วันจันทร์ที่ 2 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Food Crafts for Fairs

By Sam Weyland

If there's one thing I'm good at besides my line of work, it's cooking. I've always loved reading my mother's cookbooks, listening to the sizzle of the saut?, and even the mishaps one finds very difficult to avoid. Cooking relaxes me, and nothing beats the feeling that you get when you see the food that you cooked being heartily consumed.

A few days ago, I met up with an old officemate of mine who have since made a living as an entrepreneur. He had remembered how I once cooked the food for an office gathering and he wanted to ask a favor. Basically, he pitched an idea to me about me adding in some food to complement a booth he was going to set up at a fair. His idea was selling cold fruitshakes, which was pretty fun. I was on leave, so I decided I'd give it a try.

But what do you pair with fruitshakes? Most foods will work with them, but what would go well with them in particular? I cracked open the cookbooks in my kitchen, and after a while got to thinking that maybe I bit off a bit more than I could manage. Most of the food ideas dancing around in my head were a bit too unwieldy to be prepared in a fair booth properly. Burgers are easy to work with, but aren't nothing special, really.

Then it came to me: The perfect pairing to my friend's fruitshake idea. Something spicy! Instead of preparing an old burger recipe as was my default plan, I decided to hunt around for my mom's old chili recipe and began preparing that. Then I did one better: I made up the chiliburger!

Of course, it would have been weird if we sold chiliburgers and milkshakes within the same booth, so I then approached my friend with an idea. Instead of selling them in the same booth, perhaps I could set up my own, in close proximity to his? He seemed to like the idea, and pretty soon, I was talking to the event organizers to get my own booth.

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