วันเสาร์ที่ 17 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2552

Corgi Steps Down while Capita Steps Up

By Tal Potishman

Residents of the United Kingdom have grown to recognize the Corgi certificate as a sort of "certificate of approval" for gas plumbers and now that certification is going to change hands. A few months from now the gas certifications will be issued to gas plumbers and monitored by a company called Capita and Corgi will no longer be involved in the process.

During the last two decades, Corgi has been responsible for issuing certifications and making sure homes that used natural gas met local safety codes. The Corgi Company will cease its reign over gas standards in April 2009 and the Capita Company will take over as the standards monitor for the office of the Health and Safety Executive.

For the most part, the day to day operations of the gas plumbing industry will remain much as they were before the switch in regimes. Both companies stress that operations for Corgi employees will continue to operate on a "business as usual" basis until the end of business on March 31st. As of April 1, 2009, Capita will be in charge. As of yet there is no word as to how the transition will take place or what the affects will be for natural gas consumers. Both companies are working very hard to ensure that there are no major hiccups in operations.

Natural Gas customers do not need to worry about their protection coverage once Corgi ceases its management and Capita starts to take over. The reason that Corgi is being replaced, according to the Health and Safety Executive is that Capita has proven that it is better prepared to ensure that natural gas customers will be educated about both the benefits and risks involved with using natural gas to power a home.

Corgi's contract went up for bid after a 2006 survey of homeowners in the United Kingdom proved that more than fifty percent of the homes serviced by Corgi professionals were unaware of the dangers posed by carbon monoxide. Natural gas customers will find a number of benefits involved with Capita taking over for Corgi, especially in terms of natural gas education.

Gas regulations and plumber registrations will continue as usual, with Corgi in charge of operations until March 31st 2009. The natural gas plumbers and inspectors in the United Kingdom will start reporting to Capita on April 1st 2009.

Capita will probably directly hire 250 Corgi employees to make sure that the transition goes smoothly. Both companies decided that a definite start and end date would be more beneficial than a confusing transition. Consumers can expect their changes to be few and far between.

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