วันอาทิตย์ที่ 4 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2552

Verve Drink - half energy drink half nutritional supplement.

By Josh Dill

Verve Drink is a product of Vemma, a newer star in the network marketing industry.

BK Boreyko, Vemma's CEO wanted to break the energy drink mold with Verve. He wanted to create an energy drink that would make a difference.

Take a look at the main stream energy drinks out today. Such as Red Bull, Monster, and Full Throttle. What you will find is basically over caffeinated soda with loads of sugar and artificial flavoring and coloring. Not what we want to be dumping into our bodies.

Yes the caffeine will provide a energy boost and maybe a boost of mental awareness but the artificial ingredients is completely stressing out your body.

BK saw this problem in the energy drink industry and set sail to set new standards with Vemma and Verve Drink.

So what makes Verve so much better than Red Bull and other popular energy drinks?

The most obvious difference between Verve Drink and all the other popular energy drinks is that Vemma Verve is all natural. No artificial ingredients at all.

Take a close look at Verve Drink and you'll find a heap of healthy ingredients. Stuff you body needs in order to create energy and mental awareness. Such as phytonutrients, plant source minerals, vitamins, and green tea (organic) can all be found in a can of Vemma Verve.

When you drink a can of Verve you will also be taking your dose of daily vitamins. The great thing about the vitamins in Verve is that they are body ready. Your body knows what to do with them the second they enter your body. Your body doesnt have to convert them in to a usable form.

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