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Follow These 8 Behaviours to Ensure Success as an Entrepreneur!

By Hayley Weatherburn

I have discovered, after much research in self-development and Life Coaching, 8 similar behaviours between the successful entrepreneurs and those making all the money. If these 8 action steps are followed daily and consecutively - there is no doubt in my mind that success will come your way!

DELVE INTO THE MINDS OF THE WEALTHY - Write down the values and beliefs of the entrepreneurs you admire or hope to be as successful as, and simply adjust yours to be the same. Another great idea is to actually find a local successful entrepreneur and ask if you can have a coffee with them to 'pick their brain' so to speak. Obviously compliment them, and then explain why you admire them so and ask if it is possible that they would share a few lessons to help you on your way to success. If you can't do that, read the biographies of people like Richard Branson, or Donald Trump and learn that way. Replicate success - and that is what you will get, copy the behaviours of the lazy, and that is also what you will get! Which do you want?

VISUALISE - This may seem a bit odd at first, you may feel like you are day dreaming but it works. The mind can't differentiate between what is real and what isn't. For example, if you held a banana in your hand and looked at it - then put it down, closed your eyes and imagined you were holding a banana - the same neurons in the brain fire off. Visualise success on a daily basis and eventually the mind believes it is real and replicates your subconscious behaviours to ensure that it does happen.

GOALS - Although these seem easy and not relevant - they actually are imperative to success. I mean you can't get to a desired destination in a car, without first thinking of where you want to go. Success as an entrepreneur is the same, and the more specific you are with your goals, the higher chance you have of success. It is also a good idea to have short, medium and long term goals. When writing them down, don't focus on HOW you are going to get there, that will come, just on where you want to go.

ACTUAL ACTIVITIES THAT PRODUCE INCOME - Yes, this may seem obvious, however it is imperative to the success of your venture! And, let's be honest here, how many of you have actually procrastinated and done the organising of office activities, instead of the marketing and advertising, because it was easier and you just wanted to "get it out of the way". Write down a list of 10 things that you can do daily that will actually bring money into your business. For example: marketing calls, advertising and meeting with clients. Once you have written your list make sure you do at least 2-3 of these EVERYDAY, then watch the money roll in!

ANTICIPATE SUCCESS - Expect that your success is inevitable. With this attitude of success, it won't matter what obstacles stand in your way, you will know that you will work out a way to ensure success. In the law of attraction, expectation is powerful - if you expect something, there is no doubt in your mind to it not happening, and therefore that is the energy you are sending out. Success will be yours.

APPRECIATE - Focus and appreciate everything you have. Some of you may have heard of the saying "Attitude of Gratitude". This will attract more positivity into your life. For example, let's say your mind is a search engine and you put type in the word "POVERTY". What are you going to get? Hundreds of websites that will talk about poverty - how is that going to make you feel? Poversish. Ok, so let's do the opposite - what happens if you type in the words "SUCCESS" or "WEALTH", what do you get? Hundreds of positive sites on success and wealth. Your mind is the same, so only type into it what you want - not what you don't want.

CONSTANTLY DEVELOP - Plug yourself into self-development programs, read books on improving yourself in finance, personal, health, relationships, business, etc. The more you continuously grow the more open to opportunities and success you become. The top entrepreneurs and successful people are always learning, growing and developing new ideas from what they learn.

COMMITMENT - Sometimes you may feel like you are going up a stream without a paddle - I have felt that often. I have even felt that sometimes I am actually going backwards. What I have realised though - is to never give up. Stay focused on your goals and stay committed. If you are determined, no matter what obstacle comes your way, you will ALWAYS find a way to continue towards your goal!

If you pursue your goals, dreams and desires using these 8 behaviours - calling yourself a successful entrepreneur will be only natural. Good luck! Enjoy the journey, reward your triumphs and learn from your setbacks! Success is yours.

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