วันจันทร์ที่ 23 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2552

Your Unique Talent at Iowa Craft Shows

By Peter Schaub

A great thing about being human is the want to have an interesting hobby. There are a lot of people who are very fond of sports, whether as a spectator or as an actual jock; they can be found on the varsity teams of High Schools or after-school clubs and gain praise from excelling at physical tasks. Yet others are into exercising their minds and do complicated mind acrobatics, believing that good grades will get them into an Ivy League University.

Then you get people like me, who are into the fine arts or making crafted items. We pride ourselves that what once started as a seed of an idea will be able to come out into something tangible. It may be a sculpture, a painting, handcrafted trinkets or the shaping of wires to form discernable figures. There is immense satisfaction when we were our praised and the high praises we receive for our skills and talents are euphoric.

Needless to say, people who are into crafts are always on the lookout for different craft shows to attend. Living in the American Heartland, I discovered there are a lot of opportunities to showcase my creations to a larger group of people via these shows. It just takes a bit of time management; as a student, as a farmer's son, and an aspiring artisan.

If we're the same, and you're thinking about looking for a decent craft show yourself, all you have to do is go online and search for the needed information on the Internet. Just a bit of Internet know-how is enough to get you what you need of a few websites and you'll find a listing of all craft fairs in Iowa.

Once you find your way around, you just have to contact the administrators of the event. Sometimes this is done via e-mail, but if you can find a way to talk to them personally, then you should go for that option.

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วันอาทิตย์ที่ 22 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2552

EMR Software Improves Medical Office Efficiency

By Harry E Selent

The electronic medical record (EMR) management capability of the proven Medisoft EMR Clinical software program has assisted many small practices in providing excellent patient care at the highest cost efficiency.

Affordarble EMR Practice Solutions with Medisoft Clinical. McKesson's Medisoft Clinical is now available as part of its most recently launched Medisoft release. Medisoft Clinical provides effective function and design in practice management and electronic medical records (PM/EMR) software. The latest release combines the highly effective practice management capabilities of Medisoft v15 with a user-friendly, high-value EMR management tool that is affordable even for small physician practice like your own. Take advantage of this valuable tool for headache-free practice automation.

This comprehensive PM/EMR program provides the very best tools for completing critical medical office tasks including: *Automated population of patient personal information to avoid redundant data entry; *The ability to alert nursing staff in the exam room when a patient is ready to be seen; *The ability to create a superbill that automatically includes ICD-9 and CPT-4 codes derived from information taken from the provider's SOAP notes.

Chances are your practice currently uses McKesson's Medisoft practice management (PM) system or another solution to automate your scheduling, billing and accounts receivable processes. It's time to take the next step. By adding an electronic medical record (EMR) like the one in Medisoft Clinical, you can ultimately replace all paper in your practice to achieve maximum office efficiency, improve financial performance and enhance quality of care.

High level efficiency: Medisoft Clinical is set apart from other EMR systems as a result of its unique design that automates completion of the entire chart from a progress note. When information like drugs, lab results, and vital signs is added to the note, the rest of the chart will automatically be updated.

Flexible documentation tools allow for adaptation to the provider's preferences and provide a choice of data entry methods, including: templates, speech recognition, transcription, digital pen, dictation, online patient data entry.

A provider dashboard lets you view all critical information " including messages, incoming results and a daily patient schedule " in one place. In addition, a review bin provides at-a-glance viewing of notes, documents and lab results. Physicians also are able to quickly see overdue orders and track each order by patient, status and expected time for a result to return. In addition, incoming results automatically update order status.

Improve quality " Medisoft Clincal provides easy access so that you'll have at your fingertips all of the information necessary for providing high-quality care. Its comprehensive knowledge base includes: -Online access to hundreds of disease and pharmaceutical protocols; -a wide variety of progress note templates for primary care and specialty cases; -health maintenance protocols tailored to patient age, sex, disease status, medications, and other information specific to a particular patient.

Improve safety: Ensure patient safety and streamline prescriptions and prescription refills with the use of electronic prescription software (SureScripts and RxHub). The program includes thousands of individual prescription templates, plus a complete database of medication costs and important checks like drug interactions, drug allergies, disease contraindications, diagnoses, and targeted, proactive dosage recommendations.

Physician tools: Analyze the note with a sophisticated coding advisor for Evaluation and Management codes using both the 1995 and 1997 CMS Documentation; Guidelines to optimize coding based on documentation. Load transcribed text and populate the entire patient chart including the problem list, medication list, medical histories and vital signs. Partially dictate a visit and have the transcribed text automatically go to the correct place in the note. Import and export chart summary data using CCD or CCR formats. Communicate with other practices' EMRs or with the patient's personal health record (PHR). When importing data, choose which chart sections to update while still keeping an entire copy of the imported document. Customize chart viewing by physician to allow provider (and specialty) specific views for charts, chart summaries and flow charts.

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What Does Well in a Recession-How to Get Rich During a Recession

By Mathew S. Robar

Is it the end of the world? Not likely, but it is a recession. So do we tuck tail and run? Again, no we Learn what does well in a recession and we find out how to get rich during one! This is capitalism folks.

A recession is defined as "a period of reduced economic activity". With that in mind, lets dive into how we are going to make these riches.

One of the best ideas for profiting from a recession is to start a business. It is a great time to do so. Prices are low and niche markets tend to pop up during recessions.

We have seen increases in such niche markets as home based businesses, debt settlement and loan modification. These are the area's we want to focus in.

Loan modification and debt settlement are good, but also pose a lot more risk and typically would require a financial background and financial backing. Where we want to focus is on the home based business opportunity.

Its perfect, people want to work from home and they want to make more money, so how to you come in. Hmm, how about if you offered them the opportunity. thats right you can help them get their own business and take a piece of their earnings. Thats right, residual income.

Not only will the company typically pay you very well for growing your team, but that team is what is going to drive your steady stream of income while you are out with the kids!

The opportunity is real, people want to own their own business and people will do what it takes to make money. SO give them what they want, empower them to own their own business, make more money and in turn make you a load of money in the process.

ITs up to you to make it happen...

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