วันศุกร์ที่ 2 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2552

Prospecting Your Warm Market Without Losing Them

By MLMAbsolute

Doing any kind of business involves dealing with people. People is the source of business. they are the demand. Especially in the Network Marketing / MLM industry. Many new distributors turn to their close friends and relative for support in their new business. This is common as this group of people will probably be the most supportive of you.

But you need to approach them in a proper manner so that they don't feel pressurized and will support you in your business. You should reference the following points to make sure you close the sale without losing them.

You can start the meeting by warming thing up. Ask questions about how them, e.g. how's work, how did their kids fare in school, etc. Follow by updating them about yourself. You can tell them that you just joined this fantastic company, and cant wait to share about it with them.

If you wish to visit them at their house or work place, remember to make an appointment and tell them of your intent to visit them. Also, it will be nice if you bring a house visit gift (if it is a friend or relative you haven't met for a long time), if you are meeting them outside at a cafe or restaurant, offer to pay. Although it is not necessary, but it would reflect better on you.

Before you take out your sales kit and start your presentation, warm your prospect up warm or cold market by asking about them, their work or family.

Show them your progress in the company, and give them reassurance that you are serious in the business and is here to stay. Follow with the introduction of the product or business opportunity.

Whether they bought your idea or not, you should always follow up with them. Send them updates about your progress or new product offers and launches. Update them through text message, email, or direct mail to their home address.

If during the presentation, they are unconvinced or they show disapproval of the company or products, you should never argue. Listen to what they say, respect their opinions. If if the end you did not manage to convince them, leave it. Don't try to bring up the topic of selling or business opportunity anymore. Just give them regular updates mentioned in the previous point.

Some of them will show interest after awhile, if you persevere hard enough.

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