วันเสาร์ที่ 14 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2552

The right home business mindset is a must to succeed

By John Wallen

If you want to have great success in your home business, you had better give yourself a mind-set check and make sure your on the right path with how you are coming across to your prospects. How you think and how you behave will make or break your business. The last thing you want to do is appear to be needy or desperate with your prospects, while trying to build your network.

Here's the deal. As you master this mind-set, within a few months you will start to see your business grow. As your team becomes larger, it's inevitable you going to hear the voices start, and as your team continues to grow, so do the voices in both number, and volume.

The sounds of the doubter's will begin, their voices forming words like. " I know it's been only a month, but I'm not getting results." "I'm not sponsoring like I thought would happen." "I thought I wasn't suppose to have to lift a finger with this system." It slowly begins as whimpers, then your ear's begin to ring from the shear volume getting louder each day. The virus is speedily spredding, the virus of doubt.

If you want to keep being successful in your business just remember, you are not in anyway shape or form responsible for the success your distributor's may or may not have. It's not your problem. Stay focused and set the example of leading by building your business. Don't let them enter your world and spread their doubt.

The majority of those you sponsor will have no success. The sooner you understand that the better. There's not a darn thing you can do. Once you build a massive team, eighty percent of them will have no success. This is the law of averages and is not your fault this is the way it just is.

The other bunch, that other tewnty percent will follow by your example and get it done. So quickly learn how to cast away the emotions of the other one's. When they continue to complain, don't deal with them anymore until they change their attitude, and let them know about it in a nice way. I reccomend not even answering emails or returning calls from them.

I would never kid anyone about this, and some would think it's rude, but it is not. Do you want anyone to destroy your focus, sabatoge your dreams? Of course not, this would be the last thing anyone would want. So it's important to lead by example, you set the bar and the rules. Don't let the doubtful behavior penetrate into your thoughts and ruin a good thing.

When you start to see who the leaders are in your business, let them know that without competition, there would be no demand for their business. Kill that doubter's attitude as soon as possible, then keep your eye's and ear's open. You can make this a whole lot easier on yourself by using a proven marketing system that everyone can pickup on quickly. Then their is no excuses, only new idea's.

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