วันศุกร์ที่ 13 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Get 1st Page Google Ranking in 24 Hrs. Using Keyword Research

By Ron Medlin

Google keyword research is an integral step you must take when beginning the process of building web pages or creating content, if you stand any chance of ranking high in google search engine rankings. Finding good keywords or keyword phrases that have alot of searches but little competition is key to getting ranked high in google organic search results.

Researching keywords using Google's free keyword tool:

If you dont want to buy one of the pay keyword tools you can simply use the Google keyword research tool which is a great tool in itself, it just takes a little more time.

Let's define some terms before moving forward. Keywords can be broken down from very broad terms, "Market Keywords," to slightly more targeted smaller groups, "niche keywords," all the way down to very targeted "micro niche keywords."

As a rule, you generally want to search for the subcategory "niche keywords" or "micro niche keywords" because their is far less competition then with "market keywords," making it much easier to rank on google. For instance, to rank for Network Marketing tips (101,000 sites listed) is way easier then ranking for Network Marketing (11,800,000 sites listed).

To drill down and find these "niche" and "micro niche" keywords, type your "market" keywords into the Google keyword tool and then click get keyword ideas. Sorting by approximate search volume, keywords having over 10,000 of these searches will probably be too competitive. Also don't pay attention to keywords that have much lower then 1,000 searches.

Find the keywords that fit the above criteria, and start typing them into Google with quotations around them. When you find some suitable keywords with less than 50,000 sites listed (less than 150,000 if you know advanced SEO), those are the keywords you want to create your content (Videos, articles, squidoo pages, blog posts, etc.) and websites around. Make sure your content is rich with these particular keywords.

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