วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 26 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2552

Get Online: Data Storage Blues

By James Gilbert Pynn

Though the darlings at Lifehacker would have you believe online data storage is a new technology, they're wrong. Online data storage is not some novel idea. Nor was it an idea that only recently came upon the ultra-hip the market. Indeed, contrary to popular belief, it has been a staple of standard business practice since the 1980s. You remember the Eighties, don't you? The Flock of Seagulls hair? Miami Vice? Reaganomics?

The technology involved in online data storage was the result of Provo, Utah's very own: Novell Inc. That's right, hipster, in totally un-hip Utah (no offense Utah residents). Businesses in the Eighties needed their data stored in a centralized database that would not be jeopardized should the company's hardware be compromised. And so the filer server as we know it today was born.

File servers are ideally suited for the modern workplace. They provide instantaneous collaboration, allowing employees to work on respective projects and have them reviewed and developed by other team members. This transcends the limitations of space (offices in various cities) and time (allowing employees to stay firmly planted in their seats). Since all he company's data is stored in one database, any employee with authorization is allowed to therefore access it and use it as they need.

Worrying about the security of your data should have gone the way of the floppy disc. While companies do indeed have local servers and computers, all data should be backed up with remote servers. This is helpful in light of hardware failures or natural disasters. What could be a terrible occurrence could turn out to be a mere inconvenience. Having this kind of data insurance gives businesses an incredible sense of stability and security.

Of all the online data storage providers, only a handful have both the reputation and the reliability today's companies demand. They allow users to retrieve any and all necessary files at any time. This, therefore, increased productivity, allowing employees to get more done and more quickly. Companies can have their pick from the throng of online servers, especially with regards to storage solutions. A simple search engine query will pull up a number of results that can meet any company's needs.

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How can We Prevent Road Accidents from Happening

By A Nutt

There is no doubt about it; there are far too many accidents on the road today. Even if you are the most careful and contentious driver on the road there is still a chance that someone will slam into your car causing you, at the very least, some property damage and maybe something far worse.

There is nothing you can do that will guarantee you a constantly safe and totally accident free driving experience, but there are several things that travelers can do to help minimize the amount of accidents that occur on the road every day.

Obey the Traffic Laws The state makes prospective drivers pass a test before they get behind the wheel for a reason, automobiles can be very dangerous if they aren't operated properly and according to the laws of the road. Speed limits, traffic signs and all other traffic signals should be closely adhered to every single time someone gets behind the wheel, traffic laws are put in place to protect all of the travelers who are sharing space on the road. Following traffic signals isn't an option, those drivers that treat it as such are usually the ones you see pulled over to the side of the road being handed a violation by officers or off the side of the road due to being involved in an accident after that required roadside assistance.

Pay Attention to the Road and Your Surroundings at all times There can be plenty of things going on in traffic all around you, so it's crucial that you pay attention to everything going on around you. Driving should be your only focus while behind the wheel. Too many travelers use there commute to eat their breakfasts, drink their coffees, apply their make up and change their outfits and these are often the drivers that are involved in accidents. If you don't have time to eat, change or apply your make up before you get in the car, it's probably a good idea to start getting up earlier. Those five extra minutes of sleep won't help you replace your totaled automobile or help with your rehabilitation following an accident.

Put Down the Cell Phone Our cell phones now are a huge survival tool, they let us make calls, receive and send text messages and e-mails, surf the internet and get directions, watch videos, take pictures and listen to music, among other things, but one place they don't belong is in your hand while you're behind the wheel. You simply can't concentrate on the road and the things going on around you while you're typing a text message or reading an e-mail. There are laws against using your cell phone while driving in many states now, and those laws are just as important to follow as all of the other laws on the road, you can read your e-mails and send your texts when you get to your destination, but doing so while your driving may not let you get to your destination at all.

Don't Drive under the Influence Driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol is a major cause of accidents and automobile related deaths. An easy way to prevent this is to not drive while you are under the influence, if you have to drink, and then find another way to get home. Have a sober friend drive you, take a cab or spend the night where you are, but never get behind the wheel after you've been drinking.

Many of the accidents that occur are preventable, if people would just pay attention and abide by the laws of the road. By staying aware of your surroundings you can help to minimize the chances that you'll be involved in an accident, but if you choose to drink and drive or play with your cell phone while you're driving then you are setting yourself up to become a statistic.

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Get A Credit Identity Theft Protection Is Simple and Easy

By Eddy A Konh Smith

You have to take some reasonable effort and spend some time to make sure your credit identity theft protection is in place as if not properly planned, any compromised would end up paying a heavy price.

In this 21st, as more and more people are shopping online over the Internet, it is important to get your identity protected as there are also more identity thieves looming around looking for fresh preys online.

If you possesses a bank account, credit card or a savings account, then you ought to get a credit identity theft protection in place.

Devastating Consequences

The consequences of becoming an identity theft victim and more particularly a credit card identity theft victim can truly be damaging. Among the more common ploys being used by credit card identity thieves; use of phishing sites is one that is very normal. Another common reason why credit card identity theft takes place is dumpster driving.

It makes sense to take credit identity theft protection steps to ensure that you dont end up at a phishing site or forgets to shred your bank and credit card statements before discarding them in a dustbin.

Remember, that the ill effects of credit card identity theft are so severe that not doing something to ensure credit identity theft protection is really flirting with danger and inviting serious consequences.

The best credit identity theft protection step is to get informed with your current credit rating as well as being up-to-date with credit card use are simple yet effective steps to ensure that you are able to thwart identity thieves.

Another credit identity theft protection steps is not to releasing any personal details to strangers unless that they are genuine people.

Nowadays, there are emails that have dubious links that are asking people to login with their personal data. If you are truly concerned about affecting the right credit identity theft protection steps then you will learn to steer well clear of such emails.

Using a smart credit cards is one of the great ways to make sure a proper credit identity theft protection, though it may cost a little bit of money. Nevertheless, they are proven to be effective in protecting you from identity theft.

With risks of becoming an identity theft victim reaching epidemic proportions; looking for proper credit identity theft protection measures will certainly play no small role in helping you from being victimized.

There are loads of identity theft insurance coverage available and most of them offers some forms of attractive packages. Some of them are proven to give adequate compensation even after you becoming an identity theft victim.

Measures such as taking out insurance and using smart credit cards should provide you with some peace of mind knowing that you have done your bit to ensure that your identity remains secure and safe and will not easily be compromised.

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