วันเสาร์ที่ 17 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2552

Bay area Jobs and Tips

By Alex Wu

The Bay area is one of the most desirable areas to live in the US, due to a variety of reasons, including the fact that the Bay area jobs are among the most well paid in the US. What makes the big difference in the Bay area is the concentration of IT jobs, more than in any other place in the US. Numerous IT professionals live and work there, adding to the fame and significance of the area. During the last two decades the numbers of job openings in the area regarding the IT field have expanded dramatically, mostly due to the operation of a great number of key businesses in the area. Google and Digg, Technorati and Typepad, Sega and Cnet are a small sample of the IT leading companies located in the Bay area.

In these last five years not everything has been as great as it used to be, but the Bay area jobs in information technology are still at the top of the nationwide list. What happened lately is that more manufacturers moved to the area, in order to work permanently from there, creating huge numbers of job openings every year. Both experienced professionals and recent graduates benefit equally from attractive job packages that Bay area creates. In addition, diversity of job description and opportunities for growth, that industry offers by default, appeal to more and more job seekers.

The Bay area jobs are attractive to people with significant intellectual talent and technology insight. The area is considered to be the paradise for graduates and IT savvies, as the 35% of the residents that hold a bachelor degree,have actually studied something related to information technology.

For those who adore numbers, the 45% of the residents have at least a BA, while the 60% of those who move to the City and the Bay area are doing so because there is an IT job waiting for them. IT savvies appreciate the Bay area mostly because they can work on the field of their studies.

Graduates that come to the Bay area to test their knowledge and gain some working experience, or even the already accomplished professionals enjoy something that is really unique : The Bay area jobs come with an attractive package of big salary and good insurance coverage. It is known that in this part of the US, IT professionals work under better circumstances, enjoying a state of art health insurance in comparison with the other cities or states.

One of the greatest advantages of the Bay area jobs in general, is that employees enjoy generous packages of revenues, holidays and health insurance. Moreover jobs in the area are accessible to everyone on an equal basis. An area renowned for its diversity could not do otherwise anyway. Full benefits for gay partners and people with special needs and abilities are recognized in the entire area by all major or not companies.

Maintaining and enhancing a legacy in the IT development and hardware production, the Bay area is a hot bed for those who seek a career in the information technology sector. A career that can be combined with high salaries and a high quality of life as a resident of the area.

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