วันจันทร์ที่ 19 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2552

Six Sigma Is A Good Fit For Small Businesses

By Craig Calvin

Many have always thought of Six Sigma as a methodology that can only be applied to huge international businesses with millions of dollars in revenue. Since its inception, Six Sigma has helped the most massive companies on the planet to save millions of dollars by implementing the procedures to manage and control their internal operational processes. The consensus has been that for Six Sigma to be effective, the company must have thousands of employees. And nothing could be further from the truth. The nature of Six Sigma is to identify and install efficiencies in the operations of the business, and then monitor those for continued effectiveness. That can apply not only to large businesses, but especially to new startups as well.

Six Sigma certified managers at a small company is always an assest. New startup managers with Six Sigma Black Belt training will only flourish at young companies with a few employees, and as their careers advance, they will look toward larger companies at which to use their skills. Six Sigma teaches a tried and true method of increasing profits by controlling costs. Its that simple, and remains a basic tenet of running a business of any size. When an employer of a startup company hires a Six Sigma trained employee, he has the comfort of knowing that his company will be run with a sharp eye dedicated to increasing profit.

It is not uncommon for startup companies to be plagued by a lack of organization and monitored procedures. Setting up these is a skill that is honed through Six Sigma training, during which managers are taught to scrutinize what procedures are in place and how to manage their success. The introduction of the Six Sigma methodology in a small business can be especially effective in managing the daily operations and keeping a close watch on profitability.

A good startup manager understands his employees, but he also risks becoming too oriented with the social aspect of work to pay attention to the processes that are losing money for the company. A six sigma certification teaches the manager to zero in on the profitability of a project -- it teaches the focus and business dexterity that's needed to identify how to make projects profitable. Startup managers more than any manager in any other industry need this focus because it literally is the source of life or the cause of death in nearly all young, pre-profit companies.

Another advantage for the manager having Six Sigma training is that as the company grows from a small one to a medium sized one, he will have the skills to manage the company at its new size. Often when a company grows, management is replaced and new, more experienced professionals with impressive backgrounds are hired on. Six Sigma certification will give the startup manager the skills to grow the small company into a larger one, while helping him to retain his job at the same time.

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