วันเสาร์ที่ 3 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2552

Posting To Your Blog With Relevance And Voice

By Don Bethune

The information you offer and the appearance of your blog are what is most important to your reader. The personal blog can be a profitable personal venture which you engage in from the comfort of home. Maybe you have an expertise in an area like politics or popular happenings? The viewers of your blog expect you to describe current events as they are happening so that they may enter into a discourse about them. During the heavy political season this October, blogs were often the first to offer news to their readers (even before major news outlets). Viewers of your site rely on your writings to give them your unique perspective on current events, as well as to be the first voice to sound off on an issue.

Your blog should consist primarily of up to date reports of information and occurrences. The voice in which you offer this information is what you sets your blog apart. Hopefully, you can be found through affiliate marketing programs, through RSS feeds, or through mobile device updates. Keeping these updates regular and timely is what readers look for in a blog they are confident about visiting regularly.

For example, in the midst of Hurrican season, meteorological blogs offer consolidate information from a number of places, into a single comprehensive location. These meteorological blogs update more frequently than popular news media, and in some cases update data immediately. The information coming in needs to be restated in a manor that is concise and makes sense to the reader. This information can be found easily on a number of websites which keep a live feed of this kind of information constantly updating for you to interpret and post for your readers.

Often times these weather websites link to a number of blogs which are specialized based on the writers are of expertise. These can range from topics of natural disasters to simple storm tracking or daily weather predictions. Again, this information is presented as soon as is possible for you to post it. People wish to know immediately of changes in weather within their area. Particularly during events like Hurricanes, you readers may live outside the area, but still wish to stay up to date on information as it happens.

At times when important weather events are occurring, meteorological blogs refresh information on the hour to keep up with reader's feedback. A recent hurricane, Hurricane Gustav saw several thousand responses from readers that were not even within areas hit by the storm, or even within the United States. However, their desire to know caused a tremendous rise in feedback. Blogs dealing with topics like a currently occurring hurricane may even draw the attention of people outside of the United Sates.

Tech Blogs update as news breaks from other sources. Financial blogs that follow market activity update during the day. Facebook blogs update as events occur in an individualas life, or when the blogger requests reader feedback on questions they are curious about.

The voice and relevance of your posts is what will keep your readers returning to your blog. Links to affiliates who market through your blog may offer you extra income, but can also distract readers from your information. Readers are ultimately coming to you for this information. However, offering links that relate to mutual interests that you and your reader share can be mutually beneficial.

Place links to things such as personal entrepreneurial opportunities off to the side in a neat manageable location that readers may explore as they wish. Whatever style you choose, be it to stay on or off topic, keep it consistent as they way you choose to offer you information, and in what way you offer it is what is going to regulate whether or not people return to your blog.

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