วันศุกร์ที่ 6 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2552

10 Things You'll Hate About Cash Gifting

By M Taylor

1. Marketing and promotions.

2. Getting prospects to your website

3. Passing out cards and flyers.

4. Spending money on marketing and promoting.

5. Getting prospects to actually call in to conference calls.

6. Remembering to send conference call reminder emails.

7. Checking back with prospects via email after conference calls.

8. Containing excitement when you find out a gift is on the way.

9. Defending the activity.

10. Passing up gifts. This happens if prospect decide to gift more than what you gifted. I had 2 for $10,000, 1 for $5000, and 1 for $1000. I was only gave $500. So those gifts went to gifters above me. You can only get what you've given.

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Website Promotion Exercise - Ranking Higher In Google

By Matt Hellstrom

Affiliate marketing is a great way to make money on the internet, and if you really want to learn how to do it you need to check out Wordpress Goldmine by Mark Thompson. Wordpress Goldmine is a training manual and more for people who really want to learn how to make money with Wordpress Blogs. Mark came up with a fun contest lately - to see who could rank highest for a keyword phrase. The phrase we decided to battle over was Website Promotion Exercise, which is just what we were going to do.

When I first read about this contest, I thought "Forget it! I've got better things to do!" but then I started thinking maybe I could learn something, and get better at Google placement at the same time. Plus, I might be able to win this thing, and that's a challenge I just can't back away from.

There are lots of ways to promote - here's what I'm going to do:

First, I'm going to write a short article, somewhere around 500 words or less. (If you're reading this article on www.onlinebusinessbuffet.com, then you're reading that very article right now). I'm going to do my best at using the term website promotion exercise three or four times in the article, in strategically placed areas.

Second, I'll write the article with about 8 short paragraphs, because that's what the software program I'm using to create backlinks requires. What are backlinks? Simply put they're links to your main article or blog from different blogs and websites. The more good backlinks you have to your article, the better ranking on Google.

Next, I'm going to use that tool to create thousands of unique articles that get blasted all over the web. The tool is called Unique Article Wizard - it's the best thing I've found for creating quality back links. Then, I'm going to promote the site at several different social bookmarking sites, once again creating quality back links to my original article, and at the same time hopefully getting those articles listed in Google, too.

Last, I'm going to use RSSBot, another cool, cheap tool, and submit my blog to Feed Aggregators, to guess what - get more backlinks.

There you go - check Google out, and see how I did with my website promotion exercise!

Incidentally, if you want to get into affiliate marketing, I suggest you review Wordpress Goldmine - it will teach you all about building money-machine mini-blogs. You get the book, plus the bonus of access to the members only forum - it's a great place to get ongoing training from the other members and Mark Thompson himself on the constantly evolving field of affiliate marketing. You know what I think? It's the best $50 I've spent yet! It's taught me how to create an income that grows every day - and every day I get closer to doing this full time! I can hardly wait!

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Make Money Fast

By Jenny Smithson

There are lots of opportunities available to you to make money fast if you really start to think about it. A lot of times people complain about needing more money but do not do what they need to earn it. If you really put your mind to it, you will realize that there are lots of great ways to make money fast.

What it all depends upon is how dedicated you really want to be when it comes to making money fast. One of the biggest benefits of all is that when you start up your own side business, you can earn extra money and do it in the way that you want to. There is so much freedom and so many different ways to do it that it can be overwhelming.

The best part of this is that you really can market just about anything that you can think of on the internet. This is great for you because no matter where you are located, you will be able to make money. Maybe you have some great ideas of items that you could sell but they aren't very marketable where you live; those are the ones you want to sell online.

If you are not really interested in selling anything or making a business online, then look for opportunities locally. A neighbor of mine learned how to build his own fencing around his yard and had so many compliments on it that he just had to start building fences on the weekends for all of his other neighbors, etc. His hobby turned into a great money making business.

Your new side business could vary and be as aggresive or as relaxed as you really want it to be. You could start selling your arts and crafts, homemade items or even market your skills as a piano teacher or translating services. There really are so many possibilities and resources that are alreayd there for you to use.

No matter what you decide to do, don't forget that your advertising shouldn't cost you a dime. There are websites, word of mouth and other cheap ways to get your name and your new business out there without too much effort.

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