วันอาทิตย์ที่ 18 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2552

Generating Free Leads through Social Networking

By Jan Shimano

On checking out the popular social networking sites, I noticed that a number of the most successful internet marketers have a high presence. These sites, however, are not meant for promoting your own business or affiliates. The general idea, is to interact with others, getting to know them, exchanging ideas and knowledge and then when it seems appropriate, sharing information on opportunities that might help them.

There are new social networking sites being added daily. Twitter, Facebook and MySpace are presently the most popular. The 'new kid on the block' is BetterNetworker. It is my prediction that its popularity will grow very quickly and by this time next year it will be receiving a large piece of the pie.

TWITTER -- This is a free social networking and micro-blogging service. It allows it's users to send and read other users updates. These are called 'tweets'. They are only in text form and you are limited to 140 characters in length per post. This can challenge your copywriting skills. You can connect Twitter and Facebook to enable you to post your 'tweets' on your Facebook page also.

FACEBOOK -- It is also a free website that is privately owned and operated by Facebook Inc. Within Facebook you can join networks that are organized by city, workplace, school or region, to connect and interact with others. You can add 'friends' and send them messages. You can also upload pictures and short video. Facebook attracted 132.1 million unique visitors in June, 2008.

MY SPACE -- It is also a free website, with an interactive network of friends, blogs, groups, personal profiles, music, video and photos and it is international. Back in June, 2006 it was the most popular social networking site in the United States. However, in April, 2008 it was taken over in popularity by its main competitor, Facebook. MySpace still attracts approximately 230,000 new users per day.

BETTERNETWORKER -- The latest social networking site that appears to be headed for major success was created by Mike Dillard. His partner in this endeavour is Perry Belcher. These are two very successful internet marketing gurus. Their site is dedicated to providing great content amongst its users. To date, I have been very impressed with the quality of the posts on BetterNetworker. They also police their site to ensure that spammers are identified and thrown out.

Just a word of caution -- many wasted hours can be spent reading through posts, blogs, watching videos etc. Some people think that by being involved in the social networking sites, they will easily add hundreds, if not thousands, of people to their e-mail list. It just does not happen that way. Building a list is time consuming. However, if done right, social networking can definitely produce great results. For example, a friend of mind who has a very large following on Twitter, sent out a 'tweet' about an opportunity that he recommended. His followers went to the recommended site and within a week my friend had earned over $40,000.00 in affiliate commissions. This was his reward for building a large group of followers who respected, trusted and liked him.

A great percentage of the top producers involved in internet marketing can be found on these social networking sites. One would have to assume that if they are willing to put their time into these sites, then they have to be lucrative in the end. If this is done properly, then it can definitely reap very rich rewards.

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