วันอังคารที่ 27 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2552

Quality Manual for ISO 9001:2000 Standard

By Mark Kaganov

A quality manual is the main, top-level document of a quality management system. It is similar to a constitution of a country or a manifesto of a party. This type of document establishes the policy level position of a government, party or in the case of a quality manual, a company. There are two published definitions of what a quality manual for an ISO 9001 quality management system should be:

ISO 10013, Guidelines for Developing Quality Manuals, element 4.2, gives detailed suggestions for creating a quality manual. It defines a quality manual, among other requirements, as a document that should "consist of, or refer to, the documented quality system procedures intended for planning and administration of activities which impact on quality" ISO 9001:2000, element 4.2.2 describes a quality manual as a document containing:

- the scope of the QMS and details of and justification for any exclusions;

- quality managemet system procedures or reference to them;

- a specified interaction between the processes of your QMS.

Let's follow these simple instructions and see how easy it is to create a quality manual to document the scope of your quality management system and exclusions; ensure that procedures are referenced and specify relationships or interactions between your processes.

Typically, companies state the scope of their QMS in a scope or introduction sections of their quality manuals, similar to these: "ABC Enterprises, LLC assembles and distributes pre-cooked meals for elderly citizens in the St. Newtown region" or "ABC Enterprises, LLC designs, manufactures and services high poser vacuum cleaners"

Since the scope defines our activities and we established our scope, we can define the processes that we need to achieve the results stated in the scope. Also, remember referencing corresponding procedures for those processes. The easiest way to do it, is to transform the standard from a list of requirements into your organization's commitment to satisfy those requirements. For example: Element 5.4.1 of ISO 9001:2000 requires that "Top management shall ensure that quality objectives, including those needed to meet requirements for product are established at relevant functions and levels with in the organization." our manual will state: "ABC Enterprises, LLC's top management ensure that quality objectives, including those needed to meet requirements for product are established at relevant functions and levels per the Quality Objective Matrix."

As you can see, a reference to a specific procedure satisfies the second requirement for a quality manual. Following this approach by addressing all applicable elements of the standard and referencing corresponding procedures, we will establish a manual that meets the requirements of ISO 9001:2000 standard.

Interaction between the processes may be documented in a number of ways. Some companies choose to define top-level interaction by using derivatives of Figure 1 in ISO 9001:2000 standard. Combining such a diagram with references to procedures, will define interactions between your processes. For more detailed process interaction tools, type "process interaction matrix" into your browser and you will find numerous examples.

Now, when we addressed the requirements of ISO 9001:2000 standard for quality manual, consider this. A well written and professionally designed quality manual may become a powerful marketing tool. It can communicate to your prospects and customers that your organization is not only a quality-conscious organization, but that it also knows how to document and communicate its commitment to quality through your quality manual.

I always wonder what companies achieve by stamping their quality manuals in bold capitol red letters ?CONFIDENTIAL?. As far as I?m concerned, a quality manual is a company?s resume for quality, and if you hide your resume, there is a very good chance that you will never get a job! All our customers are encouraged to make their quality manuals public!

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