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4 Reasons to Start a Home-based Travel Agency Business

By KHM Travel

Many small business owners feel trapped in their business. They discover that owning and running a business is not easy or glamorous. This could be the reason that many fail within the first three years. There is one type of small business though where the opposite is experienced. What is it? A home-based travel agency. Following are following four reasons why owning your own travel agency makes for happy business ownership.

Its Easy to Find Customers: Customers are the lifeblood of every business. When you start your own travel agency, the world is your customer base. This makes finding customers relatively easy. Furthermore, owning a travel agency means your business is not seasonal. You can book local travel, national travel or international travel -- travel 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

This is a particular advantage for new business owners because no matter when you decide to start your business, your services will always be in demand.

Make Money 24/7: As alluded to above, travel is an around-the-clock business. Customers are always booking romantic interludes, family vacations, anniversary cruises and every kind of trip in between. This means you make money 24/7. This is one of the benefits of owning your own travel agency that heightens your likelihood of success.

Your Travel is Cheaper: When you own your own travel agency, you can travel for less. Many who decide to start travel agency businesses do so because they have an ingrained love of travel. By getting discounts on your travel, it means you get to do even more of it. You receive discounts on things like flights, auto rentals, hotel rooms and more.

Friends and Family Get a Discount Too! Not only do you receive discounts on your travel, your friends and family do as well when you own your own travel agency. When they book their travel through your site, you even earn a commission. Thats a winning situation everyone can be happy about!

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Get top 10 rankings on Google & Yahoo!

By Jade Simpson

Traffic is an incredible commodity. It's priceless! If you get the quality traffic you will be in the business. This principle suits every sort of business, both online and offline. In online business, this plays a vital role. The key in achieving success is directly proportional to the traffic you get.

The speciality of search engine optimization is constantly changing and more so in recent times as the search engines make a drive to clean up their results pages and only have good quality content sites up.

There are various website variables that can be manipulated to help optimize your website for the search engines and all this can be done manually. One of the best ways to do this is to do some research and find out what your competitors are doing with their websites to rank highly.

An important website factor is the page title. You can always find your top ten competitors and analyze their websites by looking at the source code and finding out how they structure their sites to help them rank high. Once you have this information, you just copy their formula with your site. Do this and you will double your chances of ranking higher already.

Inevitable, software has been developed to make the job easier but do they work and are they worth it?? Well, first and foremost, a lot of the professionals do not use the software and prefer to do things by hand, they are purists and experts! Having said that, a lot of the tasks required to optimize a website can be standard and repetitive and that is where software come into their own. It's not strictly true that SEO professionals do not use software, they do use it to speed up tasks rather than rely on them to produce the results they want.

So there's a need of a good SEO Software suite that could provide the tools for every stage of the SEO process ranging from Keyword Research to tracking the rank of the keyword in the search engine. If you are trying to do SEO in today's fast moving world, and not taking advantage of the SEO Software suite, it's your huge mistake.

Most of the very good SEO software out there cover most of the essential features required for good SEO. Features such as keyword research, link building tools, on-page analysis, etc. In addition, virtually all of them come with excellent training in terms of documentation and ebooks on the process of SEO and how to use the software to do the work.

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Merchant Account Guide

By Bobbie McKee

If you are one of those that are planning to enter the business, there are some things that you need to know to avoid committing mistakes that would cost your business investment. Let this considerations serve as your guide to merchant accounts and choosing a merchant account provider.

1. To lease, to rent or to purchase. This is one of the factors that greatly affect merchant account providers. Experts say that one of the least options in this case is to lease because you will be forced to pay more than what you should have. Unlike if you purchase it, you will be paying just enough for the processing solution and all other stuff that needs to be dealt with. Renting can also be an option usually on a month-to-month basis.

This can be a good option because when you find that the terms are no longer working for you and you have found another set of terms that will suit your needs better, you can always cancel it any time you like. This is also ideal for those that don't have enough money to purchase a merchant account because it can offer you initial solution options right away.

When placed in this situation, always consider your needs, the time element to answer to these needs, how will the terms work for you and weigh the advantages and disadvantages before you finally decide.

2. To use another person's merchant account in doing any transaction. This is definitely "no-no" when it comes to merchant account providers because doing this is considered as an illegal practice called "factoring" or "credit card laundering". Merchant account providers that allow somebody to use another person's merchant account in dealing with any transaction should be reported to authorities immediately so they won't to lead people to commit mistakes that can lead to more complicated financial troubles.

3. The kind of processing solutions are available. This is also another major consideration in merchant account transactions because it can define the options for the client as early as possible. The most common kinds of processing available include the "real-time internet processing," the "retail swipe terminal," and the "computer-based processing."

To choose which one is best for you, you can check out the "Solutions Guide" available in most merchant account sites so you can have a detailed list of information depending on the type of solution available. Aside from giving you early options, you can also have an idea which solution will work best on the nature or type of business that you have.

4. The list of credit cards that can be accepted. In the world of merchant accounts, the list of credit cards that can be accepted will mainly depend on the merchant account provider. Usually, the most common ones that are processed and accepted include the "Visa", the "MasterCard," the "American Express" and the "Discover accounts". Others also use the "Diner's Club" as well as the "JCB" merchant but not all people opt for it.

5. The length of time that will take for an account to set up and to be processed. In terms of merchant account, more and more providers are requiring people to run either a week sometimes even lesser. Although there are those that usually take longer span of time due to more complicated processes but it should not take more than one month.

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