วันจันทร์ที่ 19 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2552

How to Top Position Your Website with Bum Marketing?

By Asem Eltaher

Bum marketing, or article marketing is the process of writing rich-content and topic relevant text on various subjects and then submitting them to various directories, blogs, and web sites. It is a golden promotional marketing strategy to bring targeted traffic to your website, which formulates a solid ground towards spreading the word about your services.

How do You Start to Make Money with Articles in 4 Simple Steps?

1. The first step is to write a content oriented text, which should be rich in keywords that are actually related to your products. Advertising marketing does not mean to use your written text as an endorsement of your product, instead write on the subject or theme based on your product or service.

2. The second step is to add your copyright to the end of your written text once you have finished writing it. This is very important to guard your marketing process.

3. The third step involves getting as much benefits as possible from the resource box added usually at the end of your articles. There, you may add useful information about your own service or products associated with, normally, two links to your website. Choosing the proper anchor text of your links would speed up the process of getting top positions in the search engines.

4. The fourth step is the proper submission of your well written articles to diverse article directories and websites. This can be done either manually or automatically using article submission software. Do not forget to add a shorter version of your article to your blog, in case you have one, to play the role of fresh content to your site.

Should you Manually or Automatically Write?

To start with bum marketing, you maybe interested in the idea of automating your writing process using any writing software. That sounds great, right? Unfortunately, it is not true if you want to consider bum marketing your key to sky rocket your home based business.

Robot written articles may provide little useful information but the flow of the text wouldnt be that good so that your reader would enjoy reading your articles. Additionally, many article directories would not welcome your text since your non-professional articles would annoy their readers and therefore decrease the rank of their directory.

Q: How Perfect Should your Essay be before you submit it to Article Directories?

Tip: To make money with articles, submit your work if it fulfills the following criteria:

1. Is the idea of your article clear? Never submit your work to the directories before reading the whole text at least once. Be sure that the idea and the message of your article is quite clear and easy to be understood by your readers.

2. Check if your article has some substance: Obviously bum marketing method gets its fresh blood from providing useful information to others. Perfect and complicated texts are not necessary to succeed, rather a bit substance would make your readers eager to know more and visit your website.

3. Does your article look professional and personal? Your article must present you professionally as an expert who provides free and honest solutions to common problems in his field. At the same time, your articles must be some how personally, i.e. let your reader gets a feeling that you wrote your article just for him.

Are you Ready to Discover 2 Top Bum Marketing Tips?

1. Write an essay with subject line and content that are impressively written. These are the first two elements that bring a lot of success to your bum marketing method. If you do so, your work will drive the potential clients towards your article considering it as a useful and helpful text and not just one of the thousand futile regarded materials roaming on the net.

2. The resource box attached to your work would include a call to action text to motivate your readers to know more about you. Choose carefully your authors box text to make your readers super curious to visit your website and get more info about the services you promote.

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