วันเสาร์ที่ 14 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2552

Modern Chimneys Can Help Fight Global Warming

By Tal Potishman

Much ado has been made about "solid fuel" heating devices. A solid fuel heating device is, simply, a fireplace or chimney--a unit in which something is burned and the heat from that fire is transferred throughout the house while the dangerous components of the fire (smoke, soot, etc) are transferred out of the house via a chimney or piping system. You might consider a fireplace and chimney system to be old fashioned (and a lot of work) when compared to other heating systems, like underfloor heating, which have become popular in the last few decades. The truth is that solid fuel heating systems can help reduce your carbon footprint and global warming.

Here are just a few of the major benefits offered by a solid fuel heating devices:

* Solid fuel is cheaper than other types of heating systems.

* Versatility is greater with a solid fuel heating device than it is with the other types of heating devices that can be installed.

* A solid fuel heating device is easier to control than some of the more modern versions of heating devices.

* A solid fuel heating device is more reliable than the more recent types of heating devices that have been developed.

It is important that homeowners have their chimney and pipe systems cleaned regularly otherwise the risk of carbon monoxide poisoning is too high. Keeping the chimney unclogged is very important. If the chimney is dirty or clogged, serious damage can be done to the house and the people living inside of it! Many of the more modern solid fuel heating devices come with mechanisms for self cleaning or that make cleaning easier, but it is very important to have a professional inspect the system on a regular basis.

Instead of worrying about your energy bill being higher in the winter because of how often you turn on the heat in your home, with a solid fuel heating system, you merely need to find something to burn. Gas fireplaces are an option, which can be turned on with just the flick of a switch, but wood-burning fireplaces or pellet stoves are more practical.

Some people find wood burning fireplaces and pellet stoves a great "in-house recycler" as it allows them to use their junk mail or other unwanted burnable items as kindling when a fire is built and the heat from a fire is much easier to control than the heat from a wall unit. Simply build a smaller fire or add more fuel to decrease or increase the heat.

Finally, unlike some of the other types of heating systems which have become popular, solid fuel heating systems do not rely upon electricity for operation. You don't have to worry about freezing if the power goes out in the middle of a winter storm. This means that having a modern chimney can reduce your carbon footprint!

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