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Making Money At Home With Clickbank Elite A Product Review

Making Money At Home With Clickbank Elite A Product Review
By: Liane Bate

An easy way to start making money at home almost effortlessly with your online business is to set up a Clickbank website. This site would offer electronic products available through the Clickbank marketplace that you can sell as an affiliate and earn commissions from. Clickbank is probably the best way online to sell affiliate products.

I wouldn't say that Clickbank is a business for making money at home in itself. Rather, it is something that allows you earn extra cash, big or small, from product sales to boost your regular online business income. In my opinion, it should be used as a supplement to your internet business, not as your only means of generating income.

I say that because an online business is more than just selling products and services to make money at home. A business means you offer something of quality to customers over the long haul in hopes that they will become repeat customers because you have offered information or services that are unbeatable from a source they can trust.

If you want to start making money at home quickly to supplement your business, Clickbank works like a charm, but you have to know how to use it effectively if you want to make the sales.

That's where Clickbank Elite comes in. Clickbank Elite is both a manual and software that will help you choose the top-selling items at Clickbank that you want to promote on your site or blog, or other advertising means. It is updated regularly so you know what's hot and what's not.

The software gives you a search screen where you can select products by keyword, categories, subcategories, commissions earned, popularity, gravity, and so on. You can further sort the data you receive with dropdown menu choices and even export it to a spreadsheet if you want.

Product rankings will let you know which products will help you start making money at home. You can even track where your sales came from, find products that will soon become hot sellers, and create ads that look like Adsense ads to promote your products.

Will this software really generate more sales for you and get you earning more money at home? Well I have been using Clickbank Elite for several months now, and while it is great at helping you find the best products to promote online, it has really not helped me anymore than one person's advice on a forum.

If you have no idea what products to promote, or what gravity and $/sale means, then it's a good idea to get a copy of Clickbank Elite because it will help you start making money at home.

But if you have a good or even basic knowledge already of what gravity means, how much you want to earn, and $/sale, then you really don't gain a lot more by ordering Clickbank Elite than you would by simply going to the Clickbank marketplace and choosing products based on gravity and $/sale.

The thing to remember when making money at home with Clickbank is that if you choose products that are extremely popular sellers, then as a newbie internet marketer, you may not generate any sales because all the top dogs are using their savvy advertising skills and profits to beat you out.

Therefore, making money at home for you would mean knowing how to choose what's popular, but not too popular. For someone just starting out, you might want to choose a product where gravity is about 60-100, and $/sale is more than $20.00. These numbers are listed right on the Clickbank website.

Now I admit to not always being on top of the game with Clickbank and Clickbank Elite, as there are people making fortunes who are using Clickbank Elite on a regular basis, downloading the updates and new products daily. If you do this, you will have an advantage by using Clickbank Elite.

However, with a solid background in internet marketing, and a knowledge of what products to choose based on the criteria mentioned above, then you will still be making money at home with Clickbank without using Clickbank Elite. Much of my income comes from here, so it's a good thing to consider!

About The Author

Liane Bate owns a Plug-in Profit Site web business, and is author of 110+ articles related to online business and internet marketing.

Start making money at home: http://www.HonestMoneyMaking.com http://www.HonestMoneyMaking.com/pips.html


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Affiliate SEO Tricks

Affiliate SEO Tricks By: Len Hutton

The majority of the world?s working population perform their jobs in offices and most of the world?s working population do not like their jobs because, well, who wants to work? So, if you don?t like to work but have to work anyway, why stick yourself into a job with low pay? The best solution would be to find a high-paying job, work hard and then start your own business if you can. The problem is, even with a high paying job, you can?t earn enough money to start a business. The World Wide Web, being an economy in itself, offers a variety of opportunities for making money. You can try your hand at freelance jobs like data encoding, medical transcription, article composition and programming. There are a number of freelancer websites that you can join so you may work at home and put some extra money in your pocket. Start-up capital = %ARTICLEBODY% There are supposedly expert moneymakers who, for a small fee of $100 to $200 will teach you how to earn $2,000 to $10,000 a month. You can try out their system for free, but, you will have to place a deposit to be able to get the free trial. Start-up capital = $49 to $100 depending on deposit requirements. Finally, you can be a passive internet salesperson. I call it passive because all you have to do is establish a base of operations in the internet. Once that base has been established, you have the potential to earn from %ARTICLEBODY% to unlimited income. All you have to do afterwards is maintain or update that base once every three months. And yes, this advice is free. No trial offers, and no deposits required. Read on please. Vendor sites like amazon.com offer internet surfers the opportunity of earning additional income in exchange for the promotion of their website and products. This is how it works. You will need to sign-up for affiliate membership. Most vendor sites that offer affiliate programs do not charge you for this. This is only fair since you will be selling them to people. Be wary of vendor sites that charge fees for membership to their affiliate programs. Once you join-up, they will give you a reference number or an ID number that you will paste into your html scripts. Your vendor site will give you instructions on how to paste them. Normally, an affiliate will have to have a website where they can promote the vendor site. You will promote the vendor site by adding links to the site?s home page and some specific products which you think will sell more. You will need to design your website to accommodate these links as well as alter some of your websites graphics to make way for banners, or picture links. Don?t forget to add the ID or reference number to the link so that the vendor can identify your referral. Once you have the links in place, you will need to write some 250++ words about the product you are selling. I recommend allotting 1 web page per product as this will help you in search engine result rankings. The content you write will have to be relevant and filled with keywords that pertain to the product itself. Once everything is done, you need to find out if your website shows up in search engine queries when browsing for your product. If you think this is too much work, you can try writing newsletters about a product on a vendor site that contains links to the product. You then post the newsletter on the internet and hope that a search engine indexes it. Mind you, this isn?t a get rich quick scheme. Times are hard and we need all the financial assistance we can get. This is just one option where you can possibly earn a lot more than your current income. The problem with most affiliate is that they don?t last long because they fail to maintain and update their product links. Some of the products that you have linked to before may have already been discontinued. You need to check on your links at least once every 3 months or once a month at optimum. Finally, don?t be content with what you have. Look for additional products to sell.

About The Author

Len Hutton is an information publisher specialising in helping people start their own home based business. You can read up on how to create your own info products in one day without writing a single word by going to http://www.nicheresidualincomes.com/ How To Turn Other Peoples Hard Work Into A Part Time And Instant Internet Business http://www.nicheresidualincomes.com/underground.htm

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Are You Looking For a Genuine Internet Business

Are You Looking For a Genuine Internet Business
By: David Nettles

Many people these days would love to work from home. The option of being your own boss, working your own hours and taking time off whenever you need it is extremely tempting. However, making the dream of working for yourself a reality can often be extremely difficult. With so many scams out there, how can you find a genuine internet business?

Finding Genuine Internet Business Opportunities

When it comes to selecting the right internet business opportunity for you it can be extremely difficult. So many opportunities sound too good to be true and the trouble is they are. If you read something online and it sounds absolutely amazing then it is extremely likely that you are looking at a scam.

The main misconception people have about internet businesses is that you do not have to work very hard to get the results that you crave. This is simply not true and if you really want to make a go of working for yourself and providing a comfortable life for your family then you will sadly have to put in a lot of time and effort. However, saying that; the reward that you get back from that time and effort is definitely worthwhile.

If you are thinking of investing your money into an internet business then there are some simple steps you should follow. Firstly you need to make sure that you are investing in something that you enjoy doing. This is because if you enjoy doing it you will dedicate more time and effort into the business and therefore gain back more rewards. You will also understand the business a lot more which is vital if you want to make the business successful.

You really will need to be dedicated to your business. It takes more than a little advertising to keep the clients coming in. You need to constantly advertise and ensure that you treat your clients with respect if you want them to keep coming back. Take the time to grow your business and it really will ensure that you earn enough to keep you and your family comfortable.

Doing your research before you start any business is also a really good idea. That way you can see who your competitors are, how you should be running the business and who you should be marketing your business towards. Setting up a website and thinking of more ways to advertise is also advisable. The more you advertise, the more clients you will draw into your business.

There are a number of genuine internet business opportunities but they do take some finding! You need to know exactly how to spot the scams and you need to realize that you will have to work quite hard to keep your business going. Working for yourself is definitely worthwhile but it does take time and effort.

Does a genuine internet business sound intriguing? Yes, it's possible and you can do it! For more information on internet business, check out:


About The Author

David Nettles lives in South Florida and runs his home-based business full-time. He is also the publisher of http://www.businessathomeincome.com

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