วันอาทิตย์ที่ 29 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Is SEO Still as Relevant as it Was in the Past?

By Jan Shimano

There is no question about the fact that we all want to optimize our websites. It will bring us the targeted and free traffic that we want. The other alternative to searching out free traffic is to use pay-per-click (PPC). I would imagine, though, if we were given the choice, we would all vote for the free traffic any day. However, one of the problems is, many people become overly dependent on SEO and when the search engines make even minor changes with their algorithms, the free traffic sometimes dries up overnight.

However, I believe that it is still necessary and beneficial to develop our SEO skills. Some think that it is very complicated and difficult to learn. In my experience, I have found it to be way easier than learning the ins and outs of PPC. Even when I first started my internet business, I found it took very little effort on my part to reach the first page of Google with my articles. Actually, the first time it happened I thought it was a fluke, but it continued to happen. It was then that I realized that the little I did know about SEO was sufficient to get me on page one of Google each and every time.

As a beginner, I was under the impression that there were well guarded secrets to ranking well with the search engines. I thought I would have to take a few courses to be effective at it. That was not the case. There is so much free information available on the Web, that a person can be educated and ready to take action in no time. I also searched on YouTube and found a number of instructional videos that helped me a lot. I now actually have people asking me what my 'secret' is.

I do, however, recommend that you always have a few back-up systems in place. After all, if you do get caught in a major algorithm change you could lose all your traffic overnight. As mentioned, pay-per-click would be one. Another alternative is to be an affiliate for other companies and products. It is free to register with Clickbank and you can be up and running with very little effort on your part.

It's a great idea to actually create a product of your own. That might sound quite intimidating to most of you, but producing a monthly newsletter or an e-book is not as difficult as you imagine. You could even list your e-book on Clickbank and have other affiliates sell your product for you.

You don't have to entirely rely on SEO to get high rankings on Google or the other search engines, such as Yahoo or MSN. However, for me personally, it is still my favorite way to rank highly. I do realize, though, that in this business things can change literally overnight, so I have involved myself in some alternatives.

So is SEO still the powerhouse it used to be and is it still as relevant as it was in the past? My answer to both of these questions is a big YES. Obviously, there might be some changes in the future, but if it is free traffic that you are looking for, then I think getting a good understanding of SEO and puting it into practice is essential.

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วันเสาร์ที่ 28 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2552

The Most Popular MP3 Player USB

By Anne Ahira

Whether or not you already get a portable music player, you maybe are already familiar with the acronym USB. And that's worthy because you'll need an MP3 player USB connection. Before you ready for purchasing for a player, let's spend some time on the importance of the connection.

A Little History

Before the Mp3 Player Usb connection turned into so well-known , there were new technique to connect instrument to your notebook . The majority of those have left the way of the dinosaurs. But did you ever wonder where the USB originate from or even what it means?

Well, the USB in that MP3 player USB stands for universal serial bus. You've probably got several on the device you're using to read this right now. In fact, many of them may already be in use. Mice, printers, and similar peripherals use the USB connection to communicate with your computer.

But where did they originate from and how did the MP3 player USB hook up turn into common worldwide ? The answer actually found more than a ten years ago. Something called smart phones were beginning to come into view on the market , and these phones needed a fast way to connect to laptop . Parallel ports, which were the most common connections used back then, just weren't fast enough. Out of that need came the progress of USB technology.

The moment it hit the industry, company turn into enamored and began attaching it to every notebook and making it at least one of the connection selection for most peripherals sold in the late 1990s and on. When the USB technology improve to the 2.0 version a few years ago, the connection grow to be faster so it's no wonder that MP3 player USB communication would also benefit from this upgrade.

More about MP3 Player USB

The nicest thing about USB is not just its speed but its expediency . Today , almost everything plugs into your notebook using these ports which means that's one less thing you have to worry about. Even when wireless MP3 player USB grows to be general and allows your player to interconnect wirelessly with your laptop , it will be those USB ports that make it all happen .

Of course , there are some other selection that have been launched in the earlier as rivalry for USB technology. Many of these have been presented as choice to MP3 player USB, such as Bluetooth. While Bluetooth connectivity can be excellent for mobile phone , it's definitely not something that would work as well in the world of portable music.

Besides being reasonable , MP3 player USB connections are simply common enough so they seem right in the grand scheme of technology. Why introduce a new technology when what is already recognized is working so suitably? That's the reason here. All of the top MP3 manufacturers recognize that the USB connection is significant for the long-lasting success of their products because customers want fast, suitable communication between the two devices. Otherwise, they won't be able to take pleasure in their music as effortlessly.

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Touch Technology feelings LG "Cookie" into the mainstream mobile phone

By Zou cheaponsale

80~from the twentieth century the first generation since the emergence of mobile phones, people experience a mobile phone from the original Big Brother was all the rage to the airframe as well as our heavy blunt mechanical mode of operation up to now the implementation of touch screen mobile phone more defibrase stylish thin form and a more personalized user interface freely. The mobile phone manufacturers have been studying with great concentration to produce a more subversive Mobile Products. The first paragraph from "Touch" mobile phone market, the touch screen cell phone at a global scale rapidly as fashionable as it is attributed to its people have to bring more freedom, personality, way of operating mode.

Because of "Touch", to the liberation of people's fingers, just fingers dancing lightly on the screen, the traditional dial-up, text input, menu selection and multi-media applications can be a snap to operate, and fundamentally out of rigid physical the shackles of the keyboard for a finger. "Touch" makes the past a small screen, big keyboard mechanical airframe design was complete subversion, of the lines more smooth, more slim airframe big screen, small form factor design of the airframe can be achieved. And as the world's first touch of the founder of the Prada handset, LG's success to lead a "Touch" technology in the field of mobile phone use. With touch screen and a wealth of technical experience as well as an accurate grasp of consumer demand, in the touch screen mobile phone market had accounted for the development of the initiative, has launched a mobile phone including business KS200, high-pixel camera phone Viewty, fashionable and convenient multimedia mobile phone KF690 meet the needs of different consumer needs such as the full touch screen products. And the beginning of this year LG launched LG "Cookie" cell phone (KP500), more will be touch screen technology from high-end mobile phone market, the introduction of the mainstream market, to meet the tide of public demand, and buoyed the trend of people who became the hottest sought after touch - mobile phone screen.

As a trend of all-touch screen mobile phone, "Cookie" cell phone (KP500) provided for the U.S. to operate touch screen experience naturally enough, "Van infants." "Cookie" cell phone (KP500) using a unique Flash interface, so that in the original cell phone calendar, clock and multi-media player, etc. is no longer commonly used shortcuts are easy with conventional, but rather combines the stylish elements and innovative technologies to enable users can freely drag and drop, zoom in or out of these lovely desktop tools. In addition, "cookies" cell phone (KP500) the use of a more humane standby interface provides two types of entertainment and office interface, the user only through the fingertip on the screen gently sliding the individual and the job will be able to achieve life Freedom of conversion. This subversion of the traditional mode of operation is not only the liberation of the mechanical restraints of the keyboard on the fingers, but also to satisfy the fashion trend of free, fast, self-attitude towards life pursuit.

"Cookie" cell phone (KP500) every detail of the design are embodied LG type of accurate grasp of female taste. In order to meet their different preferences, LG intimate introduction of the "coffee cookies" and "strawberry cookies" two color. "Coffee Cookie" highlighting the airframe black men steady, while the surrounding airframe embedded dark red lines will be the pursuit of fashion male personality character cleverly displayed. "Strawberry Cookie" pink light gray lines in the airframe of the parcel under gentle fashion women's unique charm and rakish exhaustive expose. As a tide of men and women can get at the hands of the fashion show a sharp weapon, "Cookie" cell phone (KP500) natural continuation of the current most popular style of minimalism, using a 106.5 * 55.4 * 11.9mm ultra-thin design, and its only 89 grams of weight, not only portable, but also enable touch screen to operate more smoothly.

LG accurately grasp the pulse of the market, as well as the trend of trends, making "Touch-reach" is no longer just a slogan, but a concrete action. Touch as the wave of the founders of this, LG will continue to enrich its 2009 mobile phone touch screen product line, by virtue of its forward-looking development strategy to allow more users to experience the "Touch" technology brought about by the interaction of infinite pleasure, thereby further establish the LG touch screen mobile phone market at the position of leader.

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