วันพุธที่ 18 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2552

Fix Your Credit Report Now

By Glinda Y. Hersaw

If you want to establish a good credit rating, you need to fix your credit report. You may need a loan to buy a car, rent a place to live, or get certain jobs. There is a way to do this. The following are some tips that will help you fix your credit report.

Check Your Credit Reports

Most people still do not appreciate how important checking their credit report regularly is. In addition to concerns about identity theft, there is the very real possibility that your report contains errors.

An account may be in your report that belongs to someone else. This could happen if their name is similar to yours. You may have some negative information due to this, which will lower your credit score. This type of mistake will keep you from getting credit entirely or cause you to have to pay higher interest rates. If this happens, you need to fix your credit report

Keep accurate records

Keeping records is essential if you need to fix credit report. If you find information, you have questions about, make a hard copy and mark the suspicious items. Make copies of any proof you have of false charges. This will make it easier to fix credit.

Make a file and start adding everything related to the case into that file. You should also document any correspondence via the phone and print off copies of anything you receive via email regarding the matter. In a nutshell, credit repair can come down to a tough legal battle for which you need to be prepared.

Discuss your problem with the credit bureau

The next thing you need to do to fix your credit report is contact in writing all Credit Bureaus that have wrong information about your credit. Be specific; explain exactly what is wrong in the report and the reason why. Enclose any proof you have and a copy of the credit report. Make a copy of the letter and keep it for your records. It is highly recommended to send the letter by certified mail; you will know for sure they have received the letter and when it was delivered.

You can use some credit bureaus websites to report false information on your credit report. This is not a good idea. You can also do it by phone as opposed to putting your personal information on the internet. The best way to challenge the information on your credit report is by certified mail, as this will give you written proof of your dispute.

Contact the Creditor

Although you might think you only need to fix your credit report by talking to Equifax or one of the bureaus, you'll have the best luck if you also contact the creditor. Generally, you'll want to speak to the billing department because they are the ones providing the negative information or they can contact you with the correct people to talk to within the company. Remain calm and professional during the discussion. Try to keep in mind that most of these cases are not malicious; they are matters of misunderstanding. You won't accomplish anything by screaming at the people and losing your temper.

Wait for the results

After completing this process, wait and see what happens. If your credit report is corrected the credit bureau should send you a free report reflecting the changes. If you fail to fix credit report, go through the steps again until you have it all cleared up.

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