วันเสาร์ที่ 14 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2552

Email Marketing Tips: 7 Ways to Use PLR Content

By James T. Maxwell

If youre finding that your email marketing efforts are a time sucking money draining pain then its time to learn how PLR content can maximize your efforts with very little cost or time. This article presents seven tips to get the job done.

If you're not familiar with the term PLR Content (PLR stands for Private Label Rights), it is simply pre-written content that you can purchase on a variety of subjects. People who purchase the content are given private label, editing and distribution rights. This means you can put your website name on the content, change it and distribute it as you see fit. It's a valuable time saver because the writing is already done for you. You also save money because content rights are sold to other business owners, reducing the fee for original writing.

Here are Seven Ideas for Using PLR for Your Email Marketing:

Ecourses Use PLR content to create an ecourse you can deliver via email. Your PLR content can be delivered as is or enhanced with a quick exercise or action step at the end of each lesson.

Email newsletters If you publish a weekly, bi-weekly or even monthly newsletter, throw in some PLR articles for fresh content. You can mix it up with original content written by you or a ghostwriter if you'd like or simply use PLR to create your email newsletter content. The key is to provide consistent content that offers value. Quality PLR can help you accomplish this task efficiently and effectively.

Special reports PLR comes in many shapes and forms. PLR articles can be bundled to create a special report which you can then use as a gift when people subscribe to your mailing list. Quality content is a real motivator for people to continue to visit your website and to make purchasing decisions. PLR also comes as ebooks and reports in which case your material is ready to go. All you need to do, if you choose, is to add cover graphics and make it available to your subscribers.

Give a gift Bonuses are a great way to build a relationship with your audience. Send your subscribers and customers a free report just as a way to say thank you " youll both be glad you did.

Click throughs While you can post a full PLR article in your email newsletter you can also post an enticing snippet and direct readers to visit your site to read the rest of the article by providing a link to the new content. Motivated business owners can also simply send an email when new content is uploaded and provide a link for subscribers to click on to read the new content.

Monetization Consider monetizing your PLR content with Google AdSense links, affiliate links and even links to your products, services and other businesses. Remember the 80/20 rule in email marketing which states that 80% of your content will be informational while 20% will be promotional. Adding a few monetized links in your PLR email messages will help you accomplish both informing and promoting.

Content vacation One of the keys to successful email marketing is consistency. If your newsletter is scheduled to come out every Friday then you can be if you skip a Friday your subscribers will notice - even the ones who haven't opened a newsletter in months. PLR content is a great solution for those times when you are going to be gone on vacation and for those times when you're just plumb out of ideas for original content. Use your email or autoresponder scheduling function and create several newsletters, with your PLR content, to be distributed while you're away.

Email marketing is a significant strategy when it comes to building a business and providing your subscribers and customers with the consistent flow of information they desire. It also helps your business stay in their awareness when they have a need. Using PLR content in your email marketing strategy is helps you save both time and money while still accomplishing your email marketing objectives.

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