วันจันทร์ที่ 2 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Working From Home Is A Choice

By Seventh Heaven

Your own work in home business has many advantages. For many, this is a dream and many aspects are very positive, but for best results, you should listen to what others who have already been in this direction have to say because they have ' excellent information to help you in your journey.

When you work from home, there is no ceiling on income so that your potential earnings are unlimited. However, you must rely on you to pay your salary, and not another will be there to do it for you.

Plan ahead for slow times and you will have to learn how to budget for them. It is always important to have a money reserve put away when you have a home based business.

Another achievement is absolutely crucial, good time management. Everything sounds good when your dream home business, flexibility and the ability to create your own timetable, but mismanagement of time can put an end to any home-based business dead in its tracks.

Sidetracks are many when you work from home and they will leave the stagnation and without profit. You will find that you need to establish rules for family and friends. It will take some time to understand, but they finally do. You tell him when you are available.

Do not allow yourself to become a workaholic, which can be very difficult, but time aside each day, so you can at least go outside for a little time each day. Try to maintain a certain balance so that your friends and family do not become resentful of not being able to enjoy you.

Do not ever be fooled by the misconception that home work is easier than going to work. It is not easier; as a matter of fact the opposite is true.

Never take away that entrepreneurial spirit. You have to maintain a positive attitude and continue forward, even when things may not look all that good.

Work hard and be fair and you will see how results can be wonderful, really.

Just be prepared for the fact that everyday will not be easy, it will not be fair, and it will not be profitable but you have the tools that you need to persevere.

Stay committed and in the long run you will be very glad that you made the right choice.

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Do not run out of money before you run out of life

By john krol

Okay, so it finally hits you that investing in real estate is the best possible move you can make with your money. With your heart is set on buying an apartment building, your search for reading

The answer is simple; use, use and use. Use is possibly the most important factor in terms of the property?s value. For your investment to be a success, you need to think of the building?s use for you as well as for your tenants. Hence, you need to also put yourself in the shoes of your customers, i.e. your tenants. To kick start things, first attain information on the demographics of the area in which you want to invest in. This should give you a basic idea of who your target audience is and will also allow you to build a general profile of your typical tenant.

With that profile in mind, think then of what the average tenant would need if he/she lives in your building. For starters, regardless of who you rent out to, people will always need basic amenities near by. Thus, you have to ensure that the apartment building you buy is located near a grocery store, entertainment facilities, medical facilities and the like. You should note that although people might have cars, they won?t like driving for more than 10 minutes to get the basic necessities. For example, in an emergency situation, no person would like to drive more than 10 minutes to get to a hospital.

Following the universal needs, you need to look a little more closely into the profile you have outlined. The more you breakdown this profile, the greater will be chances for success. For instance, if currently you feel that your building will primarily be occupied by families, then you should study the demographic data carefully to figure out what kind of families are we talking about. Will the families be newly married couples or families with school-going children' If it's the former of the two cases, then your building should ideally be located near a good quality daycare center. Meanwhile, if it's the latter of the two cases, then you will be best positioned if the building is a near a good quality school.

Use is possibly the most important factor when one is to make a purchase. Combine that with customer profiling, and you have the recipe for success. However, always remember that you shouldn?t venture outside your comfort zone unless you absolutely have to. Comfort zone here refers to areas with which you are familiar and have possibly had experience in previously. This point is important always but even more when you are initially starting out as a real estate investor. When starting out, stick to what you know and try out new things only when you feel you have a handle on the situation. And always, always, keep your eyes and ears open to absorb whatever information you can about your location so that you are never left in the dark.


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California Living: Economics

By Ian Kleine

The economics of California holds a direct influence on the monetary system of the United States of America, due to the fact that the state pays more than as to the benefits it receives from monetary funds and benefits.

There are at least four major economic regions surrounding California. Hollywood, whose movies and projects cost and create a lot of money. California Central Valley, responsible for agriculture and the produce that supplies the state and its surrounding neighbors. Silicon Valley, which deals with the production, creation and development of computer hardware and electronic devices. And the wineries of California, particularly Napa Valley, Sonoma Valley and others.

By 2002, these regions were divided and more were added to the classification system. Among these were: Trade, Transportation and Utilities, Government, Professional and Business Service Providers, Education and Health, Leisure and Hospitality, Manufacturing, Financial Services, Construction, Information, Internet Business and Marketing and Agriculture.

The state also draws a lot of its input from tourism and international trade; after all, California IS the 'melting pot' of cultures in the United States. The tourism department makes at least an annual income of 134 billion dollars; with one third of that only coming from exports. The 96 billion something dollars left comes from revenue from direct traveling in to California.

California also competes with the other states in terms of agricultural produce. This includes the production of wines, cheese, dairy products, fruits and vegetables. California has been known to lead in the dairy category, with milk being the number one farming commodity, and has generated jobs and employment for at least 400,000 people far across the state.

Looking for oil, so called liquid-gold, has also been under development. So far, rich strikes have been made near the Californian Coasts, Long Beach and Los Angeles. Oil drilling is not something new, it has actually supported the state over the years, now only making a comeback due to reduced and cheaper costs in drilling for oil around these areas.

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