Advertising is all about timing, your message needs to be in front of the prospect at the time they need your product, otherwise its very likely to be ignored; that makes it expensive. Advertising over and over, no matter what the medium can get very costly; are there other cheaper ways to keep your message in front of clients and prospects each and every day?
Desk pad calendars are a great, inexpensive way to keep your company name and contact information in front of potential buyers each and every day.
For advertising to work it needs to be in front of buyers all the time, so the trick is not just to get in front of possible buyers, but to stay there for an extended period. Desk pad calendars are something the buyer can use in many ways, from jotting down notes to simply double checking the date, which means they'll keep it on their desk all year. Desk pad calendars are a low cost way to keep your message in front of buyers all year.
Consumer electronics companies use expensive advertising all the time from television to radio, to full color pull outs in the Sunday paper. Why are they spending so much and doing it so often, they want to be there when you, or your neighbor, or your cousin decide it's time to buy what they have to offer.
As a B2B supplier how can you keep your message in front of clients and prospects all the time to make sure that when they need what you offer your name and contact information is right there in front of them. A desk pad calendar is the perfect solution.
A low cost and useful tool for keeping your advertisement and message in front of business buyers is a custom printed desk pad calendar, other calendars such as appointment books will work but from a cost benefit standpoint a desk pad calendar is the way to go. Put your message and brand on a desk pad calendar, give it to the buyers you serve and your brand will stay in front of your buyers every day of the year.
A desk pad calendar could well be the most inexpensive way to ensure multiple impressions of your message to targeted buyers. You create brand awareness when targeted buyers see your brand over and over again. When you realize that a desk pad calendar is something buyers will look at over and over day after day you understand how a desk pad calendar is one of the lowest cost ways available to promote your brand.
Desk pad calendars are a great, inexpensive way to keep your company name and contact information in front of potential buyers each and every day.
For advertising to work it needs to be in front of buyers all the time, so the trick is not just to get in front of possible buyers, but to stay there for an extended period. Desk pad calendars are something the buyer can use in many ways, from jotting down notes to simply double checking the date, which means they'll keep it on their desk all year. Desk pad calendars are a low cost way to keep your message in front of buyers all year.
Consumer electronics companies use expensive advertising all the time from television to radio, to full color pull outs in the Sunday paper. Why are they spending so much and doing it so often, they want to be there when you, or your neighbor, or your cousin decide it's time to buy what they have to offer.
As a B2B supplier how can you keep your message in front of clients and prospects all the time to make sure that when they need what you offer your name and contact information is right there in front of them. A desk pad calendar is the perfect solution.
A low cost and useful tool for keeping your advertisement and message in front of business buyers is a custom printed desk pad calendar, other calendars such as appointment books will work but from a cost benefit standpoint a desk pad calendar is the way to go. Put your message and brand on a desk pad calendar, give it to the buyers you serve and your brand will stay in front of your buyers every day of the year.
A desk pad calendar could well be the most inexpensive way to ensure multiple impressions of your message to targeted buyers. You create brand awareness when targeted buyers see your brand over and over again. When you realize that a desk pad calendar is something buyers will look at over and over day after day you understand how a desk pad calendar is one of the lowest cost ways available to promote your brand.
About the Author:
Christopher Higgins is president of Dataguide a print, marketing and on line solutions firm focused on providing businesses with effective long lasting marketing products that promote their firm. find out more about desk pad calendars and how they can help you get and keep your message in front of targeted buyers request a sample today.