วันเสาร์ที่ 21 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2552

eBook Covers That Can Rocket The Profits In Your Business Fast!

By Kieren Moran

Irrespective of whether you're actually the author of your eBook or not, the bottom line is, you're going to be selling it, so you obviously want it to sell well. I'm sure we've all heard the saying that one should never judge a book by its cover, but the truth is, people do, particularly when it comes to ebook covers. If you're serious about selling, and you want to see your book do really well, then you had better look into getting a quality cover design.

When you are looking into creating eBook covers that are dynamic and exciting, you will find that there is a lot to know. There are many reasons that a good eBook cover designer may be the best thing to happen to your ebook, and if you want to make sure that your ebook marketing has all the help it can get in a competitive market, this is something that you need to consider.

What Should the Main Function of My eBook Covers Be? When a visitor is casually browsing through a list of titles, your cover should knock them out cold the minute they see it. In fact, it should be so enticing, that the reader forgets to continue browsing and instead, they should click on your page. A well designed cover really can distract a potential buyer enough to ensure they don't continue browsing.

Your eBook may certainly has valuable information in it, but unless you can sell it through the cover, your browsers will never know it. You have to have a cover that will command their attention and nudges them over the edge to want to have it. And even if it's a free download, there needs to be something there that urges them to want to look deeper.

How Can I Make My eBook Cover Design Stand Out in a Crowd? Firstly, your title should always be as easy as possible to read. Secondly, your title placement should be optimized. Additionally, take a good look at the overall cover, but try to do this as if you were the browser, rather than the owner. Now think about what you tend to see first, that being the shape, main title, and images. These are the points you will need to make most appealing.

Why Use an eBook Cover Designer? First and foremost, a designer gives you the leading edge over your competitors. Additionally, if you've ever browsed some eBooks yourself, you'll no doubt have realized just how uninspiring the vast majority are, judging from the ebook graphics being presented, of course. And you need to ask yourself, do you really want your ebook to be part of that collection?

It's undeniable that if you have a cover for your eBook which can instantly capture the imagination of your buyer, you're already ahead of the game. Providing you hire a competent ebook cover designer, they'll do whatever is necessary in order to ensure your ebook covers will have selling power. After all, would you allow just anyone to take charge of your website? Probably not, so why would you leave it to an amateur to design the cover of the product you're going to sell?

When you want to make sure that your e-publication is going to do well, address the importance of having great eBook covers. This can go a long way towards getting you the sales you need, so don't miss out.

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