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Beautiful and popular hairstyles by Jennifer Aniston

By Alex Pecklen

One of the most popular and loved actress in Hollywood is Jennifer Aniston and we all remember her fame bringing role in TV show Friends as Rachel whose independent character and of course hairstyles we adored so much. That cute and very attractive young lady Rachel bribed our hearts with her dingy and lovable character and I bet plenty of women envied her amazing hairstyles she used to have and some even tried to make their own hairstyles alike.

Ever fall Jennifer Aniston fans waited for another season of Friends to start so impatiently as they desperately wanted to find out what hairstyle would Jennifer have this time. Would it be a short haircut or long hairstyle, straight or curvy one? And no matter what hairstyle Jennifer Aniston chose, her fans adored it and it turned into a hairstyle hit for the next year. So female fans went to the hairdressers with the picture of Jennifer Aniston and her new haircut.

A huge trendsetter was the well known hairstyle Rachel cut, that became very popular. This haircut framed face with longer hair at the bottom and shorter at the crown. Thus Jennifer Anistons hairstyle looked like long hair and yet was making the height on the top.

From time to time celebrity would have a very romantic big curls long hairstyle which was easily created by TV show stylists by drying with a big round bush and after that, using an iron to finish the big curls and make them silky before soft brushing.

I remember one of the cutest fun look Jennifer Aniston used to have and I liked it very much. Her celebrity hairstyle was a tousled bunch of soft waves all over. This interesting hairstyle was easily gained by blow drying and casual hair braids finished with a big curl iron and then tenderly brushed with a vent brush to create tousled waves.

Though Jennifer Aniston appeared with wavy hair really often, this celebritys favorite hairstyle is straight and sleek shiny hair. She easily straightens her fine hair by fan drying with the help of big round brush.

Apparently Jennifer Aniston doesnt like short hairstyles and prefers having long sleek hair. I can remember her shortest haircut was about shoulder length straight hair bob.

Have fun and good luck finding your celebrity hairstyle.

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Good Design Practices

By Dr Adel Screen

Your website is where your business resides -- it's like the headquarter of an offline company. Hence, it is important to practise good design principles to make sure your site reaches out to the maximum number of visitors and sells to as many people as possible.

Make sure you have clear directions on the navigation of your website. The navigation menu should be uncluttered and concise so that visitors know how to navigate around your website without confusion.

Reduce the number of images on your website. They make your site load very slowly and more often than not they are very unnecessary. If you think any image is essential on your site, make sure you optimize them using image editing programs so that they have a minimum file size.

Keep your text paragraphs at a reasonable length. If a paragraph is too long, you should split it into seperate paragraphs so that the text blocks will not be too big. This is important because a block of text that is too large will deter visitors from reading your content.

Make sure your website complies to web standards at www.w3.org and make sure they are cross-browser compatible. If your website looks great in Internet Explorer but breaks horribly in Firefox and Opera, you will lose out on a lot of prospective visitors.

Avoid using scripting languages on your site unless it is absolutely necessary. Use scripting languages to handle or manipulate data, not to create visual effects on your website. Heavy scripts will slow down the loading time of your site and even crash some browsers. Also, scripts are not supported across all browsers, so some visitors might miss important information because of that.

Use CSS to style your page content because they save alot of work by styling all elements on your website in one go.

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How To Make A Resume - Your First Steps

By Cynthia Penfold

Your resume is that one tool that decides whether or not a job is yours. That is why you must realize the importance of creating an excellent resume. If you are simply printing out an entry level resume on your computer, that is not going to do the job. The only way youre going to impress a potential employer is by providing them with a resume that shows you have the right skill set, explains your work history well, shows that you are right for the company, and that you are the gold theyve been looking for in the goldmine.

So what you need to do first is ask yourself, What skills do I have that I can offer to this company? Once you figure that out, write it down on a sheet of paper. Unfortunately, we are all only human and, as human beings, it is hard to remember everything right off the top of our heads.

The second thing that you need to ask yourself is, What type of employee is this company looking for? If you know the answer to this question, then write it down. It is then important to ask yourself, What can I offer this company? You want to make sure that you have something to offer the company because you dont want to be wondering what comes next on your job. You also need to take a look at your experience so that you can pinpoint where you will excel in the company.

Once this information is taken down, it is time to create the resume. You will then create your objective to tell the company what it is you intend to accomplish. Your employment history is then the next step. You always want to create a detailed description of the job duties you performed because the smallest detail may be important. Leaving something out could be the difference between getting the job and not getting it.

Next, you will outline any other relevant experience you have such as volunteer experience. You will also want to include any licenses or certifications that you may have. You never know when one of these things may be relevant to the job that you are applying for. There are things that can really impress a potential employer, so dont leave out anything.

The last part is your reference section. You can include your references on your resume if you wish. Some individuals prefer to not place their references on their resume, so they state that they will be provided upon request.

Basically, you shouldnt slack on your resume in any way. Although there are individuals who state that a one page resume is the best, it is something that is impossible for some to do. You want to be able to highlight your skills as much as possible, so it is difficult to condense.

Lastly, make sure you use a high quality paper. You dont want to use printer or copier paper. This is because your average printer paper is not of a great quality. You can get resume paper at your local department store or office supply store. With high quality paper and a high quality individual working together, the chances of getting the job increase significantly.

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