful tools on the Internet. Google Adwords is the best way of promoting your business and your site to the largest community of Internet users in the world, the users of Google?s search engine and Google's search partners. There is no greater opportunity on the Internet to attract and hold traffic to your site through paid advertising. But it you are not firmly grounded in the principles of what Adwords is and how Adwords works, you won't get the results you need, and you may even waste your advertising budget.

The first thing you need to do to write effective ads for Google Adwords is to determine what your visitors are looking for when they do their Google search. You want to make sure you attract the customers who will find the content they want on your site. If you get inside their heads, you'll know what they need and you will develop a better rounded keyword strategy.

One way to understand what drives customers to your site is basic keyword research. Look at the keywords that are already on your site. Do some additional basic keyword research with tools like WordTracker and Keyword Discovery. Don't limit yourself to the high KEI keywords you get from WordTracker or Keyword Discovery. Once you use the keyword search services, do some brainstorming to think of additional words and phrases that potential customers may be searching for that will lead them to content that your site can deliver. Make your list as long as you can. You can whittle it down as you get your campaign underway. Eventually you will have a few high-performing gems that bring you the highest Click Thru Rates (CTR) and conversions.

After you have your master list of keywords, create and fund your Adwords account. You will choose the most promising keywords from your brainstorming list to start an initial campaign. Start with just one ad for the keywords you choose. Then write at least one variation of your ad to see which copy brings you the most visitors. This process of testing one ad against another is called split testing. The process of split testing allows you to establish which ad's wording is more effective. You do this by analyzing your conversion rates and CTRs. As your Adwords campaign matures, you will repeat this fine tuning of your ad copy and your choice of keywords over and over again. You will create new ads that are slightly different each time to see if small changes in copy and keyword lead to small (and occasionally large) improvements in CTR and conversions.

Don't spend all your advertising budget up front. Be sure you set your budget low until you know which ads and which keywords work best for you. In some niches, $100 a week on Adwords can create a huge impact on site traffic. In other niches, you may need to spend a lot more. But whether you spend a little or a lot, make sure you check your return on investment. Adwords allows you to do this by setting a performance goal, such as units sold. This tool allows you to determine whether your Adwords campaign has earned your investment back, and by how much.

Always aim to make at least 50% return on your investment. A 50% return will ensure a profitable campaign that allows you to fund expansion of your site and gives you some profits to pocket. Paying attention to CTR and conversion rates makes it possible for you to grow your site from the sales you make with Adwords.

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This is how to get traffic from Adwords

By Richard Chapman

A lot of firms find out how to use Adwords successfully and it provides them with a large amount of strongly targeted traffic from as low as 5 cents per visitor. However, there are probably as many webmasters who have paid for Adwords and seen only minimal rewards or have seen little traffic from Adwords. If this applies to you, then read on, this could help.

Create a layout for your ad. Decide what you need to include in the title, this is most important. A good title attracts visitors. Then choose what keywords or details you would like to present to potential customers. Make sure that your text will bring only focused visitors to your site and stay away from the price of wasted clicks.

When you start your campaign, write down as many keywords and phrases as you can. You have to be innovative because all of the obvious keywords will have a high bid price and are probably prohibitively expensive.

Try to think of keywords that your customers would use. When you have thought of as many words as you can, look over your list. Keep only those that you feel are best.

Google will recommend a cost per click for you. Do not use it; Google always gives you a higher price than necessary. You must understand that your click through ratio has a definite effect on your position, almost as much as you bid price. The more click throughs you get, the higher you position. So it pays to write a good ad. Good ads get clicks.

Now you have your keywords and pricing settled you need to set your daily budget. Keep it low for a while, permitting you to see how successfully this campaign is running, without investing too much cash. Let your campaign run for some days, and take care to note which keywords are leading to sales or enquiries.

You must continually monitor the performance of your keywords and ad groups. Try and change little details from time to time, maybe one word here and there. Changing even one word can have an effect on the success of your campaign and improve your results from Adwords.

Google will disable your advertisements if you are not getting enough clicks. If this happens, go back and rethink your keywords and then repeat this process to find new solutions.

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Wealthy Affiliate Facts - Consider This Before Joining!

By Xania Hughes

The Wealthy Affiliate facts are, that thanks to the highly successful Wealthy Affiliate program, many people, from all sorts of different backgrounds, are becoming successful internet marketers and earning money online. The facts are too, that you also could become a successful affiliate marketer once you have learned the techniques and skills you need. Does that sound like an interesting idea?

If you have been searching for a way to earn extra money from home, in your own spare time and using not much more than your home computer and internet connection ,you will be relieved to know that internet marketing may be the solution you are looking for. The Wealthy Affiliate facts are that its members come from all walks of life, are from all age groups and from diverse backgrounds. Wealthy Affiliate membership is available to anyone wishing to learn affiliate marketing.

The following Wealthy Affiliate facts are worth considering too:

1. The Wealthy Affiliate program teaches the skills and techniques needed to become a successful internet marketer. New members use an 8 week learning plan to help them acquire the background knowledge and skills necessary for affiliate marketing. After this initial learning curve, the learning continues using the share zone full of intermediate and advanced resources.

2. Once you have paid your membership fee, you are entitled to the use of the extensive marketing tools supplied by the program and do not have to pay any extra for this. As an example,the Wealthy Affiliate program includes a website builder program and free web hosting for your first three websites. There are many more tools to make your internet marketing experience included as well.

3. The W.A. members forum provides in depth back-up and support for members at all levels of their internet journeys. In addition the WA jobs forum helps you market any skills you may have to other members, providing members with additional ways to make money as they learn.

4. Wealthy Affiliate membership fees are extremely affordable and can even be paid on a month by month basis. From the outset, Wealthy Affiliate members are warned that internet marketing is not a Get Rich Overnight scheme and that there is a lot of learning and effort needed to become successful.Success does come though, as the stories in the Success Forum can tell you.

5. You cannot go past the reputation the Wealthy Affiliate program has for providing a program of excellence for people who want to learn to be internet marketers. The Wealthy Affiliate Program is highly respected by the online community. New members can be supremely confident the program will provide them with all the skills they will need to be successful if they put in the work.

This article has been written so that you can learn a little more about the Wealthy Affiliate program. If you are looking for a safe , effective way to start an internet marketing career you could not do better than join Wealthy Affiliate.

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