วันอาทิตย์ที่ 11 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2552

Explode Affiliate Marketing

By Dirk Andersen

There is stiff, very stiff competition in affiliate marketing these days. A lot of people are pushing the same products, and several websites are doing it well. It is incredibly hard to beat the competition. If someone says I am wrong, shoot them, or at least stay away from them. You may be an affiliate marketer right now, but are you maximizing your results?

I would like to provide some tips to bring their income to the next level by offering some incentives:

You have to be the only one doing what your doing. This means your ads need to be unique. You need to make yourself the expert by putting yourself and your reputation on the line in your marketing.

You have to make the customer think it is worth the money to buy from you. Create bonuses or incentives that the customer can't refuse. You can offer rebates or something along that line. The bottom line is that you have to make your prospect click through that link and excited to do so.

Stay in your niche and offer bonuses similar to the product that you are offering. When you start offering things that are not related to the product you are promoting, you lose a sale. You have to offer bonus products related to the product in your affiliate link.

You need to reinvent the wheel. There are many cases that you would just copy what someone else is doing, but in this type of business you must be new. You have to invent a different way to market an affiliate product that will make people buy.

You need to offer urgency in your incentives. Make the person feel like if they don't take advantage now, they are going to lose out. Offer a period of time like twenty four hours a few days or so on. Or you can mention that bonuses are only for so many people like the first one hundred. Once the limit is reached eliminate the offer to keep your credibility.

If you know someone that has made a fortune it is because they did something unique. This business is no different. You can always do something unique to make more money than the competition, but if you are affiliate marketing and just copying someone else, you are losing cash.

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