วันจันทร์ที่ 5 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2552

Domestic Helpers From The Philippines : Modern Day Heroes

By Alice Sy

There is no question to the capacity of domestic helpers from the Philippines. They have earned both a source of living and the admiration of a lot of people around the world. Through their resilience, dedication to duty, and loyalty to their employers, they were able to give a better life to their families.

The pay for domestic helpers in other countries is much higher compared to the salary they would otherwise be receiving in their own country. In the Philippines, a domestic helper who is basically new in the field can earn as much as only $20.00 a month. Those with more experience can earn around $30.00 to roughly just $40.00 a month.

Also, Filipina maids can speak English better than their counterparts from other countries. They can be easily trained, and are fast learners of any foreign language. These qualities of Filipina maids give them the edge when it comes to employment opportunities.

But what pushes a Filipina from leaving her country and working abroad? To think of leaving your country and serve strangers in other countries is martyrdom. To abandon your family and not seeing your children grow is very sad. But they have an option. Most domestic helpers from the Philippines are sole breadwinners of their families. And to stay working abroad ensures their family of stability, at least in financial terms.

Further, they are found to be full of life and bursting with enthusiasm, even if they are assigned to do some dirty jobs. They seldom ever complain, and they can work for very long hours from dawn to midnight. Moreover, they can do a multitude of tasks, from babysitting, caregiving, cooking, and doing household chores. Because of these traits, they are very much admired not only by their foreign employers, but by almost everyone around the world.

Indeed, to have a Filipina in a foreign household is a pride to an employee. In England, royalties, elites, and rich businessmen have Filipina servants. So as in Italy and France. In Greece, a family is considered well-to-do if they have a maid coming from the Philippines.

Another reason why Filipinas are preferred is their ability to communicate well in English. They are also fast learners with the language their employers speak. Unlike the Chinese, Mexicans, and Indians, they speak more fluent and understand their employer's instruction better because they know their language.

These Filipina domestic helpers are wanted, too, and desired of in France and Italy. In Greece, it is almost an indication of wealth to be able to hire a Filipina maid.

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