วันอังคารที่ 10 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Are BANS Sites Still Capable Of Making Money For Beginners?

By Don Lawson

There was a time not too long ago that a program was created that used eBay auctions as content. All the user had to do was install the program on a webhost, plug in a few category numbers from eBay and the script would automatically. Needless to say, the Build A Niche Store program became an instant hit with Internet Marketers.

During that period time, beginning Internet Marketers as well as seasoned Pro's built multiple BANS sites. Some even went as far as to build huge networks consisting of hundreds of BANS sites. Many of these Marketers were pulling down 5 figures a month with their networks. Even the average Internet Marketer was making more with this program than they had with any other.

Then after about a year or so, a dark cloud came over the Owners of BANS sites. Google suddenly and without warning started delisting BANS sites from their search engine. BANS sites that were once sitting on the front page of Google for profitable keywords were no longer to be found. Some sites went from making 20 thousand a month to nothing as these sites lost their rankings.

As if the Google delisting wasn't bad enough, eBay then started dropping affiliates. Many who survived the Google delisting suddenly lost their affiliate status with eBay. Many people who were making a comfortable income with BANS suddenly found their self without income as eBay would no longer allow them to be affiliates and stopped paying commissions on sales through their sites.

The question now begs, is it even worth to use the BANS program? I think so. But the Affiliate Marketer has to remember that new sites must have quality content. Both eBay and Google want websites that are helpful and useful to the Internet user. Simply throwing hundreds of these sites up with no content is a sure recipe for disaster.

Are there alternatives to the BANS program? Yes there is. Now we have programs that will turn Wordpress into Affiliate sites using eBay auctions as well as a host of other programs that uses eBay to monetize their sites.

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