The following are some statistics that have been reported in the news media. If you take this at face value, then you are going to feel that your future looks grim indeed. Keep on reading, because there is some good news later on in this article.
* Total consumer debt is growing 23 times faster than the entire U.S. economy;
* The savings rate in the U.S. has dipped into the negative...something that hasn't happened since the Great Depression in 1932;
* The U.S. dollar has lost half of its value in the past 10 years;
* The unemployment rate has taken the biggest jump since 1986;
* The magazine, USA Today, recently reported that the greatest fear in America today, is running out of money before retirement.
I am sure we all know of someone who is about to lose their home that they worked so hard for over the years. It's heartbreaking, and we just don't know what to say to them.
For as long as I can recall, we have always been a three tier society here in North America. These were the rich, the middle class and the poor. It might surprise you to learn that the experts like Donald Trump and Robert Kiyosaki are saying that we are headed towards a two tier society. Can you guess which one is going to be eliminated? It's the tier that probably you feel you are a part of right now. Yes, the prediction is that the middle class is on its way out. We will be left with the rich and the poor. Which side of the fence do you think you are going to be on?
I know this doesn't look in the least bit encouraging...but now for the good news!
The same experts mentioned above, along with many others, are predicting that in the next ten years household wealth in North America will double, exceeding $100 Trillion. This is going to create more millionaires than at any other time in history. Paul Zane Pilzer, who was economic advisor to two U.S. Presidents, is quoted as saying "We're witnessing nothing less than a millionaire population explosion in the 21st century...."
No doubt you would like to be one of those newly created millionaires and be part of that rich tier. I can assure you of one's definitely not going to happen by osmosis. It is going to take some action on your part.
Let's get back to the experts and their advice. They suggest that if you want to be one of the new millionaires you should start a home-based business. The start-up costs are usually very small and immediately you have major tax benefits for having your own business. Make sure you do your research and find a company that is a good fit for you. There are literally thousands to choose from. I have found the one that works for me and I intend to be on the 'rich' side of the fence. Why don't you join me there!
* Total consumer debt is growing 23 times faster than the entire U.S. economy;
* The savings rate in the U.S. has dipped into the negative...something that hasn't happened since the Great Depression in 1932;
* The U.S. dollar has lost half of its value in the past 10 years;
* The unemployment rate has taken the biggest jump since 1986;
* The magazine, USA Today, recently reported that the greatest fear in America today, is running out of money before retirement.
I am sure we all know of someone who is about to lose their home that they worked so hard for over the years. It's heartbreaking, and we just don't know what to say to them.
For as long as I can recall, we have always been a three tier society here in North America. These were the rich, the middle class and the poor. It might surprise you to learn that the experts like Donald Trump and Robert Kiyosaki are saying that we are headed towards a two tier society. Can you guess which one is going to be eliminated? It's the tier that probably you feel you are a part of right now. Yes, the prediction is that the middle class is on its way out. We will be left with the rich and the poor. Which side of the fence do you think you are going to be on?
I know this doesn't look in the least bit encouraging...but now for the good news!
The same experts mentioned above, along with many others, are predicting that in the next ten years household wealth in North America will double, exceeding $100 Trillion. This is going to create more millionaires than at any other time in history. Paul Zane Pilzer, who was economic advisor to two U.S. Presidents, is quoted as saying "We're witnessing nothing less than a millionaire population explosion in the 21st century...."
No doubt you would like to be one of those newly created millionaires and be part of that rich tier. I can assure you of one's definitely not going to happen by osmosis. It is going to take some action on your part.
Let's get back to the experts and their advice. They suggest that if you want to be one of the new millionaires you should start a home-based business. The start-up costs are usually very small and immediately you have major tax benefits for having your own business. Make sure you do your research and find a company that is a good fit for you. There are literally thousands to choose from. I have found the one that works for me and I intend to be on the 'rich' side of the fence. Why don't you join me there!
About the Author:
Jan Shimano was District Manager for Health & Welfare Canada for many years. She was also self-employed as a Nutritional Consultant. She is currently a Business and Health Coach and runs her own internet marketing company from her home in British Columbia. You can get to know more about Jan by visiting her youtube channel at