วันศุกร์ที่ 26 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2551

Hosting A Perfect Party Can Be Easy

By Carol Ann

At some time in most of our lives, we have hosted a party that has not been the greatest success. A party is a time for people to get together, eat and drink and have a good time, and it is up to the host to choreograph it so that it actually works. So what makes some parties successful when others are just humdrum? It all comes down to the planning. You will need to consider the theme, the menu, the guest list, and even decorations. There is a fine line, though, between hosting a great party and having an over planned event that isn't a success. Here are some helpful tips for your next great event.

THE GUEST LIST, INVITATIONS & THEME: First you must decide on the theme for the party. It may be a birthday party or a baby shower, or even a murder mystery party. There is a plethora of excellent ideas on the web. Don't overthink it. The guests will be key to your party's success. It is a good idea to invite different people who don't all know each other, so try and mix it up a little bit. They can get to know each other and that will make for good memories. Invitations can be in the form of a small note that is mailed, or these days e-vites over the internet have become very popular, since most have computers.

DECORATIONS & FOOD: Again, be sure to keep it simple. If you get too elaborate, what will happen is you will spend too much time working to pull the party off and not enough time enjoying the party and the people. Finger foods are great for a party. This way everyone can pick as they go. If you are planning a meal, then make it buffet style, this serves for better socialization and you can make some pasta dishes and put them over some sterno to keep them warm while people mingle. This will save you from having to run back and forth to the kitchen. Decorate to the theme, but don't go over board. A nice touch is having something festive in the entry way and in the party room itself. If you over do, once filled with people, they really won't appreciate the hard work you put in. A festive themed centerpiece works great as well as having everyone dress the part. If you do this, your guests themselves will be the decorations, which will save you time and money.

KEEP IT STRUCTURED: Try to have some music on, even if just radio. Turn it on low, and make sure it doesn't overtake conversations between your guests. You will be responsible for breaking the ice and getting things going. Getting guests involved can be fun. At a recent Hawaiian Luau I hosted, I greeted guests with a flower lei and a nametag with their name written in the ancient Hawaiian language. It was a fun way to get people talking.

Your party invitations should list a beginning and an ending time for the party. It is important for guests to have an idea of what is expected. If your event is too long, then you will have the inevitable stragglers and it can become uncomfortable for everyone who's left. I've found that hosting parties between two and four hours is a good formula. But the biggest key to your party's success will be the planning. Consider that, don't overdo it, and have fun at your next event.

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