วันอาทิตย์ที่ 4 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2552

How 360 Degree Feedback Works And How It Can Benefit Your Group

By Theo Benmanson

When it is done properly and sensitively, positive or constructive feedback is valued by the majority of people and can be extremely helpful to the company and the individual. However, in spite of the evidence that sustains this argument, people still leave businesses because of the lack of this very feedback, so it could be considered crucial to make sure that your business is able to provide feedback to its employees. To do so is sensible because it enables you to discover the areas in which your employees may need assistance in skills development to in turn increase their productivity.

So, why is 360 degree feedback used? It has been generated from the requirement to provide an increase in frequency and quality of feedback to employees. This is in addition to the annual appraisal where the employee visit's the manager's office to be given a summary of their strengths and weaknesses.

Throughout time it has been the job of the manager to give this feedback and as a result of increasing workloads, the feedback has not always been comprehensive. 360 degree feedback increases the circle of feedback and includes not only the manager's comments, but also peer evaluation, self evaluation and direct reports. What results at the conclusion of this process is a comprehensive report that provides the individual with a comparison between how they perceive their performance and that of their associates. This report will then allow them to make any necessary changes through a targeted improvement plan.

There are a number of positive aspects to 360 degree feedback: the perspective that employees gain concerning their behavioural weaknesses gives them the ability to manage their careers effectively as they address interpersonal skills and leadership abilities and the business benefits from a productive workforce that has both a high level of skill and great experience.

What are the main components of a successful 360 degree feedback process?

There are six components.

1. The senior management has to take ownership of the process and be supportive of its realisation. As well, employees have to obtain the necessary skills to be able to provide feedback that is useful. The most important factor is that the managers should be prepared to utilise the skills they have acquired in the provision of coaching if and when it is required.

2. All surveys that are given must have a relationship with the mission statement of the company and the skills for which the company is searching and should consider the skills that are needed to obtain both individual and company success.

3. Everyone concerned with the process must attend a 360 orientation. At this orientation they will be informed that 360 is merely a developmental tool and should never be used in performance appraisal. Confidentiality is also stressed to make sure that all involved are comfortable with the process.

4. A questionnaire or survey is completed. The majority of these surveys are completed online with special encryption software that allows for secure data collection.

5. Once the surveys are completed, they are collated in the form of a report and given to the individual. The format of the report should be easily accessible. A group summary report is usually presented to the senior management in which numeric ratings are tallied which reveal strengths and weaknesses within the group. This then provides information that is useful in deciding upon any relevant training activities.

6. If any coaching has to be completed it is given to those who require it. A good coach stays impartial and is concerned with helpful and realistic goal setting. It is possible for managers to become involved in coaching as it has the ability to reinforce skills that have been attained and guarantees that they remain accountable.

So, how can this benefit your organisation? It all depends on how much you are willing to put into the process. The degree of change is directly related to the amount of feedback given and to the level of support that is provided. 360 degree feedback can be a very potent tool to engender the feedback required to make those changes in your organisation.

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