วันเสาร์ที่ 4 เมษายน พ.ศ. 2552

Higher Conversion Rates With Better Marketing Emails Made Simple

By Charles Newman

Everyone receives marketing emails. It's unavoidable. But some marketing emails are more effective than others, especially those that are so eye-catching that they make the reader click on one of the links inside. Email Management tools like Constant Contact make it easy to create the most effective, highest converting marketing emails. This is the perfect way to test out marketing strategies for your business!

How do I figure out which format is better you say? Its easy! Email managers let you to divide recipient lists into groups, allowing you to send Group A an email, say it's called Marketing Email A, and Group B Marketing Email B. For Example: Email A is a text rich, detailed email, about 2 exclusive product deals with a few small photos of each one, advertising a limited time deal with a link. Email B shows 5 products, with a small amount of text, a small picture of each product, and a link next to each one.

The email management tool tracks which email is opened, the that get clicked, and even whether readers click through to a targeted page on your site for example the "Submit Purchase" page! Testing out formats in this manner is the most efficient means of making emails that convert for your site. This can be time consuming, but never fear, it will work!

What is important is to test out two or three specific email formats that are distinct and different from each other. Then, when you see what works, improve on it and test the format even further. As your tests progress you will learn which formats work best for your product. Maybe long descriptive emails with 2 products convert better than emails with 5 products. Maybe putting links in the body of the text works better than a list. Maybe many pictures convert better than text, or vice versa. The results will be different for each product or service.

Real Life Application: A colleague of mine at a travel agency discovered that the highest conversion was on emails that had pictures of an exclusive resort deal that she was promoting. The rate of conversion for these emails were 65% higher than emails that had the same deal next to 4 other ones that were just as good!

Using an email management tool and doing these measured tests will give you definitive proof of the most effective email format. You will instantly see which type of email has higher conversion rates, write future emails using these new ideas, and see how well it works!

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Hisense LCD TLM42V68P pleasantly surprised to reproduce the first-breaking 7000

By Professional editor working for himfr.

Recently, with the color TV enterprises "winter offensive" promotion fierce competition, many color TV manufacturers have resorted to the killer. Recently, the author learned from the household electrical appliances store, Hisense 42-inch with a "recordable" function TLM42V68P LCD TV has dropped to 6999 yuan, compared with the price reduction prior to 2000 yuan, the temptation is very large, I hope enjoy this Friends of the television section not to miss the winter a good opportunity for promotion.

In appearance, the Hisense LCD TV TLM42V68P designs using mainstream black design, a whole belong to the elegant fine style. Under the home use of hidden speaker design, the groove bottom of the screen is the Office of the television speakers, a very fine workmanship, design is also very popular.

In performance, Hisense TLM42V68P LCD TV 1080p resolution to meet the standards, but also uses LVDS codec technology, 3D digital noise reduction and MPEG noise reduction, such as figure Optimize display technology, the overall quality has been good improvement Views fit a variety of large and rapid action Game.

In the functional use, TLM42V68P Hisense LCD TV designed the popular "recordable" function, you can enjoy recorded programs, gradually aftertaste.

At interface, the Hisense TLM42V68P LCD TV equipped with USB streaming media, HDMI, VGA, Component, S-Video and many other popular interfaces, fully satisfy the diverse needs of the general consumers.

Edit Comment: TLM42V68P Hisense LCD TV as a mainstream product, not only in all aspects to achieve a very mainstream demand, meanwhile This television has recorded features can also greatly increase the user's entertainment. At present, the price of 6999 yuan worth of consumer purchase.

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Four Essential Elements in (Almost) Any Sales Copy

By Darrel Hawes

Many copywriters have their own opinions about what absolutely must be included in each sales letter, and many have put their ideas into print.

In this article, I will explain what I believe are the four essential elements of sales copy. Others may argue that other elements are essential too; however I believe these to be the most important.

1. The headline.

The headline is the most important element of any sales letter. Here's why.

Let's think about this for a minute. Your headline "sets the boundaries" of the subject and intended reader of the letter. It has to give the reader a good idea of what to expect and "what's in it for them" if they are to keep reading. If it fails to do this, the reader will most likely turn the page or click to the next website.

It should be obvious why most veteran copywriters will invest more time on the headline than on any other element of the sales letter.

2. The offer.

What is being offered to prospects? If that in itself is not attractive to the prospect, or even if it's not positioned in such a way that makes them see why they would want it, you will be disappointed in your sales. Quite simply, the offer has got to be done right.

3. Testimonials.

Although there are exceptions, generally testimonials are going to be a very important piece of the building we call sales letters. There's an ancient saying that goes like this: "let another praise you and not your own lips". People today, just like people of times gone by, tend to be distrustful when others praise themselves. Testimonials break though much of the natural aversion and allow our satisfied customers to speak on our behalf.

4. Handling objections.

This part of the sales letter might not even be a separate section but rather, is sometimes woven into the letter. Regardless, here is why it exists. People naturally have buying resistance. Just think about the last time you went shopping for a major item. If you're like most people, prior to laying your money down you have several misgivings pop into your head. A good sales person knows how to answer these objections.

Selling in print works similarly, with this difference: copywriters do not have the chance to actually hear our prospect's objections out loud and see their facial expressions. This is why we have to learn what the primary objections will be and craft our best responses to them ahead of time.

Parting thoughts.

It should be stated that other sales letter elements are important too. However, the copywriter will generally focus on these four. They are like the four legs of a stool. There might be other components to the stool, but without the four legs... it will not stand.

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