วันพุธที่ 25 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2552

Fuel of the Future? Indiana's Contribution

By Ian Kleine

Biofuel is deemed the 'fuel of the future'.

Basically, it is fuel added with organic components that do not belong to the category of 'long dead, prehistoric biological material.' There are many types of biofuels, though most of them are still deemed too expensive and inefficient. The two most current profitable and feasible are the generic 'biofuels' and 'agrofuels'.

Biofuel is usually derived from 'biomass' a big heap of material from recently living (and now dead) organisms, usually plant life after harvesting. Animal parts (like manure, slaughterhouse parts) can also be used and added to the biomass gunk. It usually consists of animal waste, construction materials, leaves and tree refuse, and crop stalks (usually wheat, oats, and rice stalks).

Agrofuels are basically specialized plants whose produce has a good composition that could be assimilated into a pseudo-fuel source. Usually, these plants have to have a very high sugar content (like sugar cane, beet, and sorghum) or starch (sweet potatoes and corn do fine) and have yeast extract the alcohol. The other one is to have plants that create high amounts of oil that can be used to support the main fuel (like palm, soy, jatropha which is fast becoming the crop of choice for oils among biofuels.) Sooner or later, these plants may be raised and cultured just for this purpose.

We have vegetable oil, used in its distilled form (rid of water and particulates) that is used by older diesel engines, as they are most compatible with the engine. Biodiesel which is produced from oil and is chemically similar to diesel. The oils are used to replace a part of the fuel. Bioalcohols are of the same value, except instead of oil, they use alcohols.

Indiana is the proponent of most of the biofuels in the country. With this move, hopefully, the state will become the leader in the green revolution.

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Shuffle Mp3 Explained

By Anne Ahira

The iPod Shuffle Mp3 has been around since 2005. It was originally created with mp3 player 1gb memory and would hold nearly 240 songs. It is considered the budget model of the iPod line.

Early in the game, the producer of iPod identified that many users would leave their digital music players on random. They decided that a shuffle mp3 player could be made and it would be price effective . Therefore, the iPod shuffle mp3 player was born and was the major iPod to use flash memory.

First Facts

The very main production iPod shuffle mp3 player was not many to seem at. It was a minimal audio player that came with a USB end built in, no require for cables merely plug it into your home computer to get started.

At release the iPod shuffle mp3 player were setted a price near $150, nowadays you may pick up a first information for more or less $70.

Second Gen

Billed as the mainly available iPod still the shuffle mp3 second generation would see a latest design. Instead of the long rectangular form of the original, it would sport nearly ideal square and be much smaller.

There were several system changes along with the design improve . In earlier years, users had been capable to use Mac or Windows format system. This new shuffle mp3 player will give an error if brought up in Mac format system.

Another change with the small design of the shuffle mp3 is that the USB is no longer built in; instead, the player comes with a dock that hooks up to the shuffle mp3 player through the headphone jack.

Originally released in only a brushed aluminum color six months after the release of the second-generation shuffle mp3 Apple introduced colors. No longer a dull chrome color you could now get an iPod shuffle mp3 player in blue, green, orange, or pink. These colors were soon replaced by turquoise, product red, mint green and lavender. By late in 2008 the original colors were back with a new red to boot.


Apple really hit it out of the park with the shuffle mp3 player. Although they would not release the actual numbers, professional speculate that iPod shuffle commanded as much as 43% of the market share within months of its release. Although simple in concept and lacking many of the bells and whistles of larger mp3 players, it is still a solid choice.

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วันอังคารที่ 24 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2552

Beautiful and popular hairstyles by Jennifer Aniston

By Alex Pecklen

One of the most popular and loved actress in Hollywood is Jennifer Aniston and we all remember her fame bringing role in TV show Friends as Rachel whose independent character and of course hairstyles we adored so much. That cute and very attractive young lady Rachel bribed our hearts with her dingy and lovable character and I bet plenty of women envied her amazing hairstyles she used to have and some even tried to make their own hairstyles alike.

Ever fall Jennifer Aniston fans waited for another season of Friends to start so impatiently as they desperately wanted to find out what hairstyle would Jennifer have this time. Would it be a short haircut or long hairstyle, straight or curvy one? And no matter what hairstyle Jennifer Aniston chose, her fans adored it and it turned into a hairstyle hit for the next year. So female fans went to the hairdressers with the picture of Jennifer Aniston and her new haircut.

A huge trendsetter was the well known hairstyle Rachel cut, that became very popular. This haircut framed face with longer hair at the bottom and shorter at the crown. Thus Jennifer Anistons hairstyle looked like long hair and yet was making the height on the top.

From time to time celebrity would have a very romantic big curls long hairstyle which was easily created by TV show stylists by drying with a big round bush and after that, using an iron to finish the big curls and make them silky before soft brushing.

I remember one of the cutest fun look Jennifer Aniston used to have and I liked it very much. Her celebrity hairstyle was a tousled bunch of soft waves all over. This interesting hairstyle was easily gained by blow drying and casual hair braids finished with a big curl iron and then tenderly brushed with a vent brush to create tousled waves.

Though Jennifer Aniston appeared with wavy hair really often, this celebritys favorite hairstyle is straight and sleek shiny hair. She easily straightens her fine hair by fan drying with the help of big round brush.

Apparently Jennifer Aniston doesnt like short hairstyles and prefers having long sleek hair. I can remember her shortest haircut was about shoulder length straight hair bob.

Have fun and good luck finding your celebrity hairstyle.

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