วันศุกร์ที่ 6 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Make Money Fast

By Jenny Smithson

There are lots of opportunities available to you to make money fast if you really start to think about it. A lot of times people complain about needing more money but do not do what they need to earn it. If you really put your mind to it, you will realize that there are lots of great ways to make money fast.

What it all depends upon is how dedicated you really want to be when it comes to making money fast. One of the biggest benefits of all is that when you start up your own side business, you can earn extra money and do it in the way that you want to. There is so much freedom and so many different ways to do it that it can be overwhelming.

The best part of this is that you really can market just about anything that you can think of on the internet. This is great for you because no matter where you are located, you will be able to make money. Maybe you have some great ideas of items that you could sell but they aren't very marketable where you live; those are the ones you want to sell online.

If you are not really interested in selling anything or making a business online, then look for opportunities locally. A neighbor of mine learned how to build his own fencing around his yard and had so many compliments on it that he just had to start building fences on the weekends for all of his other neighbors, etc. His hobby turned into a great money making business.

Your new side business could vary and be as aggresive or as relaxed as you really want it to be. You could start selling your arts and crafts, homemade items or even market your skills as a piano teacher or translating services. There really are so many possibilities and resources that are alreayd there for you to use.

No matter what you decide to do, don't forget that your advertising shouldn't cost you a dime. There are websites, word of mouth and other cheap ways to get your name and your new business out there without too much effort.

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Applied Bank Credit Card

By Dan Moskel

The Applied Bank credit card is a secured card. That means that you must open an account with Applied Bank and make a deposit into that account before you can receive your card.

The deposit is designed to secure your account should it default. The limit on the card will be equal to the amount of the deposit, which can be between $200 and $5,000.

You will still have monthly payments and a fixed APR of 9.99%. Additionally your card will report to the credit bureaus.

Because your account is secured by the deposit, no one will be turned down and there is no credit check required. The annual fee for the card is $50.

The card will be issued as a Visa card and is accepted everywhere that Visa is accepted. If you make your payments regularly and on time, you will be able to generate a history of positive payments.

This can help repair a damaged credit score, but we also recommend that you eliminate negative information from your credit report.

Dont think that you just have to live with a poor credit rating; you may contact the credit bureaus to dispute the negative items and have them erased.

Speaking with the credit bureaus is the best way to improve a below-average credit score. Many people have read or heard that a negative item needs to stay on your credit report for seven years.

This is not true! The Fair Credit Reporting Act states that seven years is the maximum amount of time that an item can remain on your credit report. It makes no mention of a minimum amount of time.

There have been many lawsuits filed against debt collectors because they had been violating this law. There have been debt collectors that have paid fines because they had been manipulating the system and keeping a negative mark on a report for longer than seven years.

Additionally errors on your report are not uncommon. In fact it is estimated that 25% of the population has an inaccurate mark on their report.

Having a credit card can help you have a positive reporting account and can help you build your credit, but it also is imperative to eliminate the derogatory items.

Your credit score is a very important number and can impact your; employment, financial well being, and self confidence. There is not a more humbling sound that hearing a loan officer say Im sorry but you are declined.

However by building positive reporting accounts and remove the negative accounts you can achieve a high score. This will enable you to live a lifestyle you truly deserve.

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SEO Tips for the coolest guys on the Internet

By Jimmy Furlong

Search engine optimization is a process of arranging a web site's design, content, layout, Meta tags as well as keyword content and other criteria to obtain high rankings in various search engines.

Let's look at some of the coolest tips that even Internet guys can follow!

When building links try and focus on quality not quantity. One good link to your site is much better than ten bad quality links.

If your website doesn't update frequently then you'll probably need to start a blog. Use the blog to write about content that relates to your website and link back where possible. Search Engines like fresh content so it's best if you blog at least three times per week.

Be sure you have a unique keyword in the title tag on every page of your site. Avoid using company names here and rather focus on the theme of your site when choosing a keyword.

When using JavaScript, image maps or image links, make sure you put text links somewhere on the page for the spiders to follow.

Make sure you build a network of quality back-links using your keyword phrase as the link. If there is no logical reason for that site to link to you - you probably wouldn't want the link.

Be sure you have a unique keyword in the title tag on every page of your site. Avoid using company names here and rather focus on the theme of your site when choosing a keyword.

Be sure links to your site and outside of your site use your keyword phrase. An example of this would be "coolest guy on the Internet" and then link to "coolest guy on the Internet" instead of linking to "click here".

If your website doesn't update frequently then you'll probably need to start a blog. Use the blog to write about content that relates to your website and link back where possible. Search Engines like fresh content so it's best if you blog at least three times per week.

Don't optimize your site for single keywords try and focus on phases. It is wiser to add a location to a phrase such as "America's coolest guy" rather than just "coolest guy". By doing this you're allowing people in your area to find you.

New, updated content will help improve your rankings. By doing this you add relevancy to your site in the eyes of search engines.

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